Bug 270681
Opened 20 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Implement Undo for text (sig) change from switching identity
(MailNews Core :: Composition, enhancement)
MailNews Core
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: stano, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0
When changing an identity (from account), everything after the signature
delimiter disappears.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. test in a client with more e-mail identities
2. write a mail with signature (dash dash space enter) and some text after the --
3. change the from identity
Actual Results:
Everyhing after the signature (including --) disappears. It is _not_ possivle to
reverse the deletion with undo.
Expected Results:
No change in the compose window
Maybe has something to do with Bug #249419, but I feel that it deserves an own
bugzilla entry :)
OK .. though a bit about it. The thunderbird probably thinks that it has to
switch the signature and as there is none, it deletes the text after the '-- '.
If this is the case, please at least add the undo possibility. Otherwise one bad
click can destroy the whole message just because there is '-- ' somewhere in the
bad place.
I did not explicitely set any signature - these settings are at the default and
I think that default should be _not_ to strip any text (a principle of the least
Comment 2•20 years ago
You're right about the cause of the problem, and that this is somewhat related
to that bug (now duped to bug 218346).
You entered the "-- " manually? Did you intend that to be a sig separator, or
was it just part of your text?
Severity: major → enhancement
Summary: changing from identity deletes text after a signature → Implement Undo for text (sig) change from switching identity
Yes, I entered it manually and it was sort-of intended to be the separator.
Actually the exact sequence was replying to the mail, writing some text above
the reply, entering the signature separator, my name and leaving the old mail
below. Then I switched the identities.
I personally don't like this kind of replies, but that particular recipient
prefers it that way... I understand that it violates the definition of signature
and signature separator, but it is a real-world example...
Comment 4•20 years ago
xref bug 179095
Component: Message Compose Window → MailNews: Composition
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows XP → All
Product: Thunderbird → Core
Hardware: PC → All
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Updated•17 years ago
Assignee: mscott → nobody
QA Contact: composition
Assignee | ||
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Comment 5•14 years ago
If I've gotten the dependencies incorrect, please adjust
Comment 6•9 years ago
it's even worse now. switching identity (in plain text editor) occasional eats random bottom part of a written mail above the signature, even though the signature file is the same for both identities. i registered for the account at bugzilla now, immediately after a two page email i was carefully wording the last hour was halfway deleted upon identity change. it is insane that such a trivial thing is around for so many years. and why is the change of text not pushed into the undo buffer?
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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