Closed Bug 256292 Opened 20 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Incorrect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash [@ myspAffixMgr::get_try_string ]


(Core :: Spelling checker, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: robert.strong.bugs, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, testcase, Whiteboard: [ccbr])

Crash Data


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040819 Firefox/0.9.1+
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.2) Gecko/20040819 Firefox/0.9.1+

Selecting the Bulgarian dictionary that is hosted on in either the Mozilla Suite or Thunderbird
causes the application to crash. I have sent an email to dictionaries at mozdev
dot org to let the maintainer know about this issue.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install the Bulgarian dictionary from
2. Start a spell check
3. Select the Bulgarian dictionary

Actual Results:  
The application crashed

Expected Results:  
The application should not crash even if the dictionary cannot be used (e.g.
formatted incorrectly, etc.).

Faulting application mozilla.exe, version 1.7.20040.61609, faulting module
myspell.dll, version 1.7.20040.61609, fault address 0x0000256d.
I verified that this also occurs with:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a3) Gecko/20040817
I did a little investigating and found that the first line of the aff file read
as SET microsoft-cp1251

Changing it to SET cp1251 appears to fix the dictionary. I will see what I can
do about getting the dictionary fixed on mozdev... hope this info helps. is not responsible for extensions hosted on  You should
contact the project mailing list,
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
(In reply to comment #3)
> is not responsible for extensions hosted on  You should
> contact the project mailing list,
I never stated you were responsible for I did ask for
your help in the hopes that you would know who to contact and did state that I
have tried to contact the maintainer using the email of

Also, this bug should not have been marked resolved since setting the charset to
an incorrect value should not crash the application as you would have noticed if
you had read the bug report. It seems as if you think the bug has to do with you
fixing the dictionaries at mozdev... which it does not.

Having said that, I will leave it up to someone else that knows how to resolve
the dictionary issue... please keep in mind that the "Download More: for the
spell checkers in both the Suite and Thunderbird point to the site so the products themselves point to a location
where the dictionary that causes the crash is located.
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Updating subject to be descriptive of the bug
Summary: When the Bulgarian dictionary is selected a crash occurs → Inccorect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash
Try looking at the member list at in
case the mailing list is thinking you're spam.

Now it sounds like a mozilla problem.  Since I don't use Moz or TB, I can't
confirm, though.
Severity: critical → major
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0PR?
Summary: Inccorect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash → Incorrect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash
I sent an email directly to the maintainer and specifically asked for a reply so
as to know whether to try to get that aspect of this issue resolved through a
different method. I also sent one to feedback at mozdev since it appears that
the maintainer is MIA.

I also sent an email to the person who brought this issue to my attention and
asked them to confirm this bug.
The maintainer replied to the email sent to his member's address. I gave him the
info on how to fix this as well as a link to a repackaged version. Since the
original test may not work in the near future I copied the original dictionary
xpi to my server - - and I also changed
the bug URL to this dictionary so the maintainer of can
fix the dictionary that brought this issue to light.
(In reply to comment #8)
> The maintainer replied to the email sent to his member's address. I gave him the
> info on how to fix this as well as a link to a repackaged version. Since the
> original test may not work in the near future I copied the original dictionary
> xpi to my server - - and I also changed
> the bug URL to this dictionary so the maintainer of can
> fix the dictionary that brought this issue to light.

I amso expirienced the same problem. It causes the browser to quit without any messages every single 
time it tries to load the dictionary.
Attached file testcase
Attaching a minimal Bulgarian dictionary xpi - original aff file and only one
word in the dictionary
Adding keyword testcase.

The testcase will install a minimal Bulgarian dictionary with one word in the
dic file that will cause a crash when it is selected in the spell checker. Since
it causes a crash the preference for the dictionary is not save so it will not
prevent spell checking upon restart.

I also sent talkback incident id TB673990Y for this issue.
Keywords: testcase
Keywords: crash
Summary: Incorrect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash → Incorrect charset in dictionary aff file causes a crash [@ myspAffixMgr::get_try_string ]
The Bulgarian dictionary has been updated on by the
maintainer of same.
Comment on attachment 157266 [details]
TalkBack Incident ID TB673990Y

this attachment is useless, please don't attach this kind again. the talkback
data is only useful when it reaches the server and is available from
Attachment #157266 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0PR? → blocking-aviary1.0PR-
Talkback from the testcase
Ever confirmed: true
does testcase still produce crash?

bug 385742 is currently the only other confirmed spell crash
Severity: major → critical
(In reply to comment #17)
> does testcase still produce crash?
> bug 385742 is currently the only other confirmed spell crash
Unzip the xpi, place the bg.aff and bg.dic in your dictionaries directory, open a page with a textarea, and try to spellcheck text in the textarea. Crash still happens.
Report ID: 32e91638-5101-49e0-8912-cb58a2090118
Whiteboard: [ccbr]
Crash Signature: [@ myspAffixMgr::get_try_string ]
Marcoa, can you reproduce?
Flags: needinfo?(marcoagpinto)
@Wayne Mery:
No wonder it crashed, because in the .AFF which I downloaded from Bugzilla above it has:
SET microsoft-cp1251

In TB 38.7.1 it doesn't allow to install the .xpi saying it is damaged.

However, I tried to install the one from:
and it has:
SET windows-1251
in the .AFF and I had no issues with it.
Flags: needinfo?(marcoagpinto)
@Wayne Mery:
It doesn't crash TB 38.

I had the pt_PT speller that came with TB and the Hungarian one which I downloaded from the add-ons page.

I then replaced the new .AFF + .DIC in their folder with the testcase and when I opened TB and created a new message, I type garbage just to test and when I select the Hungarian speller using the top left combobox a window opens with suggestions.

But no crashes.

Does this solve the issue?
Closed: 20 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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