Closed Bug 325502 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Linux XForms served to Windows Firefox 1.5


( Graveyard :: Developer Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: doronr, Assigned: morgamic)




Windows Firefox 1.5 is getting the linux XForms XPI served, same for MacOSX Firefox.
Blocks: 326555
mconnor says that addons does not really handle XPIs for different OS'es with the same GUID.

Option 1) Fix this bug

Option 2) Create unique GUIDs for each OS

Option 3) Create one package with binaries for all OS'es

I prefer option 1 :)
2) is a hideous option and should be avoided if at all possible

3) is feasible, though it has the potential to bloat the XPI significantly (how much native code does the xforms extension have?)
(In reply to comment #2)
> 2) is a hideous option and should be avoided if at all possible
> 3) is feasible, though it has the potential to bloat the XPI significantly (how
> much native code does the xforms extension have?)

Most of the code is native, very little is xbl.
See also bug 325577 and bug 326421    	
*** Bug 326421 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The database has a one-to-many relationship between main and version that could be used to convey the multiple xpi-per-main-entry nature of this extension.

That said, what we're really looking at is some changes in two places:
    a) double check that additem.php properly allows the entery of multiple rows in version per OS
    b) modify the public listings to stop the OS detection crap and just list the available .XPI's

We'd then see three download links, and the user could choose, but in this case although it complicates the user interface it's probably for the best -- because of two reasons:
    a) beFor example, we'd see:
Linux (42KB)
Windows (56KB)
Mac OSX (55KB)tter to err on the side of more information than less (or wrong info)
    b) AMO v2.0 will be cached
    c) people are actually used to having to choose what OS -- they do it all the time!

So a modified extension page that shows more information about OS compatibility (as well as a grid for application compatibility) would probably be the best solution in my mind.  Would you guys agree?
Damn you, mouse-wheel-paste!

Well, that looked messed up but it's readable.  :)
Listing all available xpis for that version is fine.  Very few extensions will probably be like this (though I do suggest putting windows on top since that will be the most used one).
(In reply to comment #8)
> I do suggest putting windows on top since that will be the most used one
Sad but true... :'(

We've done a lot to simplify by only listing the correct download, and having a link to "Other Operating Systems" to show all available versions.  I don't see why we wouldn't do the same for AMO.  Yes, it is more work, but we need to do it so Mac users don't have to mentally filter out Windows-only extensions, etc.
Isn't this bug about extension update, not the AMO UI?
Not that I know of.  I the URI also points to moreinfo.php, so afaik it's about the extension page not showing the correct OS.

Mike - Would you suggest we use Javascript to parse the URI and display a single choice, and in the absence of Javascript show all options like does? I guess that would be easy enough to do, actually.
(In reply to comment #11)
> Isn't this bug about extension update, not the AMO UI?

Actually I thought it was the same problem, if this is only UI, we need another bug I guess.
So this sort of died. We'll release our next version quite soon, what can we do?
Blocks: 326556
The update script shouldn't be broken -- are you seeing people updating a Linux build that accidentally migrate to Windows???

It's not the same problem at all.  The update script listens to client requests when people go to update, or when people upgrade firefox and it runs through installed extensions to check for compatibility.

If people are upgrading xforms and get an XPI for a completely different platform, then that is news to me, and that's a pretty serious problem.

As for the UI, the JavaScript thread is the long-term solution.  The compat table solution is the better short-term solution, and that will be released before with the rest of the addons rewrite.
(In reply to comment #15)
> The update script shouldn't be broken -- are you seeing people updating a
> Linux build that accidentally migrate to Windows???

I am saying that I actually do not know. One of the problems is that we've had lots of problems the Linux XPI, and trying to reupload the 0.3 XPI has failed multiple times... so it's hard for us to figure out what goes wrong.
> As for the UI, the JavaScript thread is the long-term solution.  The compat
> table solution is the better short-term solution, and that will be released
> before with the rest of the addons rewrite.

As long as the user gets a link to his own OS on the frontpage, I'm happy. Would be nice if it was the only link, but that's a luxury issue :)
Alright, I understand.  So it's apparent that fixing AMO's shortfall is the right thing to do.  That has a couple steps:
a) create JS to parse UA, then display the right link
b) verify the update script works correctly when updating a platform-specific addon

We'll add these two things to the v2 list, and update here when we've finished working on it.  ETA is ~1 week.

What issues were the upload form giving you?  Anything specific we can look at?  (yes, it sucks, but I need more to go on).

Sound like a plan?
> What issues were the upload form giving you?  Anything specific we can look at?
>  (yes, it sucks, but I need more to go on).

I tried to delete the 0.3 Linux XForms xpi and got an error that the deleting failed, but the entry was removed.  I then reuploaded a new 0.3 linux, which was approved, yet it turns out the old one is still being served.

The plan does sound good though, thanks!
(In reply to comment #17)
> Alright, I understand.  So it's apparent that fixing AMO's shortfall is the
> right thing to do.  That has a couple steps:
> a) create JS to parse UA, then display the right link

It seems to work just fine now afaik. Thanks!

> b) verify the update script works correctly when updating a platform-specific
> addon

We still experience some weirdness during some updates, but I'm not sure that amo is to blame for that. But a verification would still be nice :)

The only thing not working is the history which gives you "random" OS versions of the XPI.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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