Closed Bug 268198 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Improving firefox's tabbed browsing architecture (not just UI improvements)


(Firefox :: Tabbed Browser, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: mozillabugs.3.maxchee, Assigned: bugs)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041103 Firefox/1.0RC2 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041103 Firefox/1.0RC2 This bug gives some suggestions to how firefox could improve its underlying architecture in tabbed browsing for Firefox 1.1. First of all, I think firefox should implement two modes on the UI level, tabbed browsing mode and traditional browsing mode (aka. new window mode). User just select their preferred mode and the appropriate settings will be selected. This simplies the tabbed browsing preferences in "Options.../Advanced" and make it easier for novice users. On the underlying level, we should implement the following preferences (this option allies to the bookmarks sidebar, the bookmarks toolbar and the bookmarks menu) (this option applies to the history sidebar and the go menu) (this option should also apply to the firefox help system and the extensions manager) (if false is selected, popups will be opened in the current tab) (shift+click and ctrl+click should dod the same thing under this: either they open a new winodw or a new tab) (this option also applies to new window mode. It specifies whether or not the newly opened window will receive focus) I am sure this bug duplicates the ideas of other bugs and some of the ideas had already been implemented. It would be nice if these bugs are cosolidated into one meta bug to be resolved. I believe the proposed changes will make fx's architecture less confusing and will solve the tab browsing problems once and for all. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
This is pretty incoherent, since you're not really explaining why these prefs are necessary. I guess some of them would open a new tab on just a click? That seems pointless when click modifiers work nearly everywhere now, so you can control where things open. There are extensions out there that do some of this already, but something this complex and potentially confusing will not be implemented as a core feature. Note that part of this seems to want to make Shift-Click and Ctrl-Click identical, which ignores the entire point of supporting both. Our current implementation is very powerful and flexible, and doesn't require a large number of preferences. In fact, using key modifiers you have complete control over foreground/background tabs or new windows, without changing any prefs. It just works, instead of requiring 15-20 prefs, which is how we designed it.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Summary: [Meta][Enhancement]Improving firefox's tabbed browsing architecture (not just UI improvements) → Improving firefox's tabbed browsing architecture (not just UI improvements)
First of all, I am sorry for not explaining myself well. The reason for implementing these prefs is because right now, the mouse modifiers are not exactly convinient (especially the shift+click and ctrl+click, they use both keyboard and mouse and are more awkward than middleclicking and drag and drop. Middle clicking is acceptable, except it's not available on all computer, in particular Mac users and clicking on a wheel is not exactly comfortable) Besides, most novice users do not know about middle clicking (according to the Gnome HIG 2.0, the usability team even claimed that most novice users don't even know about context menus, let along middle clicking), the only way for them to truly discover the power of firefox's tabbed browsing is to enable the feature by default (and open new tabs with left clicks). In addition to that, the current shift+clicking, ctrl+clicking and middling clicking behaviour do not fit into the Gnome HIG. Lastly, it seems extensions do not exactly work well with regard to tabbed browsing behaviours. TBE is a very good example: it is makes firefox slow and unstable. The pref suggested here allows users to open new tab/windows (depending on the pref) when they left click their bookmarks/history, type in urlbar/searchbar, when javascript opens a new window or when external program sends in a call. These complex pref are *NOT* implemented on hte UI level. On the Option dialogue, there is only one option: tabbed brwosing (where bookmarks, history, urlbar, searchbar, js call and DDE call will all result a new tab opened) or traditional browsing (IE behaviour: only DDE call and js call results in new window) This should keep novice users from being confused (the options in the advanced tab in the options tab is confusing enough in its present state) As for the mouse modifiers, they are still supported, shift+click and ctrl+click still work the same way as before. However, in this implementation, their importance has been reduced to mere shortcuts (which is what they are supposed to be, shortcuts) Users do not need them to make the most out of the tabbed browsing functionalities, they are used to handle special cases. I hope I have explained myself well, if not, I can further clarify my points. Personally, I think usability should be a priority of firefox, since it is marketed not only toward technical users, but also novice users. So please consider these points carefully. Thank you.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Also, I don't think the complexity of the underlying architecture of firefox has anything to do with UI simplicity. Gnome DE is a very complex set of programs (just look at GConf for the complexity of its prefs.) Yet, the options it reveals to the user are very simple and easy to understand. I am not suggesting that firefox should add 10+ options to the Options dialogue. These settings are supposed to be hidden settings for powerusers, system admins and distro package maintainers.
file individual bugs for individual issues. Filing a long-winded bug is not productive. Also, unless you have some compelling argument that was not in the original report, reopening is improper. So is filing the same bug again.
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
*** Bug 269701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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