Bug 326990
Opened 19 years ago
Closed 19 years ago
Newsgroup merges
( :: Discussion Forums, task, P1)
Discussion Forums
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: gerv, Assigned: justdave)
It has been suggested that the following newsgroups be closed and discussion be merged into other groups.
Existing Group Discussion Moves To
-------------- ------------------- -> tech.css
tech.widget -> platform
tech.xslt -> tech.xml
tech.xpinstall -> platform
This is to try and avoid fragmenting communities.
This bug tracks that work, but it should NOT be performed until denizens of those groups have had a chance to comment. I will post the bug number in each to allow them to do so.
Comment 2•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #0)
> It has been suggested that the following newsgroups be closed and discussion be
> merged into other groups.
> Existing Group Discussion Moves To
> tech.xslt -> tech.xml
Why do you want to keep tech.xforms and tech.svg but merge tech.xslt with the generic tech.xml?
XSLT is an application of XML, much like XForms is and SVG is. If XForms deserves its own group then I think XSLT does so too.
Comment 3•19 years ago
XPInstall maybe almost invisible by now, but it's still there and shouldn't be drowned in very unrelated stuff. -> DONTMERGE ;-)
I don't mind the rest.
Comment 4•19 years ago
It doesn't matter whether it's a "separate technology"... unifying discussion is to be preferred in general unless the volume of discussion on a particular topic is so great that it would annoy/overwhelm discussion on other topics. In this case history shows that the volume of discussion on XSLT or XPInstall is not large enough to warrant a segregated discussion.
Comment 5•19 years ago
Further, while XForms and SVG are applications of XML, XSLT can be used with _any_ XML dialect or vocabulary, making it of interest to many who are working with XML in the general case.
Comment 6•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #5)
> XSLT can be used with
> _any_ XML dialect or vocabulary, making it of interest to many who are working
> with XML in the general case.
XForms too can be used with any XML dialect or vocubalary, you can edit any XML (dialect or vocabulary) by making it the instance data.
I think it is easier to follow and focus on issues related to XSLT if there is an own group for XSLT.
Comment 7•19 years ago
Regarding it might be too specific but on the other hand most discussions have been focussed, which I always saw as a plus.
I'm ok with merging tech.xslt into tech.xml. Both groups are very low traffic and i'm worried that they're going to die compleatly unless the traffic goes up a bit.
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Comment 9•19 years ago
timeless: you'll need to be more specific than "at least tentatively".
karsten: why do you think that discussing "xpinstall" stuff in "platform" would make it disappear more? If they were separate, would you subscribe to xpinstall but not to platform?
Comment 10•19 years ago
> why do you think that discussing "xpinstall" stuff in "platform" would
> make it disappear more?
It's likely to drown among the other traffic. npm.xpinstall was very focused, despite the very low traffic.
> If they were separate, would you subscribe to xpinstall but not to platform?
Yes, kind of. I do not usually read all groups I'm subsribed to, only those that I'm highly interested in (like .xpinstall); I keep a lot of groups for occasional and infrequent reading only (like .platform).
Assignee | ||
Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
Component: Server Operations → Server Operations Projects
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Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: justdave → gerv
Component: Server Operations Projects → Newsgroups
QA Contact: justin → justdave
I'm all for the style and widget merge.
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Comment 12•19 years ago
We need to resolve this before things get entrenched.
server-ops team: can you please close the, tech.widget and tech.xslt groups, with notices saying where discussion has moved to? After a week or so, they can be deleted.
As some people want to keep .xpinstall, we'll do that.
Assignee: gerv → server-ops
I'm not sure closing .xslt was agreed on. So far there is one vote for (me) and one against (peterv)
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Comment 14•19 years ago
Well, I bought Shaver's logical argument in comment #5.
<shrug> OK, leave .xslt where it is for now, unless further views emerge on one side or the other. Let's just get the uncontroversial ones done.
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #12)
> server-ops team: can you please close the, tech.widget and tech.xslt
> groups, with notices saying where discussion has moved to? After a week or so,
> they can be deleted.
Where are those discussions moving to?
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
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Comment 16•19 years ago
justdave: it says in comment #0 :-)
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Comment 17•19 years ago
OK, message posted. Move date set for Wednesday March 22.
Whiteboard: move pending - target date Wednesday, March 22, 2006
I didn't even know dev-tech-css existed; it's not on , and it doesn't parallel any preexisting lists.
I wonder whether it would be better to merge both into dev-tech-layout; I never understood pierre's argument for wanting it separate, although I suppose the -css name might give people who don't know what they're looking for more of a clue than either -style or -layout. So I suppose the current plan is OK.
Comment 19•19 years ago
Shouldn't have a link to It references, but isn't that the place where the old mailing lists live, or maybe just the ones that are no mirrors of the newsgroups?
Assignee | ||
Comment 20•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #19)
> Shouldn't have a link to
> It references, but isn't that the place
> where the old mailing lists live, or maybe just the ones that are no mirrors of
> the newsgroups?
Yeah, that's correct. no longer contains lists that are mirrored to newsgroups, those are all on now.
Comment 21•19 years ago
dbaron -- by that logic, we should be deleting .layout in favor of .css
(IMO we should be doing the opposite.)
Comment 22•19 years ago
Dave, your post in .xpinstall reads
"It was decided on the above bug that will not be
closed, but the rest of the above list will be carried out on
Wednesday, March 22."
What about Gervs comment #12?
> As some people want to keep .xpinstall, we'll do that.
Assignee | ||
Comment 23•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #22)
> What about Gervs comment #12?
Hmm, good point. Good thing I'm behind and haven't actually done it yet. It'd be nice if people could do a summary of the desired action on the bug again when they reassign it to me ;)
Assignee | ||
Updated•19 years ago
Priority: -- → P1
Whiteboard: move pending - target date Wednesday, March 22, 2006 → move pending - target date Friday, March 24, 2006
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Comment 24•19 years ago
Summary: close and tech.widget.
Assignee | ||
Comment 25•19 years ago
ticket opened with Giganews
Whiteboard: move pending - target date Friday, March 24, 2006 → waiting for Giganews
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Comment 26•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #25)
> ticket opened with Giganews
Giganews says these two groups will go away on Monday.
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Comment 27•19 years ago
(In reply to comment #26)
> Giganews says these two groups will go away on Monday.
And they're gone.
I'm still working on moving subscriptions, will close this when that's done.
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Updated•19 years ago
Whiteboard: waiting for Giganews
Assignee | ||
Comment 28•19 years ago
OK, the remaining mailing lists are gone finally.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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