Open Bug 288150 Opened 20 years ago Updated 17 years ago

Admins should be able to choose who a charting data set runs as


(Bugzilla :: Reporting/Charting, defect)

Not set




(Reporter: gerv, Unassigned)


Currently, a charting data set runs with the permissions of its creator. It
should be possible to choose which account it runs as after the fact, and it
should be possible for that to be someone different from the creator. 

I suggest this is implemented as a new field - "owner" - which can also edit the
data set, and under whose permissions the query is done. When a data set is
created, the creator is by default the owner. Afterwards, the field can be
changed by the creator, the admin or the current owner.
Closely related to bug 257350

Wouldn't it be easier to log in as the "owner" and, as long as the owner has a
certain group membership, permit the owner to make the series public?
Joel: yes, I guess this would deal with your issue. 

Here's the use case. Say Joe creates a chart of all security bugs. Then Joe
stops working on security and his wise company changes his permissions to remove
the ability to see those bugs. Now the charts break, because they run as his user. 

It needs to be possible to have charts run with the privileges of any user, even
a dummy account set up for the purpose with unchanging privileges.

(In reply to comment #2)
> Joel: yes, I guess this would deal with your issue. 
> Here's the use case. Say Joe creates a chart of all security bugs. Then Joe
> stops working on security and his wise company changes his permissions to remove
> the ability to see those bugs. Now the charts break, because they run as his user. 

This could be solved, in the current version of Bugzilla, by changing the creator of the chart to be an 
Assignee: gerv → charting
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