Closed Bug 251165 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

F1 on Win/*nix should bring up Help Contents


(SeaMonkey :: Help Viewer, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: steffen.wilberg, Assigned: steffen.wilberg)


(Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0)


(1 file)

Every single windows app uses F1 to bring up Help.
The respective SeaMonkey bug is bug 88739.

Keys to use are VK_F1 and VK_HELP. The latter only works on Mac:

I don't have a Mac, so I hope this is a recent Mac keyboard:
This means that the help key should work without key modifiers.
Assignee: rlk → steffen.wilberg
Help key for Mac, F1 for other platforms.
Attachment #153033 - Flags: review?(rlk)
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0RC1?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0RC1?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0RC1+
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0+
Priority: -- → P3
Comment on attachment 153033 [details] [diff] [review]
patch [checked in: comment 6]

>@@ -58,9 +69,6 @@
>             position="1"
>             accesskey="&helpContents.accesskey;"
>             key="key_openHelp"
>-# Use the Thunderbird content pack if we're building thunderbird. Otherwise use the Firefox content
>-# pack. We should use else instead of elseif to prevent build errors if MOZ_PHOENIX and MOZ_THUNDERBIRD
>-# are not built.

why remove this comment? its still valid here too.

r=me with that comment restored.
Attachment #153033 - Flags: review?(rlk) → review+
Actually, I think the correct help key is cmd+? on mac, see bug 88739, comment #71 .
We're going to try VK_HELP. There's no harm done if it doesn't work, as long as
it doesn't break the menu or displays weird characters.

Again, I don't have a Mac, but the link from comment 1 says for the Help key:
"Help - Brings up the Help index for the application you are working in. If you
are in the Finder this brings up Mac OS help."

I'm not sure about Cmd+?. The above mentioned document says: "Cmd+? to launch
the help menu in the Finder". CCing Aaron.
Checked in br & trunk 2004-07-19 07:14-07:15 (with the comment restored).
-> fixed.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox1.0beta
Tracy, can you test if the Help key on a Mac brings up Help Contents, like F1
does on Windows and *nix, please?
Builds 07/19 and newer.
Help key (or cmd+?) does not open Help on Mac OSX with FF0.9+ build

Comment 5 noted concern about possible menu breakage.  With this build the menu
looks fine.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Steffen, there seem to be a mozdev bug dealing with the same problem: It was fixed in June. But it
doesn't looks like this has been checked in to the FF trunk yet.
Stefan, that must have been the code I replaced. VK_HELP was used before, but
that only exists on Mac, and seems to be broken there when looking at comment 8.
Land it now. DTD changes aren't likely to get easy approval after RC1. 
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0+ → blocking-aviary1.0-
Depends on: 124393
So VK_HELP doesn't work at all. I tried to use Cmd+? but I can't get that to
work either with |key="?" modifiers="control"|. It displays Ctrl+? in the menu,
but it doesn't bring up Help Contents.
(In reply to comment #12)
> So VK_HELP doesn't work at all. I tried to use Cmd+? but I can't get that to
> work either with |key="?" modifiers="control"|. It displays Ctrl+? in the menu,
> but it doesn't bring up Help Contents.

No, VK_HELP doesn't work at all. Maybe the real solution is making VK_HELP work.
From what it looks like to me, it was first created somewhere in bug 88739.

The bug stefan_h noted does checkin the code you posted, so it does not work on
the Mac.
Attachment #153033 - Attachment description: patch → patch [checked in: comment 6]
This might have caused bug 252750, "space goes to help window" (Mac OS X).
could the changes here have caused bug 253603? in that bug, even the menu item
fails to bring up Help Contents (linux and windows trunk).
Bug 252750 will remove the VK_HELP keybinding on Mac for now.
I filed bug 253693 for (re)introducing either VK_HELP or Cmd+? on Mac once the
problems with these are sorted out.

Reducing this bug to Windows/Linux, which is fixed already, see comment 6.
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
No longer depends on: 124393
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: F1 on Win/*nix, Help key on Mac doesn't bring up Help → F1 on Win/*nix should bring up Help Contents
No longer blocks: 250631
Flags: review+
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0PR+
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0-
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Target Milestone: Firefox1.0beta → ---
Product: Toolkit → Seamonkey
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