Closed Bug 348104 Opened 19 years ago Closed 18 years ago

sl Search Feature Tracking for Firefox 2


(Mozilla Localizations :: sl / Slovene, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chofmann, Assigned: aleksr_si)



(Whiteboard: BD is good to go with najdi and (were in FF1.5))

tracking bug to make sure we get things on the list below working correctly for each locale: Full Default Search partner list/order. primary/secondary search selection behavior Search codes. Search Suggests enable/disable for locales where available or not
Assignee: nobody → aleksr_si
Component: Other → sl-SI / Slovene
QA Contact: aleksr_si
Adding on to bug 265249, we propose to include the following search plugins in Firefox 2.0: - Google - Yahoo! - (most popular Slovene search engine) - (search engine of the Government's web pages and documents) We don't intend to ship the Slowwwenia engine any more, as the owners of the website complained about the plugin we had shipped previously (even though they were its original authors) and were rather rude about the situation, so we assume they don't want a plugin included at all. Because the bookmarks have changed to exclude all quicksearches, do you think it would make sense to include a search engine for SSKJ, which is the definitive dictionary of Slovene standard language, as a replacement for the en-US
Summary: sl-SL Search Feature Tracking for Firefox 2 → sl-SI Search Feature Tracking for Firefox 2
Whiteboard: bizdev-approval request najdi,
Hi, replacing en.US dictionary with SSKJ sounds like a good idea - do you/we have a contact at SSKJ to ensure they are ok with us doing this? also - do we/you have contacts at and and have you been in touch with them recently such that they know we will be shipping with them in the next release? Thanks Mic and the government web team have both agreed before to our shipping their search plugins. I have just sent an e-mail to each to make sure the agreement still stands, and I've also contacted the SSKJ maintainers to see if they're OK with the idea. I was just going through the en-US search plugins, and I notice that is no longer shipped, so I suppose SSKJ will act more as a partial replacement for However, as includes English Wikipedia contents, perhaps a search plugin for the Slovene version of Wikipedia should also be included. I'm not sure though - maybe there are too many plugins as it is? Provided the content owners agree, we'd have: - Google - Yahoo - - - SSKJ - Wikipedia That's 6 plugins, which is the same number as in en-US, BUT we're not including any plugins corresponding to or eBay. I don't think there's a feasible local site corresponding to (there are lots of online shops, but they're much more specialised than Amazon); I suppose we could include a plugin for an eBay-like website such as (their motto literally translated is 'flea market on the internet') - but I'm not sure it'd be that useful to most people. What do you think?
to clarify, are you thinking that the wikipedia link will be pointed at "Wikipedije" , or does that not make sense?
for what it's worth, your search engine list seems like a good and diverse set of engine's that cover the typical user search needs. (and assuming Chris Hoffman's comment reflects the wikipedia version you're thinking of). as i don't have strong local market knowledge as of yet i can't offer specific commentary on, let me do a bit more research on this and think about an appropriate amazon-like provider in your market. we can work on this towards later releases of FF. best regards/mic
OK, wonderful. :) And yes, I meant Shall I prepare the two new search plugins (SSKJ and Wikipedia) and upload them here for approval, or do I just check them in to CVS?
per comment #2 - do we have permission and/or acknowledgement from those providers we want to add like SSKJ to do so. If we do, then great, if we don't we need that first. basically, we need permission/acknowledgement from all new (relative to 1.5) additions before we ship. hope that helps. best/mic
I realise we need permission first, I was just curious about the remainder of the procedure once (if?) we get the permission. :) I've already got replies from and, and they've both confirmed that we can continue to ship their plugins. (Shall I add their replies to this bug for reference? They're in Slovene, though, so I doubt most people here would understand them!) However, the webmaster thinks that we should change the plugin filename to gov-si.xml (at the moment it's sigov-gov-si.xml). This was originally changed due to bug 316525 (from sigov), evidently so the name was more likely to have been unique. Perhaps gov-si doesn't satisfy that criterion? I suppose it could also be iskalnik-gov-si as per the URL. Is it OK to rename it?
(In reply to comment #8) > I realise we need permission first, I was just curious about the remainder of > the procedure once (if?) we get the permission. :) You could attach a patch and request review from me, if you want to make sure that the technical implementation works. I'll likely do some level of review anyway, even if you just land the plugins. Of course, you should test them first. > I've already got replies from and, and they've both confirmed > that we can continue to ship their plugins. > (Shall I add their replies to this bug for reference? They're in Slovene, > though, so I doubt most people here would understand them!) I wonder if you could get a comment on English to forward to Mic. Otherwise, it'd probably be good enough for you to give a short translation of the message. > However, the webmaster thinks that we should change the plugin filename > to gov-si.xml (at the moment it's sigov-gov-si.xml). This was originally > changed due to bug 316525 (from sigov), evidently so the name was more likely > to have been unique. Perhaps gov-si doesn't satisfy that criterion? I suppose > it could also be iskalnik-gov-si as per the URL. > Is it OK to rename it? I guess I'd prefer iskalnik-gov-si as per URL. Where did 'sigov' come from initially? Doesn't really matter, just curious.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: sl-SI Search Feature Tracking for Firefox 2 → sl Search Feature Tracking for Firefox 2
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.8final
Whiteboard: bizdev-approval request najdi, → [needs-mic]bizdev-approval request najdi,
note to all: this has been reviewed for FF2 from BD and is good to go for najdi and thanks mic
Whiteboard: [needs-mic]bizdev-approval request najdi, → BD is good to go with najdi and (were in FF1.5)
> I wonder if you could get a comment on English to forward to Mic. Otherwise, > it'd probably be good enough for you to give a short translation of the > message. From "Spoštovani, z veseljem damo dovoljenje. Spremembe niso potrebne. Ali lahko tudi mi uporabimo iskalnik - npr. za objavo na naših straneh za pomoč uporabnikom? Lep pozdrav, *Rok Zorko* Urednik" -- roughly: "We are glad to give permission. No changes to the plugin are needed. May we also use the plugin - for example to publish it on our user help pages?" From the government: "Spoštovani! Dogovor oz. prošnja za vključitev seveda še vedno velja. Če se ne motim, je ta iskalnik že vključen v slovensko različico brskalnika Firefox (mislim, da od verzije 1.1.x dalje). Z verzijo 2.x naj se vsekakor ohrani. Glede kode mislim da ni potrebna nobena sprememba. Prosil bi le za spremembo imena datoteke. Ustrezno bo gov-si.xml. Če vas prav razumem, stari plugin, ki je na voljo na strani, v verziji 2.x ne bo več deloval. Kako objaviti novega (ki ne bo temeljil na Sherlock sistemu)? Na omenjeni spletni strani to trenutno ni možno. Tudi vam hvala za odgovore in lep pozdrav, Miha Kalita Ministrstvo za javno upravo Direktorat za e-upravo in upravne procese" -- roughly, the first line states: "The agreement for inclusion of course still holds." (The rest are just a few questions to clarify a few things.) > I guess I'd prefer iskalnik-gov-si as per URL. Where did 'sigov' come from > initially? Doesn't really matter, just curious. The official website of the government is, but then apparently all ministries and similar have websites at (In fact is the same page as, but the latter comes up first on Google.) I'm afraid that I haven't received any replies from the maintainers of the online version of SSKJ; I suppose that means we can't include the dictionary. Thanks, Mic, for the review of & What about Wikipedia - do we need specific permission for the sl locale? I've noticed that a lot of other locales ship Wikipedia search plugins, so I assume some permission has already been obtained, and we probably don't need a separate one here?
Yes, let's push out SSKJ until we have their OK. We don't need a special OK on wikipedia, we have a carte blanche there already. I see the plugins najdi and, and of course the site owners can redistribute those under any of the three licenses we use for our repository (and which I assume our search plugins to be under), that is, MPL, GPL, or LGPL. Add wikipedia, and rename the plugin file. Make sure that list.txt is updated, too.
Blocks: fx20-sl
OK, I think this is all done. (I hope it's OK for me to close the bug? I'm not sure what the proper procedure is I'm afraid!)
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Yes, this is fixed, verifying the functionality on a nightly build would be good, still.
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