Closed Bug 295373 Opened 20 years ago Closed 17 years ago

UI glitch at the progress bar / page color bleeds into status bar (plugins)


(Camino Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Usul, Unassigned)




(1 file)

In camino 2005052308 (v0.8+); There's a UI glitch when loading a page (see forthcoming attached image). I'm running 10.3.9 at the moment.
This is what happens when some java or flash objects are loaded. This looks very much like the old bug we had where plugin onject would paint over the status bar, as it still draws over the entire status bar and not just the progress bar.
Summary: UI glitch at the throbber → UI glitch at the progress bar (statusbar)
I just saw this (a larger area painted over, actually) when I had a tab trying to connect to an FTP site that was never connecting (just "Loading..." in the status bar, no error msg or timeout or sheet or error page). Visiting Bugzilla and getting it to paint the lock and successfully load the page (completed progress bar) repainted those areas, but the surrounding areas that were blanked out still remain.
*** Bug 300795 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dunno if we can get this for 1.0 or not, but at least giving it a target to play with; I find this as annoying as the the download status in the status bar (bug 293350) which Josh wants for 1.0.
Target Milestone: --- → Camino1.0
I also get an incompletely redrawn area/page bleed around the area where the pop-up blocker displays (even if no popup is present).
*** Bug 305355 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Tweaking summary a bit....
Summary: UI glitch at the progress bar (statusbar) → UI glitch at the progress bar / page color bleeds into status bar (plugins)
Possibly related issue: when going to the top portion of the browser window (directly above the RealPlayer content), including the bookmarks bar, location bar, and toolbar, gets painted in white. More on that here: Is this a separate bug, or is this the same problem manifesting itself differently? cl
Assignee: mikepinkerton → sfraser_bugs
Since we don't know why plugins are doing this yet, moving off.
Target Milestone: Camino1.0 → Camino1.1
Assignee: sfraser_bugs → nobody
QA Contact: plugins
Target Milestone: Camino1.1 → Camino2.0
Could we get some STR and/or a test URL here? I'm not sure how to try to repro this to see if it's still happening in trunk.
FWIW, I used to see this with reasonable frequency, but I haven't seen it in quite some time on branch. STR were something like: 1) View a full-page plug-in, or a full-width plug-in taller than the current windows, or a full-width plugin on a page where you can scroll the plug-in up/down across the status bar. 2) Watch full-page plug-in bleed into status bar on load, or scroll the page with full-width plugin up/down and watch it bleed. PDF Browser Plug-in, QuickTime, and the PangeaVR plug-in ( were common culprits. However, I think it's reasonable to close this WFM, and if anyone sees it again, they can reopen. I can't repro on the dupe URLs or a number of Pangea VR images I just checked.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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