Closed Bug 326352 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Lightning 0.1 release notes


(Calendar :: Lightning Only, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dmosedale, Assigned: dmosedale)




(Whiteboard: [ETA 3/4])

We need to get the Lightning 0.1 release notes page up and populated before we can ship 0.1.
I think we should set <em:homepageURL> in Lightning install.rdf to point to the release note page if it is created.
I've drafted a basic release notes page, which I've linked to from the URL field in this bug. Things that we still need: * a "Known Issues" page that has short summaries of and links to important issue bugs at a finer granularity than that page * links that direct people what to do if they think they've found a bug, or if they want to contribute
Also, we need to link to the various "data-loss" instances on the top-level rel-notes page to the appropriate section of the "known issues" page.
As a follow-up from bug 315051, we need a note about the unexpected alarm-firing behavior that may happen if someone moves an event that has a previously dismissed alarm on it. For clarity: (1) Create event with alarm. (2) Alarm fires and the user presses 'Dismiss' (or closes the window). (3) User moves event. (4) Alarm may or may not re-fire.
Whiteboard: [ETA 2/27]
Bug 328197 revealed that there are several problems regarding tasks/todos with recurrence rules. As a consequence this feature will not be available in 0.1.
Whiteboard: [ETA 2/27] → [ETA 2/28]
Whiteboard: [ETA 2/28] → [ETA 2/29]
Whiteboard: [ETA 2/29] → [ETA 3/1]
Whiteboard: [ETA 3/1] → [ETA 3/2]
Whiteboard: [ETA 3/2] → [ETA 3/4]
Final tweaks to the relnotes have been made, including adding links to discussion forums and Bugzilla.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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