Closed Bug 302273 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Updates to Themes are not shown when checking for all updates


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: jaime.bugzilla, Assigned: robert.strong.bugs)



(Keywords: fixed1.8, Whiteboard: l10n impact)


(1 file)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b4) Gecko/20050726 Firefox/1.0+ ID:2005072606 Install theme which has an update avaliable 1. Open Tools-Options/preferences-Advanced-Update 2. Select check now for updates to Themes and Extensions Actual: Extension manager opens showing avaliable updates No feedback on updates avaliable to themes. Expected The themes manager to open as well if there are updates avaliable to my themes. Opening themes and doing find updates on each theme finds the avaliable updates.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.5?
IMO popping up 2 windows (TM and EM) is a bad UI decision. But I don't know how else this problem could be resolved with the new EM. (I liked the previous all-in-one window better).
(In reply to comment #1) > IMO popping up 2 windows (TM and EM) is a bad UI decision. Agreed, on more careful examination opening the TM after doing the check does show the update status of each theme so this is not really a major issue although it is slightly confusing.
This is potentially made obsolete by bug 299507 (which has no trace of the mentioned button). I probably should have pointed this out to you before, Rob, but it didn't click until I saw this bug.
This has not been made obsolete. [x] Installed extensions & themes [ Check now ] This button still only launches EM window. If popping up 2 windows is a bad DI decision should this be broken out to one button for extensions and one for themes?
Removing request to block 1.5 since the 1.5flags are not being used anymore and requesting to block 1.8b4.
Flags: blocking-aviary1.5? → blocking1.8b4?
we need this and we will probably need to make l10n impact changes
Assignee: nobody → mconnor
Flags: blocking1.8b4? → blocking1.8b4+
Whiteboard: l10n impact
IMO the best solution would be to separate the extensions and themes into different lines, each with their own "Check Now" button. That's probably a little too hard/risky to get done for 1.5, though. So, no matter what we do here, the result will be a little bit of UI-suck. Either we'll get cramped buttons, buttons that don't really line up with the rest of the options for that function, or two windows popping up at the press of a button. Of all of those types of suck, though, I think the two windows popping up is the *least* sucky in that it maintains an uncluttered UI for the pref page which is still discoverable and communicates function clearly. It also means that if we do eventually split out the two update checks in the future, we can easily add in another line to the pref window without a major change to the UI.
I think it is cleaner to just remove the button... this lessens the clutter and the ability to check for updates is already in the extension and theme managers. This would also not have the ui issue of one of the windows being opened on top of the other which will surely happen and be a cause for complaint.
You know, that works too, and I'm quite fine with it. Pruning UI is always preferable to adding :)
Flags: blocking1.8b5+
If this is acceptable then I'll file a followup bug to update the help docs
Attachment #193646 - Flags: review?(mconnor)
Comment on attachment 193646 [details] [diff] [review] remove ext & theme update button from options Yeah, that works too. We don't do enough removing of UI these days.
Attachment #193646 - Flags: review?(mconnor) → review+
Attachment #193646 - Flags: approval1.8b4?
Assignee: mconnor → rob_strong
Attachment #193646 - Flags: approval1.8b4? → approval1.8b4+
Filed bug 305818 for updating the help docs. Fixed on trunk and MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH Checked in on MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH Checking in mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.xul; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.xul,v <-- advanced.xul new revision:; previous revision: done Checking in mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.js; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.js,v <-- advanced.js new revision:; previous revision: done Checking in mozilla/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/preferences/advanced.dtd; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/preferences/advanced.dtd,v <-- advanced.dtd new revision:; previous revision: 1.10 done Checked in on trunk Checking in mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.xul; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.xul,v <-- advanced.xul new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18 done Checking in mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.js; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/components/preferences/advanced.js,v <-- advanced.js new revision: 1.17; previous revision: 1.16 done Checking in mozilla/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/preferences/advanced.dtd; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/locales/en-US/chrome/browser/preferences/advanced.dtd,v <-- advanced.dtd new revision: 1.11; previous revision: 1.10 done
Closed: 19 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.8
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 305818
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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