Closed Bug 354498 Opened 18 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[Tracking bug] Localize in-product pages for Firefox 2


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Assigned: pascalc)




(44 files, 16 obsolete files)

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Details | Diff | Splinter Review
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: review-
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This bug will be used as a tracking bug for the localization of the in-product pages located on server. The objective is to have sets of localized pages for all the languages we will have Firefox 2 version for, that is around 40 languages for the initial release date. Localizers can downbload the zip archive co,ntaining instructions and pages to translate from this bug. Thay can also attach the archive of their translation to this bug once it is done(indicate the target language in the comments).
Attached file Archive of the files to translate (obsolete) —
Here is a zip archive of the files to translate needed on for the Firefox 2 launch. A FAQ is included into the archive, please read it before starting the translation. Thanks.
Assignee: nobody → pascalc
Ccing beltzner and cbeard.
Comments: Generally, wouldn't relative links have been easier? I haven't seen a page yet that consistently links to, most go to directly, one link actually goes to (about/index.html) We expose the "current" dictionary at a few places, should we do this less specific for languages that actually ship a dictionary? What about languages for which we don't have a dictionary extension online, and likely won't have in the near future? about/index.html links to about/contact.html, which exists on, but not on /en-US/about/contact.html, and is not part of the zip. Is there a bug to add the Paris and Tokyo offices? central/index.html, comment to localizers, with the upcoming addons3 (remora), the dictionary link should be able to add the 'right' dictionary as highlighted extension for the user, so no need to change that link dramatically. community/index.html, MDC is for developer documentation only, not for end-user documentation. RFE, could we allow regional links to join and help the translation? customize/index.html, oh, links are right on this one. ;-) firstrun/index.html, search for wwww. help/index.html, similar problem to contact.html, where should the /en-US/support/ link go to? whatsnew/index.html, seems to be OK. Those are my comments, I didn't look into too much detail in terms of content, just at the structure and completeness of things.
#3 Links are correct, they point to the *future* structure of not the *current* structure. Anyway, if necessary changing them globally wouldn't take more than 15 minutes with a good text editor if needs be and since I will check all pages I get back, any potential problem in this field will be fixed on my end both locally and on the staging server before publishing. The contact page is not going to be localized for the release, there is nobody to answer emails in 40 languages, we will redirect people to the English page and probably the international affiliates contact pages until we decide what to do about mail management in the long term. link to MDC -> title says "For the More Technically-Oriented", we also have a technical audience, as long as it is clearly stated, I don't see any problem linking to this portal. I am in favor of putting links to localization groups (which are as technical as the MDC of course :) ), these links are welcome. Spellchecking is an important Firefox new feature and I think many people will want more than their own llanguage dictionnary (multilingual countries, students, people speaking foreign languages, workplace...).
Japan is working on this presently.
Localisation of the web pages into Slovene (sl). I hope it's OK that I've added a few comments to the vocabulary.txt file - I'm not sure how certain strings are going to be used. I've also changed the format for localised links (because I only want to include one link, hence using a list is silly) and the dictionary link in whatsnew (to make it consistent with the addons link). Hopefully that's all right.
(In reply to comment #3) > Generally, wouldn't relative links have been easier? I haven't seen a page yet Relative links also make things much easier to test in staging environments.
Thanks Aleks, the Slovene archive is perfect and the comments are appreciated :) Once we get enough language packs, we will show the localizers their translation on a staging server for feedback. David, yes, relative urls are better, but we can easily change them from static to relative once we get all the locales back, I don't want to do a new version of the archive just for that, it wouldn't make us gain time.
Attached is the Hebrew localization of the en-US inproduct_pages. Please keep in mind that we'll need some kind of direction:rtl in order to make it Right-To-Left.
Attached file German translation (obsolete) —
The german translation is ready for review. They can also be accessed online at:
>Tomer, we take that into account, as indicated in the fact, the RTL dir attribute will be added server-side for languages that need it. >Daniel, I have revised your files, just updated a few URLs to replace the en-US substrinbs by de, and removed a couple of comments. FYI, I am putting copies of the locales done here:
(In reply to comment #11) > Daniel, I have revised your files, just updated a few URLs to replace > the en-US substrinbs by de, and removed a couple of comments. Thanks. According to your "README-localizationFAQ" file and the bug comments here, it wasn't clear that I should also change the html-stuff. Please give us some hints on this for the next translation.
This is a small update of the archive files to fix 2 html errors (one on about/ and one on help/). Translations already submitted (de,es-ES,mn,sl,he) have been updated to apply this fix. If you haven't started the translation yet, please start from this updated archive. If you have already started the translation, just tell that you used the initial version of the archive when you submit it.
Attachment #240318 - Attachment is obsolete: true
(the initial files were used)
I've seen in few places, for example in about\index.html links like Should it be "www" instead "wwww" or it's intentional?
Attached file inproduct_pages in Danish (obsolete) —
Danish translation of the pages based on the initial attachment from 2006-09-27 08:01 PDT. I was not sure what to do with the HTML, therefore i left is untouched.
Archive with (small html fix) is used as template.
#15 It is intentional I am going to look at the Greek, Danish and Russian pages and put them online, thanks :)
(In reply to comment #13) > Created an attachment (id=240812) [edit] > Archive of the files to translate (small html fix) > > This is a small update of the archive files to fix 2 html errors (one on about/ > and one on help/). ... > Pascal, can you please show us these fixes? We downloaded the first copy, translated it and haven't sent yet.
#19 There are 2 fixes : in about/ : the 4th paragraph wasn't closed : and <a href=""> Paris</a>.</p> And in /help, the self closing tag was on <html> instead of <meta> : <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
Kostas, could you resend the vocabulary.txt file with the format indicated in the FAQ ? ( We need the english string with a ';' before its Greek translation without a ';' Thanks
Frisian translation of pages
Attachment #240913 - Flags: review?
Fixed Greek vocabulary.txt
On "Central" and "Help" pages, it's said that help is available through Help > Firefox Help. While he was doing proofreading, Yavuz Kaynar from our localisation team noticed us that help is under Firefox menu on Macintosh.
(In reply to comment #27) Not on my Mac. The help contents are under help, only the "About Mozilla Firefox" moves under the Firefox menu on Mac.
Attached file New danish archive
I updated the Danish translation based on feedback from Danish team. It is still based on the initial English version without the html fix. When will we be able to see the new site on stage? I cannot fully translate many strings in vocabulary.txt because i don't know what the strings are used for.
Attachment #240818 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Jesper, the vocabulary.txt file is not going to be used by the in-products pages, they will be used by future pages and are more or less what you have in the main.lang file in Mozilla Europe. So, these strings are helping us working on the next version of, but they are not directly needed by the pages you translated. As soon as we have news about the staging server where the in-products pages can be seen, I'll put a message in
(In reply to comment #30) > Jesper, the vocabulary.txt file is not going to be used by the in-products > pages, they will be used by future pages and are more or less what you have in > the main.lang file in Mozilla Europe. > > So, these strings are helping us working on the next version of, > but they are not directly needed by the pages you translated. As soon as we > have news about the staging server where the in-products pages can be seen, > I'll put a message in > The strings are required for the menus and the few strings in the footer (like "contact us") - so they are definitely needed for this round of translations. I'll look into the staging server...
thanks wil :)
Our Japanese translation is coming soon. I noticed that the Mozilla China office (Beijing) was not mentioned in About Mozilla page. "Mozilla is headquartered in... with regional offices in Tokyo and Paris." Are you OK with this?
Attached file Japanese translation
Here's the Japanese translation files. Thanks.
Attached file Italian localization
First version with manual html fixes
(In reply to comment #27) > On "Central" and "Help" pages, it's said that help is available through Help > > Firefox Help. It's actually "Help Contents" on Windows and Linux and "Firefox Help" on the Mac.
Attached file Polish version
Polish translation, done by me (about, central, vocabulary) and Stanislaw Malolepszy (all the rest). I put the Windowsish-Linuxish name for the Help option and put the Mac name in a HTML comment inside "central" and "help". If we're going to use the CSS magic for showing the right menu item name to Mac users, uncomment it and tag it as required, please. This has been based on the initial version, but I ported Pascal's fixes from comment 20 to it.
When should the final translations be finished and checked in?
#38 ideally before the 13th of October
I have put up a status page for the pt-PT localization so that anyone can keep track of our progress. The page can be found here:
For those interested in following the general progress, here is the status page I put online to follow the translations: (18 languages done in a week) And here is the page for languages not done yet: (22 languages pending)
Attached file updated English archive to localize (obsolete) —
Here is an update on the archive with 4 strings added to vocabulary.txt, it also includes html and link updates and includes an updated FAQ. All the locales already submitted have been updated to include the html fixes and link changes, you will find them here : If your locale is already one of the up to dates one above, you just have to update the vocabulary.txt file, an example for russian: (new strings appended at the end) Note that you can download an updated version of your archive with the html and link fixes, there is a zip archive in each sub folder, example : If you are already working on an older version of the archives, just tell me so when you submit it, I will apply the fixes from the latest version to the html myself.
Attachment #240812 - Attachment is obsolete: true
A quick note to explain the new trings : "press area" is the mozilla europe equivalent to the "press center" we have in but simpler, without subsections. In French, both string would be probably translated as "press access", so don't try to make it 2 different translations because there are such nuances in English, use what is the most common in menu items for the Press section for your language. "switch language" will be used to indicate the language switcher. "navigation" and "skip navigation links" are accessibility page links allowing to jump the main content for non visual browsers (like braille or text to speech browser).
Attached the update of the Danish vocabulary.txt file. pascalc: in your comment you wrote "skip navigation links". This is not what is in the file. There is says "skip to Navigation".
Attached file Polish vocabulary.txt
Added the new strings and changed one of the previous ones ("Press center"). I kept the empty line before ";Navigation", though I'm not sure if it's correct.
@Pascal: "Skip to Navigation" should be intended as "Skip to content" (in other words "Skip Navigation"? Where "Navigation" string will be used?
the firstrun/ folder was missing from the on the website. Is it attended?
Attachment #240677 - Attachment is obsolete: true
This is update of the Russian vocabulary.txt file.
francesco, we have the same links in Mozilla Europe, if you deactive the stylesheet to visit the site in text mode you'll see it : So for Italian it would be 'Area di navigazione' I have updated all the archives online with the updated vocabulary.txt, Tomer sorry about the missing folder, it's fixed now.
Attached file Updated italian vocabulary.txt (obsolete) —
Thanks Pascal, I didn't think to look at Mozilla Europe's site ;-)
Attached file Updated Turkish vocabulary.txt (obsolete) —
Attached file Arabic Translation
Contains .html and vocabulary for Arabic (ar).
Ayman,the latest strings are missing from your vocabulary.txt and you didn't include the contributors.txt file, could you send them ? thanks
Updated vocabulary.txt for Arabic (ar)
Here are the files, thanks for your quick reply. If you need anything else please let me know. And I'll keep an eye on the mailinglist and this bug.
Attached file [en-GB] localisation
Attached file Swedish localization
Updated all german pages. Additional vocabulary.txt entries included.
Attachment #240692 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Thanks to everyone that has sent in translations. If you sent a contributors.txt file to pascalc, you should have gotten an email last night with your LDAP login and password. The staging server (behind an LDAP login) is setup and available now. The pages you translated are available at (substitute your language code for $lang): https://$$lang/firefox/2.0/firstrun https://$$lang/firefox/2.0/whatsnew https://$$lang/firefox/central https://$$lang/firefox/help https://$$lang/firefox/customize https://$$lang/firefox/community https://$$lang/firefox/about https://$$lang/firefox/contact Please verify: - All the page contents you translated are correct (context, encoding, links work, etc.) - The titles of the pages are correct (some weren't translated, and I just left them that way) - The strings in the menu at the top of the pages are correct (I think a couple text files weren't encoded in utf-8, and messed up these strings ) - If applicable, the text direction is correct - Mouse over your language/locale at the bottom of the screen - a little yellow box should show up with the name of the language in it. I think I got them right, but please double check. - For those of you who haven't filled in the additional vocabulary words, please do so (including the %Y-%m-%d at the bottom - this is your date format). The most up to date list for your language is available at: https://$ Two more things: 1) This is up to date as of about the 11th - if you submitted your translation after that, it might not be on the site yet. 2) The CSS on the in-product pages is kind of butchered right now. We've just got the new designs, and sgarrity will be redoing them with the new css shortly. The content should still be accurate though. Thanks again to all who have contributed. :)
Just two things: * contact page is missing in the en-US package attached to this bug, so we don't have the original to translate https://$$lang/firefox/contact * most of the internal links seem to be broken. For example: in this page there's a link to community page that redirects to a place holder instead of the right page. Links in the top menu redirect to en-US pages. Another question: how are we supposed to update pages? Do we have to wait for SVN account or attach new files to this bug?
(In reply to comment #64) > If you sent a contributors.txt file to pascalc, you should have gotten an email > last night with your LDAP login and password. What is our LDAP username? I tried email address but it not seems to work. Is it also meant for CVS/SVN access to update translation, or we need to continue updating this page with corrections?
(In reply to comment #65) > Just two things: > > * contact page is missing in the en-US package attached to this bug, so we > don't have the original to translate > https://$$lang/firefox/contact Whoops - my mistake. Contact was on the original list, but was never given to you all, so it won't be there. Ignore that page. :) > * most of the internal links seem to be broken. For example: in this page > there's a link to community > page that redirects to a place > holder instead of the right > page. > Links in the top menu redirect to en-US pages. Any page that goes to (instead of being a relative link) is probably not going to work right now, since is still the old (non-localized) site, and this is still being staged. It would be best if those links were relative (eg. href="/it/firefox/about") and then they would work. > Another question: how are we supposed to update pages? Do we have to wait for > SVN account or attach new files to this bug? There is another bug to get you all SVN accounts with commit access, but I want to wait on pascal's input before I send you all there, since I think he'll have step-by-step instructions that will be easy to follow. If you have a simple patch, you're welcome to attach it here and I can apply it, otherwise I expect you'll have SVN accounts within the next few days.
(In reply to comment #66) > What is our LDAP username? I tried email address but it not seems to work. > It should be the complete email address that the email was sent to. If it still doesn't work, you should file an IT bug here: > Is it also meant for CVS/SVN access to update translation, or we need to > continue updating this page with corrections? I'm waiting for pascal's input on this, but I can say that SVN accounts are in the works, and they are not active yet.
Date format added. View in UTF-8.
Attachment #241638 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Well, pl doesn't have the date format in main.lang (there wasn't one in the original file as well), but if the default is what is in the comment (";%Y-%m-%d") then it's OK.
Attached file pt-BR files
Comment #69: Comment #70: Comment #71: Thanks, I've merged in the date formats. I also added the following languages to the site: pt-BR pt-PT zh-CN zh-TW Thanks
(In reply to comment #64) > Thanks to everyone that has sent in translations. > > If you sent a contributors.txt file to pascalc, you should have gotten an email > last night with your LDAP login and password. I'm a contributor for ko locale. But, I didn't get LDAP login and password. Please give me again to
several people haven't received it yet, some messages sent from mozilla IT were probably considered as spam by mail providers. If you haven't received your message and are contributing to l10n, please tell us.
Attachment #241602 - Attachment is obsolete: true
(In reply to comment #75) > several people haven't received it yet, some messages sent from mozilla IT were > probably considered as spam by mail providers. If you haven't received your > message and are contributing to l10n, please tell us. > I haven't received the LDAP message yet either. (pt-PT localizer)
(In reply to comment #75) Hi, I didn't receive the LDAP Account message neither Regards
(In reply to comment #75) > If you haven't received your message and are contributing to l10n, > please tell us. I am a contributor for sv-SE and I haven't received any message with login details.
(In reply to comment #75) I didn't, either.
For Slovene (sl), the added vocabulary items are **** 16. 10. 2006 NEW STRINGS TO TRANSLATE BELOW**** ;Navigation Navigacija ;skip to Navigation pojdi na navigacijo ;switch language zamenjaj jezik ;Back to home page nazaj na doma&#269;o stran ;Press area Tiskovno središ&#269;e Also, in whatsnew/index.html, could you change the phrase 'Na doma&#269;o strani' into 'Na doma&#269;o stran'? Thanks.
In addition, it needs to fix footer links of snippets in startup page in Google and Yahoo! Most of them linked Refer to Bug 350143.
Assignee: pascalc → nobody
Just to be sure that this problem is visible (I already wrote to the mailing list). Community page in IT is totally different from the others (different html markup?) and messed up For example "ar" and "ko" have the same problem, while others are ok (de, fr, el, en-GB for example). In this bug I can't find changes to justify a similar difference.
(In reply to comment #83) tr has the same problem as Francesco pointed out on community page
Sorry for the comment-spam but I forgot to mention another problem: en-US uses an image for the title in the "whatsnew" page, while other languages use normal text. As you can see the right part of the first line of text is quite unreadable, hidden by the color of the logo in background; I think that this problem affects most of the locales (if not all of them).
Hi, I noticed several issues related to Arabic (ar): * It looks like page titles were truncated at some point, most of them are missing a character or two. * Headers are overlapping with their background images as a result of setting page direction to RTL. To solve this, page headers need to be flipped horizontally. Is this feasible? * There are a couple of typos I want to correct, should I attach patches or wait for SVN accounts? Thanks.
Patches are welcome, I'm not gonna speak for anybody to be able to check them in, but we can only do that if we have some. You should be able to create patches against, via in particular.
Thanks for the heads up on the community pages - about half the locales were delayed for about 6 hours. They should all be the new design now.
I have noticed a couple of problems on the pt-PT pages. /firstrun/index.html: - The page layout is a bit different from the en-US layout. The en-US header is an image whereas the pt-PT one is clear text of a much smaller size. - There is no "Go to my home page" button - Does it make sense to display the dictionary options when the pt-PT version of Firefox 2.0 is shipping with them by default? /whatsnew/index.html: - Same header problem as above - pt-PT layout isn't being displayed correctly; the dictionary field is outside of the main area. Also, the layout itself looks different. None of the other pages seems to have been published yet.
Mostly like Arabic (comment 86), the Hebrew pages are also broken with design issues.
For all questions and comments related to the website design and not pure localization, please use which is easier to follow (threading of messages). Joao, I am on the "go to my home page" bug now, as for the dictionnary, the files you translated had a comment saying that the dictionnary link was only to be translated for languages that didn't ship with a dictionnary :) All pt-PT pages are on stage.
Oh, whoops; sorry about that. What I understood from that note was that the content below the note would only be used if the dictionary were not to be bundled along with the localized version of Firefox. My bad. Should I update the pages and submit them again or will you do that yourself on the files you already have over there? (In reply to comment #91) > Joao, I am on the "go to my home page" bug now, as for the dictionnary, the > files you translated had a comment saying that the dictionnary link was only to > be translated for languages that didn't ship with a dictionnary :) All pt-PT > pages are on stage.
Pascal, Axel, isn't possible to have the dictionary link in the first run page pointing to the specific extension (e.g. Italian dictionary) instead of the dictionary category? When a dictionary isn't updated frequently, it goes in depth of the category and is hard to find for a newbie. Another problem is that dictionary extensions hasn't a standardized title, and this make the experience of finding the right dictionary like a puzzle. This could be easily resolved using a redirect to the dictionary (to get rid from extensions AMO id). Other dictionaries can be found by the user clicking on Dictionary button in the left menu. Another easy solution could be to include an index of all dictionaries in the top of the category, so a user can go directly to the dictionary without browsing various pages. Thank you
Supposedly, addons should be able to display the right dictionnary based on HTTP_ACCEPT_LANG headers, I am asking for confirmation that it will work as intended and if not, I'll see if we can put direct links instead.
(In reply to comment #95) > Supposedly, addons should be able to display the right dictionnary based on > HTTP_ACCEPT_LANG headers, I am asking for confirmation that it will work as > intended and if not, I'll see if we can put direct links instead. > All -- please do not change the dictionary links in your in-product pages. When we push the new addons web site live today, links to https://{locale}{locale}/firefox/2.0/dictionaries/ will call the appropriate language version of the dictionary for download, rather than displaying all dictionary extensions as is the current case.
Added Belarussian translate
Almost all ja-JP-mac in-product pages are 404 not found. for example. ja-JP-mac pages must exist with same contents as ja, or be redirected to ja. Otherwise, ja-JP-mac users are confused.
(In reply to comment #98) > Almost all ja-JP-mac in-product pages are 404 not found. > for example. > > ja-JP-mac pages must exist with same contents as ja, > or be redirected to ja. > Otherwise, ja-JP-mac users are confused. > Mozilla Japan team has fixed these pages, which will be updated when we push the new web site live for this afternoon.
Attached file sq translation files
[+] The file " README_-_ MSG_FROM_LOCALIZERS.txt " [=] Is added are made change: as the page for belarus has http: // also values <html xmlns = " http: // " xml:lang = "by" lang = "by">->>>> <html xmlns = " http: // " xml:lang = "be" lang = "be"> [+] Are corrected small discrepancies in translation
Attachment #243361 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment 241570 [details] contain updated Hebrew translation while the site contain older version from attachment 240677 [details], which marked as obsolete. See here: (The newer version has C++&lrm; instead of just C++)
(In reply to comment #101) > Update Belarussian translation of pages Full Fixed Belarusian, not Belarussian! > [+] Are corrected small discrepancies in translation There're still too much flaws and mistakes, even on start page. I'll fix this and post the patch, ok?
Depends on: 358756
Attached patch Patch against en-GB for en-AU (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I'm working on starting an Australian English localisation - see bug 359547. I checked out the en-GB pages from SVN, and made the adjustments required. I'm uploading a diff instead of a zip since it's smaller and locally I have all the .svn directories aswell. I have SVN access so I can easily check this in once it has been approved. It doesn't look like requesting review is the done thing here, heh.
Fixed an error in contributors.txt. A few items of note: The files I checked out of SVN differ significantly from those in attachment 241493 [details] - eg. the header html isn't included, which means I can't change the <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> to en-AU as is recommended in the FAQ. I also removed the section for "Mozilla in Australia" because there isn't an Australian Mozilla community.. we tend to fit in with others because we speak English. Is that okay? Maybe I can add something in at a later date.
Attachment #244740 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment 102 is one month old today, and still not fully resolved. Can you upload the fixed translation to the server?
(In reply to comment #106) > Comment 102 is one month old today, and still not fully resolved. Can you > upload the fixed translation to the server? Localizers should have access to the Subversion repository to make changes themselves. If you are a localizer and you do not have access, you need to contact Pascal Chevrel <> about getting an account set up. :)
Assignee: nobody → pascalc
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
While this bug is fixed now what happens with the support page? AFAIS this page is redirected to english content for every language.
Attached file In-product pages, updated archive (obsolete) —
I am attaching to this bug the current state of files to be translated for the Firefox in-product pages. There is NOTHING to do if you already have in-product pages on the public server, this archive is for new languages being added to the already supported locales. There is no content change, the only change is that the files use the final HTML markup on the public server (changes already applied on existing locales). If you are working on a new locale for Firefox and are likely to have a 2.0.0.x, this is the file to translate (and please contact me about it, either by email to or on IRC in the #l10n channel. Welcome to all the new localizers ! :)
Attachment #241493 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #260145 - Attachment mime type: application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml → application/zip
Attached file in product pages, updated archive (obsolete) —
This is the updated files for the in-product pages to translate for any new Firefox localization (only HTML markup changes since last version)
Attachment #260145 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #240913 - Flags: review?
Reopening for new locales in landing phase: Malayalam (ml) Bengali (bn-IN) Serbian (sr) Hindi (hi-IN) Ukrainian (uk) Tamil (ta)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Pascal, I´ve done that almost a year ago, October 25th 2006, see the attachments on top of the page for sq. The locale for Albanian should be "sq", being that the one used for all the hell of Mozilla localizations.
Attached file update for sq pages
Updated sq files to follow the new markup.
Attached file update for sq pages
Updated sq files to follow the new markup.
Blocks: 387541
Attached file in-product files for fa-IR (obsolete) —
Many thanks to pedram.
Attachment #278764 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #278764 - Attachment mime type: application/zip → text/plain
Attachment #278764 - Attachment is patch: false
Attachment #278764 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → application/zip
Attachment #278764 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file Latvian (lv) localization strings (obsolete) —
Latvian (lv) localization strings Some notes: firefox/help/index.html and firefox/central/index.html: "Help" menu and select "Firefox Help". there is no "Firefox help" in Help menu..
(In reply to comment #119) > firefox/help/index.html and firefox/central/index.html: "Help" menu and select > "Firefox Help". there is no "Firefox help" in Help menu.. In fact, there is a "Firefox Help" item in the Help menu - on the Mac.
Updated Bulgarian [bg] translation in revision 7208. Includes some improvements and comparison with
Attachment #282994 - Flags: review? → review-
Attachment #282406 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #282994 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #284291 - Flags: review-
Attached file Firefox in-product pages for bn_IN (obsolete) —
Attaching the Translated Firefox in-product pages for bn_IN
(In reply to comment #122) > Updated Bulgarian [bg] translation in revision 7208. Includes some improvements > and comparison with When this change is committed, will all new installations use instead of 2.0/firstrun/index.html?
the firstrun page is copied into a new 2.0.0.x folder with each new release so your changes will be copied to this new version.
New version of the Firefox in-product pages for bn_IN with some typo-fixes pointed out by Pascal
Attachment #284639 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Archive of Telugu (te) in-product pages
This is super old, and I doubt it's active (but I could be wrong!) Should we resolve fixed?
yes, we no longer have 2.0 as a supported version.
Closed: 18 years ago15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to comment #132) > yes, we no longer have 2.0 as a supported version. Marking as verified fixed
Component: →
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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