Closed Bug 26146 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

"cancel" and "download all" functionality should work


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: huang, Assigned: sspitzer)



(Whiteboard: PDT+ verified)

Used 02-01-08/09-M14 commercial build for all the platforms: Cancel News Headers download dialog still downloading news headers 1) After subscribe the specific newsgroup. 2) The News headers download dialog displayed 3) Select cancel from this dialog. 4) Actual Results: Still keep downloading news headers. Expected Results: Should dismiss without downloading news headers
Reassign to sspitzer
Assignee: phil → sspitzer
QA Contact: lchiang → huang
on a related note, "download all" doesn't work either. that dialog needs some work.
Main feature tracking bug is bug #16568, which mentioned this problem as part of its latest status. I'm not sure if you want to leave the main feature tracking bug open and track issues in separate bugs, too, or what. Just providing cross- reference here.
Seth, I am thinking that we can close the bug#16568 since the "download headers dialog" already displayed for performing download newsgroup messages....we can just use this bug for tracking the cancel/download allfunctionality did not work yet... how do you think?
marking m14
Target Milestone: M14
Updating the summary to include "download all"...
Summary: Cancel News Headers download dialog still downloading news headers → "cancel" and "download all" functionality should work
For me, "download all" is always selected; it's the "download only N headers" that I can't click on (and cancel doesn't work, already noted).
you can click on the "download N headers" but there are painting issues. if you click on it, and then force a repaint of the window, you'll see that it got selected. that painting bug is linux only, and I'll go log it now.
*** Bug 30336 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
marking this bug beta1, as a duplicate got marked beta1.
Keywords: beta1
*** Bug 30336 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'll start in on this one now, in anticipation of PDT+
What the cheapest way to get out of this? Download all? Disable the dialog?
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO]
I'm really lame. it isn't hard to pass args in and out, I just never bothered to figure it out when originally wrote the code. doing it the right way is pretty low risk. can give me until tomorrow to implement it and get it reviewed. now that I understand how to do it, I can also work with JFD on cleaning up how we pass arguments to the compose window, but that can wait until m15.
that should have read: "can you give me until tomorrow to implement it and get it reviewed?"
after beta, let's work a JS-free way of popping up a dialog with args.
I working on the fix right now, this should not take long. the old, stupid, hacky way: pass through to the dialog a PRUnichar * string of in args (which I build up) and then parse in JS. this stinks, and there is no way to get out parameters, like if the user hit OK or CANCEL. the new way: pass in a nsIDownloadHeaderWindowArgs *. I set all in the args (with the setters for that interface, and the call the getters from js to get them), then set the out parameter setters on the interface, and get the results back when I get back to C++. so far, so good.
it was my impression from the phone call I had with the PDT+ team, that this bug was PDT+. marking it so, since no else has yet.
Whiteboard: [NEED INFO] → PDT+
I've got a fix in hand. seeking review and approval.
Whiteboard: PDT+ → PDT+ (fix in hand!)
fixed. I've got a few items I want to clean up, but they can all wait until after beta.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK for 03-07-09-M15 WinNT commercial build OK for 03-07-09-M15 Linux commercial build OK for 03-07-08-M15 Mac commercial build down all headers & Cancel both work now. Marking as verified.
Whiteboard: PDT+ (fix in hand!) → PDT+ verified
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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