Closed Bug 31413 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Font prefs do not list cursive and fantasy fonts


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pierre, Assigned: don)




This bug is extracted from bug 28127. The font prefs doesn't allow you to select the font for the 'cursive' and 'fantasy' families defined in CSS.
I have some ideas for the font prefs UI. I'm thinking of splitting it into 2, one that is extremely simple and has a button labelled "Advanced", which takes you to the other panel or dialog that has all of the hard-core user features, including cursive and fantasy. How does this sound so far? Juraj, if you don't mind, I'd like to own this bug. Would you reassign it to me if you agree?
h'm, an Advanced button that opens another dialog could be nifty...! german, your thoughts?
I usually don't like the idea. We end up with interfaces like many applications on Windows that show modal dialogs on top of modal dialogs. It usually demonstrates a lack of ingenuity in the design. Note that we may already have to make a separate modal dialog just for the screen resolution (bug 5599). It would be confusing to stick in there unrelated things and equally bad to have another modal dialog for something else. We have plenty enough space in the font prefs, let's use it first.
add matt to the cc list.
Erik, I also think that separating the font prefs into two categories might be better than trying to make everybody happy with the current design... I'm quite curious to see how the UI will look like in Beta 2 :-)
Assignee: jbetak → erik
What about a dialogue that came up like this: +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | [ Variable Width Font ^] | | [ Western (ISO-8859-1) ^] | | | | Face: Size: | | +--------------------+ [ 10 pt. ] | | |Technical ^| | | |Tempus Sans ITC #| Style: | | |Times New Roman #| +----------------------+ | | |>Trebuchet MS< $| |Bold ^| | | |Tw Cen MT #| |Italic $| | | |TypoUpright ^| |>Roman< ^| | | +--------------------+ +----------------------+ | | | | [ ] Always use the fonts I have chosen, overriding document- | | specific fonts. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | Display Web pages using [ Windows (96 dpi) ^] logical | | resolution. | ... Dropdowns: [ Variable Width Font ^] [ Windows (96 dpi) ^] | Fixed Width Font | | Macintosh (?? dpi) | | -- | | Custom... | | CSS 'serif' | +--------------------+ | CSS 'sans-serif' | | CSS 'monospace' | | CSS 'cursive' | | CSS 'fantasy' | | -- | | Font Substitutions | +----------------------+ This has excellent simplicity for the novice -- they bring it up, it lets them change their default variable width font, and they don't even have to know the other choices exist. But it also gives power users control, and it's extensible as new CSS definitions or other reasons for additional font options arise (plugins?).
I responded to the above in the mozilla.ui newsgroup. Let's continue the discussion there.
jbetak & erik: we can separate the font prefs in two or more categories. We can even take advantage of that new design to throw in some new features like "don't ever show me a font smaller than this" (see bug 30910) or - why not? - some attributes remapping such as "show blink as bold" or "show italic as cursive". All I'm saying is that we should avoid UIs based on separate modal dialogs.
*** Bug 581 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: M16
This bug was originally opened to address cursive and fantasy. Recent discussion on mozilla.ui suggests that we have enough of a consensus that these should not be added to the UI. So I'm marking this bug WONTFIX. A couple of unrelated ideas were mentioned in this bug report, such as BLINK. If anybody wants to pursue those ideas, please open separate bug reports. Do NOT reopen this one, which is reserved for the "cursive/fantasy in UI" issue.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Are there at least hidden prefs for these things that can be used by CSS purists by editing prefs.js?
Erik- I guess we did not read the same messages on the newsgroup because I reached the exact opposite conclusion which is: 1) We are going to put these settings. 2) They won't be hidden in a popup. Reopened.
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
I suggest - leaning towards request - that the Netscape folks have a meeting in person before either closing this bug or make a final decision concerning the UI. We already had plenty of feedback from the newsgroup, it's time to get things moving. Let's do a final draft, submit for an ultimate feedback, ignore the responses and implement that thing. Sounds good?
Both Todd and I agree that cursive and fantasy should not be in the UI. Do you disagree? If so, please speak up in the newsgroup. Thanks!
David, you can see the names of the various prefs here:
Hey everybody, when I wrote "Let's do a final draft, submit for an ultimate feedback, ignore the responses and implement that thing", those who know me will have recognized my usual sarcastic style. And the other ones, I don't care.
Target Milestone: M16 → M15
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Pierre, I'm not going to add cursive and fantasy to the font prefs UI. If you still want to have them added, you may wish to contact, who touched the font prefs most recently.
Assignee: erik → pierre
Reassigned to Ben. Marked beta2.
Assignee: pierre → ben
Keywords: nsbeta2
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
*** Bug 28899 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 28899 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 28899
Re-assigning this to me so it won't be re-opened to Ben.
Assignee: ben → don
Target Milestone: M17 → ---
Closed: 25 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Well, if bug #28899 is not a duplicate of this bug, then this bug must me a duplicate of 28899. Let's not have two of these floating around. Do NOT re-open this bug without consulting me first. Or I will promptly mark it WONTFIX. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 28899 ***
I subscribe to it. Having opened the bug, I'm verifying it dup of the more general one.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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