Closed Bug 274365 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

More easy way to search Bugzilla - generic Product/Component and Resolution/Status for search by users


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, enhancement)

Not set



Bugzilla 2.20


(Reporter: World, Assigned: gerv)




(1 file)

According to Product/Component restructure, many duplicate bugs on same problem but different product could be closed as DUP. For example, many of Thunderbird bugs could be closed as same problem as mai&news bug because common Product=Core/Component=Mail&News:sub-component was introduced. However, this has caused other duplicate bugs. Many users don't care CORE etc. Many users search Product=Thunderbird instead of Product=Core, if he/she uses Thunderbird. Bug 274237 is an examle. > 274237 : If first line of msg is '--', entire message is detected as a sig and quoting problems are introduced Many DUPed bugs have similar symptom in summary and this bug could be easily found as DUP by reporter himself by searching with summary="sig & --", if and only if Product=CORE is selected. A way of generic search is required for non-developer users. Next is an example of categorization by bug reporter's point of view, instead developer's view. Product-Package-or-Unit: Mozilla Browser or Firefox, Mail&News or Thunderbird, Mozilla Composer or Standalone Composer, and so on Bug-Status: (a) Valid-open(Confirmed, Not fixed yet) (b) Valid-open-or-DUP ((a) or FIXED-DUP) (c) Valid-open-or-DUP-or-fixed ((b) or FIXED-RESOLVED/VERIFIED recently) (d) May-valid-or-DUP-or-fixed ((c), or UNCONFIRMED, or WONTFIX or INVALID recently) On search, above is expanded to appropriate Product/Component or Relution/Status automatically. Categrization in search is different in each search, but predefined categorization will be useful for initial bug search. I think it will be a way to reduce duplicate bugs. (I think (d) in above example is usually required) It can be pre-defined set of saved search initially, and is sufficient for Browser(Firefox and Mozilla) and Mail(Thundeird and Mozilla) only initially, although HTML/JavaScript/ServerSideScript is better as generic search in future. In addition to above, pre-defined bug-list heading should be more kind to users. Since default header is designed for program owner, is it not approprite for initial duplicated bug search(owner name is not needed for user). My customization example is as follows ; ID,Last Changed Date,Resolution,Status,Comp,Summary(full) Although headers can be easily customized, initial setting for non-developer is preferable, because developers have sufficient knowledge on bugzilla but usual users are usually not, and many of users are usual users, bug reporters. Third, some limitation on number of search result is required. If number of hits is very large, it takes very long time in both searching and listing of results. This causes frustration of uers. Result listing of 10,000 is meaningless for users. Reporting hit count only is better if number of hits exceeds a limit. This will also reduce server's workload.
This is a really good idea... I'd been meaning to experiment with something similar to this anyhow, and never got around to actually filing a bug for it. :) So thanks for filing it :)
The "Find a Specific Bug" form is the ideal target for enhancements like this one that make it easier for non-developer users to find specific bugs.
yeah, also the guided bug entry form.
Ever confirmed: true
Many DUPs are beeing procuded because user doesn't search "Product=Core" nor "Product=Toolkit" when user is using Thunderbird. This is same on Firebird too, I think. A kind of guidance is required for searching multiple products at least when Mozilla Application Suite, Firebird, and Thunderbird. I believe this can be a links to search templates in "Find a Specific Bug" panel. Example of better search for Thunderbird problem. (&& is AND condition, || is OR condition) [ Product=Thunderbird || Mozilla Suite || Core || Toolkit ] && [ { /* Open bug */ (Resolutuon = ---) } || { /* DUPed within 1 year */ (Resolutuon = DUP) && (Resolution filed(or any field of bug) is changed within 1 year) } || { /* FIXED within 3 months */ (Resolutuon = FIXED) && (Resolution filed(or any field of bug) is changed within 3 months) } ] && [ Summary contains all of "string-1 string-2 string-3 ...." ]
I don't think anyone thinks this shouldn't be done. It just needs someone to do it. :) CCing Gerv, since he might have ideas how to fit it into the guided bug form.
We could certainly get the guided search to always search Core, Toolkit, PSM, NSPR and NSS as well as the product chosen. That's b.m.o.-specific code, so it's not hard. The more general problem is a bit more tricky. We could certainly hack the "Find A Specific Bug" form on b.m.o. to do a similar thing, but having a generic mechanism requires some UI for defining which products are actually sub-parts of other products. Gerv
"Product=Thunderbird" and "Product=Mozilla Application Suites" have found bug of Prodct=Core too. Is it a feature form initial? Or has Gervase improved "Find a Specific Bug"?
Attached patch Patch v.1Splinter Review
This makes the guided search form search the core products as well. Gerv
Assignee: justdave → gerv
Component: Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues → Creating/Changing Bugs
Product: → Bugzilla
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.20
Version: other → 2.19.2
Attachment #176636 - Flags: review?(myk)
Comment on attachment 176636 [details] [diff] [review] Patch v.1 >+ [% IF product == "Firefox" OR >+ product == "Thunderbird" OR >+ product == "Mozilla Application Suite" OR >+ product == "Camino" %] Nit, per Perl convention: [% IF product == "Firefox" OR product == "Thunderbird" OR product == "Mozilla Application Suite" OR product == "Camino" %] Otherwise good, r=myk
Attachment #176636 - Flags: review?(myk) → review+
Flags: approval?
Flags: approval? → approval+
Fixed. Checking in template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl; /cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl,v <-- create-guided.html.tmpl new revision: 1.25; previous revision: 1.24 done Gerv
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: myk → default-qa
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