Closed Bug 27871 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Redraw problem of My Sidebar after minimizing/restoring window.


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: eric)



(Keywords: platform-parity)

Using 2000-02-15-09m14 commercial build NT 4.0 I don't see this on linux or mac Found while trying to reproduce bug #23657. When you restore a mail window from being minimized, there is a redraw problem with the Title/separator bars in the folder pane/sidebar. These title bars become transparent. 1. Launch to mail window. 2. Open inbox, select a message. 3. Minimize the mail window ("_" in upper right corner of window title bar) 4. Click the minimized icon for the mail window on the win32 task bar. Result: The title bars ("Mail Folders", "My Sidebar") in the folder pane and sidebar areas become transparent. This will last until you hide the mail window with another window and bring to foreground again.
I'm not seeing this. Also using NT4 and 2000-02-15-09
This is happening on esther's machine using win98. If there is a Navigator window behind the mail window, you'll lose the Mail Folders title bar and pick up whatever's behind that area of the mail window. If you don't have Navigator open, the titlebars in folder and sidebar are more apparently transparent.
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
Ok, reassigning to trudelle.
Assignee: phil → trudelle
Keywords: pp
I see this today too, also on Win98. Splitter bug? reassigning to evaughan.
Assignee: trudelle → evaughan
for some reason the views z order is getting messed up or something. Patrick you have any ideas?
Assignee: evaughan → beard
No ideas other than not reflecting correct z-order in CSS. Is that being done? Can this be reproduced in Linux at least?
Assignee: beard → phil
QA Contact: laurel → lchiang
Back to evaughan.
Assignee: phil → evaughan
I get this on WinNT build 2000030317 (M14 talkback-crypto build) also on winNT build 2000030908 (M15 nightly) A good way to reproduce this is to first make sure your sidebar is open. Then minimize all applications. Then restore your mozilla application - you'll see the desktop bleed through the Sidebar title area. Changing title to reflect that this happens to anything with the sidebar open. probably
Summary: Redraw problem after minimizing/restoring mail window. → Redraw problem of My Sidebar after minimizing/restoring window.
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
There is a duplicate logged in browser which is assigned to slamm (bug #28840) ... don't know who'd be the best owner. Someone can decide and possibly mark one of these duplicate of the other.
sidebar - cc: paulmac
*** Bug 31430 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 28840 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 32417 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: --- → M16
*** Bug 32939 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Mass-moving all M16 non-feature bugs to M17, which we now consider to be part of beta2.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
I don't see this anymore, resolving as fixed.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK using 2000-05-11-08m16 commercial build NT 4.0
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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