Closed Bug 324347 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Bookmarks confuses left click with right click when "o" is pressed


(Firefox :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: xenosa, Unassigned)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5

When a Bookmarks Folder is expanded in the Bookmarks Toolbar Folder using the left click function, and the letter "o" is pressed to jump to a bookmark beginning with the letter "o", the command "Open in Tabs" is executed instead, which is supposed to be found only when a right click is executed.
This bug only happens with bookmarks starting with the letter "o" as bookmarks starting with any letter are successfully highlighted when hitting the first letter of the bookmark.
Bug also happens in the "Bookmarks" command bar but only when a folder is expanded upon. Seems like the bookmarks are confused between right click and left click when the letter "o" is pressed.
Bug also happens when 

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Create a folder in the Bookmarks Toolbar Folder or create a folder in the Bookmarks Command Toolbar
2.Add a bookmark that begins with the letter "o" in the "Name" field, along with bookmarks that begin with other letters
3.Expand the bookmark folder by left clicking
4.Hit the "o" key in an attempt to have bookmarks beginning with the letter "o" highlighted

Actual Results:  
The command "Open in Tabs" is executed which is supposed to happen only when right click is performed and the letter "o" is pressed and not left click with letter "o" pressed. As such, all bookmarks in a folder will be opened when the letter "o" is pressed regardless of whether right click or left click is performed.

Expected Results:  
All bookmarks in the folder will be opened (i.e. "Open in Tabs Command is executed), which is supposed to happen only when "o" is pressed in right click and not left click. Instead, bookmarks beginning with the letter "o" in the "Name" field should be highlighted as with Bookmarks beginning with other letters are highlighted when the letter that they begin with is pressed.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 279135 ***
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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