Closed Bug 324057 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Remove web-developers-* groups/lists


( Graveyard :: Server Operations, task, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: deb, Assigned: justdave)


The web-developers-* mailing lists/groups are ill-informed and should be removed before they attract any traffic.
mozilla.web-developers.css has already gotten a fair bit of traffic. The other three have yet to see a post other than "first post!" type stuff. Where should I direct folks to?
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
(In reply to comment #1) > mozilla.web-developers.css has already gotten a fair bit of traffic. The other > three have yet to see a post other than "first post!" type stuff. > > Where should I direct folks to? Shaver and I are planning on trying to figure that out on Monday. If is not appropriate for CSS discussion, then I'm not sure right now.
(In reply to comment #1) > mozilla.web-developers.css has already gotten a fair bit of traffic. I only see two posts in .css as of right now -- that's not a "fair bit of traffic". What am I missing? If nothing else, we should remove the rest _immediately_, and probably block posting on .css until Monday to keep the problem from getting worse.
OK, I've requested of Giganews to rmgroup mozilla.web-developers.general, mozilla.web-developers.html, and mozilla.web-developers.scripting. I've informed them we also intend to delete mozilla.web-developers.css, but asked that they hang onto it for now until we get a better place to send them since there's already active traffic there.
Can you ask them to block posting, to avoid getting more traffic there? Manually reposting 2 posts is one thing, 50 is an entirely different thing.
We now have to replace mozilla.web-developers.css
mozilla.web-developers.css still exists and is up to 51 messages now. Given that it's now the orphan m.web-developer.* group, could we please redirect those folks to the new group?
Group: mozillaorgconfidential
I just posted a message to mozilla.web-developers.css informing them that the group would be deleted on Friday and asking them to redirect their traffic to
So how do and differ? Just trying to figure out which posts should go where... is being merged into m.d.t.css -- bug 326990
Deb or Shaver or Gerv: there's a followup to the shutdown announcement on which I don't have a good answer to other than refering to this bug. Would one of you be interested in replying to it?
justdave: I replied to the follow-up message in the newsgroup. Gerv
Ticket opened on March 16th with Giganews to have it removed on March 17th. Received reply on March 17th indicated it had been forwarded to the sysadmin, but it came from a different person than usually handles our stuff. The group is still there. I just sent a followup to request status, and CCed our usual contact directly.
Whiteboard: waiting on Giganews
Dave -- Why are web developers being directed to Mozilla development channels? Hasn't one of the major ideas behind the newsgroup reorganization been to give them their own groups so they don't post their how-to questions in Gecko development forums?
(In reply to comment #14) > Dave -- Why are web developers being directed to Mozilla development channels? That's a Deb/Shaver/Gerv question. I'm just following orders. ;)
Giganews says the rmgroup has been pushed. It will probably take a couple hours to get picked up by the user-facing servers.
(In reply to comment #16) > Giganews says the rmgroup has been pushed. It will probably take a couple > hours to get picked up by the user-facing servers. it's live. took 16 hours after they pushed it for some reason, but it made it finally. I still have to nuke the mailing list.
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: waiting on Giganews → waiting on list removal
fantasai: to answer your question, it seems that the thinking has changed, and that all the questions on a topic should go in the same group. The rationale is that this is the way that users become developers... Both choices have their pros and cons (along with proponents and detractors). But right now, I'm focussing on the massive improvements in project communication, as seen in, for example. And if complaints arrive, I'll worry about them then :-) Gerv
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: waiting on list removal
These are now "gone" from Google Groups as well. This is what they should have done from the begining with all of our groups. :)
Product: → Graveyard
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