Closed Bug 331686 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Fixing errors in Readme.txt files for SeaMonkey


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

1.8 Branch
Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: unghost, Assigned: unghost)


(Keywords: fixed-seamonkey1.0.3, fixed-seamonkey1.1a)


(1 file, 3 obsolete files)

While translating Readme.txt for SeaMonkey, I stumbled upon few errors. Patch is following.
Attached patch Fix errors in Readme.txt files (obsolete) — Splinter Review
1) Replace "" with "" 2) Replace "double-click the SeaMonkey program icon on your machine to begin the Setup program." with "double-click the installer file icon on your machine to begin the Setup program." (AFAIK installer doesn't have SeaMonkey icon) 3) Fix few spelling mistakes.
Attachment #216200 - Flags: review?
Attachment #216200 - Flags: review? → review?(neil)
Assignee: general → als
Comment on attachment 216200 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files locales -> KaiRo > To select the Modern theme after you have installed SeaMonkey, from the >- Navigator browser, open the View menu, and then open then open the >- Apply Theme submenu and choose Modern. >+ Navigator browser, open the View menu, and then open the Apply Theme >+ submenu and choose Modern. Should this include the word Navigator? Also I think ", and then open" is bad grammar and should read just ", then" or "and then". >- name) to download tt to your machine. By default, the download >- file is downloaded to your desktop. >+ name) to download it to your machine. By default, the download file >+ is downloaded to your desktop. "the download file is downloaded"? I think "the file is downloaded" suffices.
Attachment #216200 - Flags: review?(neil) → review?(kairo)
Fix errors in Readme.txt files (addressing Neil's comments) BTW, I noticed that there are some more differences between Readme.txt and Release notes. For example Windows' system requirements in Release Notes is "Windows 95*, 98, 98SE, Windows Me, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003", but in Readme.txt just "Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 or XP"; Linux system requirements in Readme.txt mention "Libstdc++ 2.9.0" (it's missing in Release Notes); Linux and Windows: 100 MB of free hard disk space in Release Notes, but just 26MB free hard disk space in Readme.txt etc. etc. Would you like me to fix this? I just want to know what version is right - Readme.txt or Release Notes.
Attachment #216200 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #216418 - Flags: review?(kairo)
Attachment #216200 - Flags: review?(kairo)
Bah, sorry. Missed one file.
Attachment #216418 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #216420 - Flags: review?(kairo)
Attachment #216418 - Flags: review?(kairo)
Comment on attachment 216420 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files v.2 (addressing Neil's comments) >Index: suite/locales/en-US/installer/unix/README >=================================================================== >+To select the Modern theme after you have installed SeaMonkey, from the browser, open the View menu, then open the Apply Theme submenu and choose Modern. Please have the extra space before "browser" in this line removed before checking the patch in. r=me
Attachment #216420 - Flags: review?(kairo) → review+
Patch for checking Robert/Neil, could you please check it in?
Attachment #216420 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Checked in. Thanks for spotting that! Checking in suite/locales/en-US/installer/mac/README.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/suite/locales/en-US/installer/mac/README.txt,v <-- README.txt new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done Checking in suite/locales/en-US/installer/os2/README.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/suite/locales/en-US/installer/os2/README.txt,v <-- README.txt new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done Checking in suite/locales/en-US/installer/unix/README; /cvsroot/mozilla/suite/locales/en-US/installer/unix/README,v <-- README new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done Checking in suite/locales/en-US/installer/windows/README.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/suite/locales/en-US/installer/windows/README.txt,v <-- README.txt new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1 done
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 216420 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files v.2 (addressing Neil's comments) Requesting checking for branches. It's a very simple patch and I don't see any risk with it.
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.1a?
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.1?
Comment on attachment 216420 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files v.2 (addressing Neil's comments) a=me for 1.1, will check this in as soon as I come around to it. 1.0.1 is done already (on the source side), so minusing for that, but a=me for 1.0.2 - still need another Council memebr to agree for plussing there...
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.1a?
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.1a+
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.2?
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.1?
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.1-
Checked in for SeaMonkey 1.1 as well.
Comment on attachment 216420 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files v.2 (addressing Neil's comments) The tree is already frozen for Gecko / SeaMonkey 1.0.2, and this is not critical, so it can't make it any more. Re-nominate for 1.0.3 if it's still wanted (and once the flag for it exists), please.
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.2? → approval-seamonkey1.0.2-
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.3?
Comment on attachment 216420 [details] [diff] [review] Fix errors in Readme.txt files v.2 (addressing Neil's comments) first-a=me for 1.0.3
Attachment #216420 - Flags: approval-seamonkey1.0.3? → approval-seamonkey1.0.3+
Robert/Chris, could you please check it in MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH?
committed to MOZILLA_1_8_0_BRANCH for SM 1.0.3
Whiteboard: fixed-seamonkey1.0.3
Whiteboard: fixed-seamonkey1.0.3
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