Closed Bug 269024 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

default-first-title in uses a variable, where it shouldn't


(Toolkit Graveyard :: Plugin Finder Service, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: atopal, Assigned: doronr)



(Keywords: l12y)


(1 file)

The Title of the Plugin-Finder says: Welcome to the Plugin Finder Service The problem is, that the first part (Welcome to the) is not only used by the Plugin Finder Service. But in german the first part depends on whether the word in the second part (%s) is neutrum, female, or masculine. Please follow the guidelines in:
I am doing it the same what that Firefix's update wizard does. Since I don't see any code explaining what I need to do, please provide a patch or a link to "correct" code.
Can you explain exactly what is wrong? If not, I will mark this invalid.
doron: imagine the following: He welcomes you to his fair She welcomes you to her house you've provided a fixed string "welcomes you" and a wild string <to his fair/to her house> the german localizers are forced to pick either "He welcomes you" or "She welcomes you" (or "It welcomes you"), but in at least half the cases, this is wrong. The bug is real.
I know what the issue is but why is it assigned to me? Sounds like a xul:wizard problem to me
The problem is that the wizard binding wants to generate a friendly caption if the page author has only provided a title. On the mac, the caption is just "Introduction", but the other platforms like to say "Welcome to the Create Profile Wizard" (or whatever the window title happens to be). We obviously can't fix this in the wizard binding because it doesn't know enought about the wizard. Each wizard author has to remember to supply an optional caption for each page, it may be left blank in any given locale if the default caption suffices.
The best solution would be, to use one label for each of the titles, it would cost us only a few bytes and it's also the way to i18n, which we should follow here. So to clear this problem in particular, please change: default-first-title=Welcome to the %S to default-first-title=Welcome to the Plugin Finder Service and create a new lable, if you need something along the lines of "Welcome to the Live Bookmark finder service" or whatever.
Neil's reply was what I was missing from this discussion, thanks. Sounds like something xul:wizard shouldn't be doing :) taking and targetting 1.1.
Blocks: 272704
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox1.1
(In reply to comment #7) >So to clear this problem in particular, please change: > >default-first-title=Welcome to the %S >to >default-first-title=Welcome to the Plugin Finder Service No, we do not want to change the fallback title! We just want to allow localizers to override the fallback title. This has to be done by the author of the instance of the wizard.
(In reply to comment #9) > No, we do not want to change the fallback title! > We just want to allow localizers to override the fallback title. > This has to be done by the author of the instance of the wizard. Neil, reading the l12y page referenced above, providing a default title just because en-US app coders are too lazy to remember that the first page should be "Welcome to foo" is just plain wrong. This is not a feature, it's a bug. See bug 278834, too.
(In reply to comment #10) >This is not a feature, it's a bug. Has anyone actually filed a request for the removal of the default greeting?
Attachment #173661 - Flags: review?(mconners)
Attachment #173661 - Flags: review?(mconners) → review?(mconnor)
I'm a translator and don't know too much about mozilla-development, so nevermind, if it sounds foolish, but why don't you just write: <!ENTITY pluginWizard.firstPage.title "Welcome to the Plugin Finder Service"> instead of: <!ENTITY pluginWizard.title "Plugin Finder Service"> <!ENTITY pluginWizard.firstPage.title "Welcome to the &pluginWizard.title;"> The latter one is almost impossible to translate properly as I already wrote. We use automated tools for the translation process, so that we normally don't see one string below the other.
Comment on attachment 173661 [details] [diff] [review] patch - add a label to the first page Localizers don't have to follow this lead if they don't want to. Its not required to use pluginWizard.title in the firstPage.title string, its just convenient and ensures that changes to the default title will get picked up automatically, instead of duplicating the string.
Attachment #173661 - Flags: review?(mconnor) → review+
checked in.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Product: Toolkit → Toolkit Graveyard
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