Bug 293117
Opened 20 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
Need silent mass-reassigns of bugs from several Firefox and Core components to default owners
( :: General, defect, P1)
(Reporter: justdave, Assigned: justdave)
"We need to silently reassign all Firefox bugs which are currently assigned to There are approx. 4,000 of them. These should all be
reassigned to the default owner and QA for the component. Any that are marked
as blocking 1.1 should be assigned to mconnor for triage. Ideally, this should
be done in a way which does not bring down bugzilla nor spam everyone into
While doing this, all bugs assigned to in the Core product
also need to be reassigned to the default component owner+qa. (approximately 2000)
All bugs in any products Build Config component with as
the QA need to get changed to the default QA (but leave the owner alone).
Currently this is 143 in the Mozilla App Suite product and 1 in the Core product.
Pending successfuly testing of the scripts against a database backup, this
should all be done sometime in the next few hours.
Assignee | ||
Updated•20 years ago
Priority: -- → P1
i'm not sure i'm covered to catch all such bugs if they flip hands. i'm also not quite sure what we gain
by poking lastdiffed. why not let the change be noticed the next time someone touches a bug? it'd help
me since i'm trying to keep archives of bug activity and this change would otherwise result in a gap in
my records.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #1)
> why not let the change be noticed the next time someone touches a bug?
It'll get caught overnight by the cronjob that sends unsent bugmail whether
anyone touches it or not. :( Otherwise that wasn't a bad idea.
Comment 3•20 years ago
please be sure to reassign the QA for my resolved but unverified bugs as well -
I see 753, not 153. Thanks.
Comment 4•20 years ago
I see this will encompass changing the qa which is great, as there are 800+
where QA is an invalid address of Is there a public list of
default QAs?
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #4)
> Is there a public list of default QAs? then pick a product to view
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•20 years ago
FYI, this was blocked on getting some space freed up on one of the database
servers to be able to restore a backup copy to a separate database to test this
on before running it on the live server. That space got freed up a few days
ago, but I've been dealing with the UMO-related end of the security firedrill
stuff for the 1.0.4 release since then. I should be back on this again shortly
after 1.0.4 is out.
Comment 7•19 years ago
needs to be done also for Jean-Francois ( AFAIK, for mailnews: compososition and possibly others. Hopefully jf will comment here.
Comment 8•19 years ago
Mu contribution those days is mostly limited to code reviews and consulting. Fell free to reassign all my bugs...
Comment 9•19 years ago
also who is listed as QA on many bugs (she is "retired")
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•19 years ago
yeesh, this certainly got dropped on the floor. :(
Do we still need this done? It's been a while, I suspect folks might have given up and just done it by now, but maybe not.
We have cool tricks up our sleeves for doing this now thanks to the stuff we did for the mass unconfirmed resolving last month.
Component: Server Operations → Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues
Comment 11•19 years ago
still legit I think. But many components are listed as - there isn't something better?
(Too bad changes like this affect last modified date - gives the false impression that something signficant happened in the bug)
Comment 12•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #11)
> But many components are listed as -
they may have a watchable QA contact
Comment 13•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #12)
> (In reply to comment #11)
> > But many components are listed as -
> they may have a watchable QA contact
in FF all have a QA
but in core 1/3 don't have a QA - 16 don't, 32 do
Assignee | ||
Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: justdave → justdave
Comment 14•19 years ago
places w/o watchable qa should have bugs in components & keywords filed requesting a watchable qa (suggest one to speed the process, and feel free to file one bug requesting a number of related qas be created at the same time).
justdave: i'm still recovering from the mess gerv made in his bug destruction. i'd much rather we did this 100 bugs every second week (possibly say 10/day) one component at a time until we run out. the result is a negligible amount of bugmail per user per day and people can actually help triage the bugs as they go by.
to help people, we should announce in this bug which component is being changed (when we start working on a component, when we've finished reassigning a component).
Comment 15•18 years ago
Is there still anything to do here? If so, do we care enough to do it? And do we care enough to take the extra effort to avoid the bugspam? is no longer a valid Bugzilla account. has 1138 bugs assigned to it. is QA for 100 bugs.
Comment 16•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #15)
> is no longer a valid Bugzilla account. has been replaced with
Updated•18 years ago
QA Contact: myk → reed
Assignee | ||
Comment 17•17 years ago
If we still want this, reopen it. It's been a year and a half since Gerv asked for clarification and there's been no response.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Updated•14 years ago
Component: Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues → General
Product: →
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