Closed Bug 344710 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Thunderbird GA-IE Crashes when entering IMAP password [@ nsCRT::strlen]


(Mozilla Localizations :: Other, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marcia, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash, verified1.8.0.5)

Crash Data


(2 files)

Seen using Tbird (20060706). Both Juan and I see this on Intel Mac. On Windows I don't get the crash but it won't accept my valid password.


1. Download the GA-IE build from the candidates directory.
2. Click on your IMAP account to check your mail and enter your mail.
3. Immediate crash.

On Windows I don't get any errors in the JS console. Apple Crash report forthcoming.
Summary: Thunderbird Crashes on Mac when entering IMAP password → Thunderbird GA-IE Crashes when entering IMAP password
Attached file Apple crash report
adding axel to this bug and nominating.
Flags: blocking1.8.0.5?
Flags: blocking1.8.0.5? → blocking1.8.0.5+
Related to Bug #334691 ? 
Summary: Thunderbird GA-IE Crashes when entering IMAP password → Thunderbird GA-IE Crashes when entering IMAP password [@ nsCRT::strlen]
I went through all of the strings that can be used by nsImapProtocol::ShowProgress (via nsImapProtocol::SetProgressString and the ga-IE translations for those strings all had the right number of %S / %lu's. 

For reference I looked at:


The strings are located:
The windows build crashes for me too and brings up talkback. Similar stack trace.


This bug is a dupe of Bug #334691 which kept us from releasing ga-IE for The stack traces are identical, and it looks like that bug never got fixed.
Depends on: 334691
We're crashing in a home-grown strlen on a "while (*s++ != 0)" -- seems like the only way to crash there is to either be passed a bogus pointer in the first place, or a non-terminated one that increments until we trigger an access violation.

The line calling that is the cvt_S() dealing with the %S replacement -- apparently that is not a string.

Now one interesting thing is that the order of replacements here is different, "%lu %lu %S" instead of "%S %lu %lu" in the other languages I looked at. printf() certainly doesn't let you do that, and would generally crash -- ah ha!

The replacement variables need to use the "re-ordering" syntax: "%2$lu %3$lu %1$S" (or %3$lu %2$lu if they reorder the meaning of those as well).

The number in 'n$' is the index into the argument array, which is compiled into the source and will have the same ordering in all languages. When a translation reorders things they *MUST* specify which argument they intend in the original order.

Not sure what happens if some placeholders have an index and some don't, I don't recommend trying to mix the styles.
I've been able to reproduce this in the debugger with a ga-IE build. The string in question is:

This string has 3 format variables: a %S followed by a %lu and another %lu.

ga-IE looks like:

Ceannt\u00E1sc %lu as %lu \u00E1 \u00EDoslucht\u00FA \u00F3 %S

en-us looks like:
%S Downloading message header %lu of %lu

It looks like we are crashing while trying to format a number as a string because the variable order has changed in the localization.

I see a couple locales that re-arrange the order of these variables. But those locales end up numbering the variables. i.e. mk which does:
%2$lu %3$lu %1$lu

I think if you change the order of the parameters you need to number them like this example.

I've noticed there are other strings in this file where the %S was moved after the %lu as well. So we'd need to fix more than just this one string in the localization. 
err this is pretty much the same conclusion Dan came up with earlier. :)
> Not sure what happens if some placeholders have an index and some don't, I
> don't recommend trying to mix the styles.

In the same string, I meant.

Thanks for the debugging help everyone.  I'm attaching a patch that adds the
reordering to the two offending strings in
I grepped for other possible problems and didn't find anything.

I'm not sure which approval flag I need to set for the 1.8.0 branch.

In any case, I assume I can apply the same patch to 1.8 and trunk
(when the trees reopen) without additional approval?
Comment on attachment 229365 [details] [diff] [review]
reordering variables in

r=me for the fix itself, requesting approval, as that is the release this bug is blocking.

Please land this on trunk and 1.8 branch as soon as the trees open.
Attachment #229365 - Flags: review+
Attachment #229365 - Flags: approval1.8.0.5?
Comment on attachment 229365 [details] [diff] [review]
reordering variables in

approved for 1.8.0 branch, a=jay for drivers.  

Please check in asap.
Attachment #229365 - Flags: approval1.8.0.5? → approval1.8.0.5+
(In reply to comment #13)
> Please check in asap. 

Checked into 1.8.0 branch.
This was checked into the 1.8.0 branch (dunno about other places so I'll leave it open in general).
Keywords: fixed1.8.0.5
(In reply to comment #15)
> This was checked into the 1.8.0 branch (dunno about other places so I'll leave
> it open in general).

Also checked in to 1.8 branch and the trunk earlier today. 

I tried verifying this fix, but I am not able to reproduce the crash on Mac Intel with either rc3 or rc4 (20060719 build).  Checking IMAP mail prompts me for my password, I enter it (tried both checking the "remember" checkbox and leaving it unchecked), and my mail account works as expected.

Juan or Marcia:  Can you try to reproduce this again and see if the crash has gone  away with the latest rc4 builds?
Jay, your imap account needs to have new mail in it, and then you'll be able to reproduce the crash. cheers.
Ahh... thanks Scott!  I sent myself new mail and after starting rc3 I got a crashed waiting for my IMAP mail to download.  It didn't have anything to do with entering my pw. ;-)
No crash with rc4.  v.fixed with "leagan (20060719)"
I tested this as well, I don't see any crash on the Intel Mac in the QA lab. Double verification can't hurt :). Resolving this as fixed to get it off the radar.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Crash Signature: [@ nsCRT::strlen]
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