Open Bug 355159 Opened 18 years ago Updated 2 years ago

hangs when playing a custom sound at end of download


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect, P5)

1.8 Branch




(Reporter: reast, Unassigned)


when another application is using audio, TB UI can hang, presumably trying to acquire a lock.

My system is a Dell m70 with Fedora 5 and all recent updates.

To repro the problem:
1) start RealPlayer and make it play something for a while,
2) open TB, Edit/Prefs, General tab.  Check "Play a sound" then click "Advanced" and select "Custom .wav file".  I browsed and selected /usr/share/sounds/email.wav
3) all ok so far, now click the "Preview Sound" button, TB immediately hangs.
Which version of Thunderbird are you using? (20060913)

[root@gumnut ~]# rpm -q thunderbird
[root@gumnut ~]#
Note that there's never a problem, provided I don't try to run 
RealPlayer or XMMS (may be other players as well - haven't tried 'em).  In that case, I can get TB to play the .wav no problem.

But if I run the player, then try to get TB to play the .wav, TB hangs 
immediately.  If I then stop the player and close it, TB remains hung. 
If I force quit TB, then restart it, it is Ok again, except if I then 
try to get TB to play the .wav, in which case it hangs once again - even though the player is not even opened.

I don't think this is entirely a problem with TB actually, because if I try to logout using the Gnome logout, it also hangs until I do a Ctl-Alt-Bksp to shutdown X.   But, once I login again, the problem is cleared, until I try doing the above once more...

Of course, there is a simple workaround for me, I choose not to play a sound...
Sounds like more ESD brokenness. Filing a bug against gnome/esound will probably be more effective.

I wonder if realplayer/XMMS is using oss? If it is, it's probably bypassing dmix and causing other sound playing programs much pain.
Component: General → Widget: Gtk
Product: Thunderbird → Core
Hardware: PC → All
Version: 1.5 → 1.8 Branch
Assignee: mscott → nobody
QA Contact: general → gtk
Severity: normal → S3
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