Closed Bug 35896 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

close browser with print dialog up --> crash


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P1)

Windows 98





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: mcafee)



(4 keywords, Whiteboard: [rtm-] [PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock CAN'T REPRODUCE SINCE CHECKIN!)

Go to file, print, and while the print dialog is still up, close mozilla. Mozilla crashes. Build 2000 041409. MOZILLA caused an invalid page fault in module JSDOM.DLL at 015f:60b974ec. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=015f EIP=60b974ec EFLGS=00010246 EBX=0068eca0 SS=0167 ESP=0068ec30 EBP=0068ec70 ECX=0068ec68 DS=0167 ESI=00000000 FS=4bdf EDX=0068ec68 ES=0167 EDI=01646124 GS=0000 Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 08 ff 51 1c 56 8d 4d f0 89 75 f0 e8 ab cb ff Stack dump: 00000000 0068ec68 00000000 00000000 016d1c58 60bd7378 00000000 00000000 60bd7378 00000000 00000000 00000000 60cc5549 602dce68 00000000 00000000
Blocks: 31439
Keywords: crash
Reproduced with 2000-04-14-09-M16; generated a Talkback blackbox, but "the Agent is unable to connect to the server" -- so it's still in my queue. Will provide Incident ID when I have one; mentioned bug 35896 (this one).
Talkback Incident ID: TB8689535W
Target Milestone: --- → M16
Print dialog is modal (or should be).. and access to the menu to quit should not be allowed. Handing this To Don Melton.. so he can assign to the correct party.
Assignee: dcone → don
Can javascript call the print dialog?
Reassigning for Don
Assignee: don → law
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
Move to M21 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M18 → M21
still crashing as of win ME 60208, this wouldn't happen if print dialog was modal as it should be
This visible, easily reproducable, reliable crash should really be fixed for beta2.
Keywords: nsbeta2
Putting on [nsbeta2-] radar. We can relnote for beta2. Is this a top Talkback crasher?
Keywords: relnote
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
Stack Trace Sean reported using Talkback System. (Talkback Incident ID: TB8689535W) Call Stack: (Signature = GlobalWindowImpl::GetPrivateRoot 3703584a) GlobalWindowImpl::GetPrivateRoot[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsGlob alWindow.cpp, line 2134] CheckForFocus[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\base\src\nsPresShell.cpp, line 1360] PresShell::InitialReflow[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\base\src\nsPres Shell.cpp, line 1460] DocumentViewerImpl::Print[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\base\src\nsDocument Viewer.cpp, line 1319] nsBrowserInstance::Print[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpfe\browser\src\nsBrowserI nstance.cpp, line 1928] XPTC_InvokeByIndex[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\reflect\xptcall\src\md\win3 2\xptcinvoke.cpp, line 139] nsXPCWrappedNativeClass::CallWrappedMethod[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xp connect\src\xpcwrappednativeclass.cpp, line 899] WrappedNative_CallMethod[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwra ppednativejsops.cpp, line 195] js_Invoke[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsinterp.c, line 687] js_Interpret[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsinterp.c, line 2465] js_Invoke[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsinterp.c, line 703] js_InternalInvoke[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsinterp.c, line 776] JS_CallFunctionValue[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\jsapi.c, line 2796] nsJSContext::CallEventHandler[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\base\nsJSEnvir onment.cpp, line 732] nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\dom\src\events\nsJSEv entListener.cpp, line 141] nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\ev ents\src\nsEventListenerManager.cpp, line 706] nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\events\sr c\nsEventListenerManager.cpp, line 1481] nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\rdf\content\src\nsXULEl ement.cpp, line 3296] nsMenuFrame::Execute[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\xul\base\src\nsMenuFrame .cpp, line 1284] nsMenuFrame::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\xul\base\src\nsMenuF rame.cpp, line 295] PresShell::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\layout\html\base\src\nsPresSh ell.cpp, line 3462] nsView::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\view\src\nsView.cpp, line 811] nsView::HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\view\src\nsView.cpp, line 784] nsViewManager2::DispatchEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\view\src\nsViewManager 2.cpp, line 1355] HandleEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\view\src\nsView.cpp, line 69] nsWindow::DispatchEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\nsWindow. cpp, line 515] nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\nsW indow.cpp, line 532] nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\nsWi ndow.cpp, line 3238] ChildWindow::DispatchMouseEvent[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\n sWindow.cpp, line 3443] nsWindow::ProcessMessage[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\nsWindow .cpp, line 2396] nsWindow::WindowProc[d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\widget\src\windows\nsWindow.cpp , line 741] USER32.dll + 0x1250 (0x77e71250)
Though namachi found the Talkback stack trace, this bug was not found to be a top Talkback report.
Bug 41670, "Crash if cookie confirm dialog answered after File>Quit", may or may not be related... see its talkback blackbox data.
Nav triage team: [nsbeta3+]
Keywords: relnoterelnote2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+]
Adding nsbeta3 keyword to bugs which already have nsbeta3 status markings so the queries don't get all screwed up.
Keywords: nsbeta3
OK, the fix is to make the print dialog modal; there seems to be agreement on that. Making the print dialog is kind of a PITA, though. We need the parent window at the point where the call stack looks like this: nsDeviceContextSpecFactoryWin::CreateDeviceContextSpec DocumentViewerImpl::Print nsBrowserInstance::Print nsBrowserInstance knows the parent window, so it could pass it to DocumentViewerImpl. But nsIContentViewerFile::Print (the method nsBrowserInstance is calling) doesn't currently provide a means of passing it. Likewise nsDeviceContextSpecFactoryWin::CreateDeviceContextSpec. I am not confident changing either of these two interfaces. One is in the general "webshell" category, the other deeper in layout. So I'm not sure who to hand this off to. I'm going to hand it off to the "webshell" component (once I find it); we can deal with the other component when we cross it, so to speak. Once the interface(s) support passing a parent window, I'll be more than happy to tweak nsBrowserInstance to do so. One possibility is to exploit the nsIProgressListener argument (currently unused by nsBrowserInstance) to get the parent window to the next component down the line. That still requires some additional enhancement in order to get it passed to nsDeviceContextSpecFactoryWin. Or, CreateDeviceContextSpec can simply do QueryInterfaces and random method calls to get to the parent window. See, for example, nsUrlWidget::SetURLToHiddenControl (in p).
Assignee: law → adamlock
Component: Printing → Embedding: Docshell
QA Contact: shrir → adamlock
The content viewer already knows it's parent widget from the call to Init(), so it's just a matter of getting it to the context. Perhaps there should be a new parameter to CreateDeviceContextSpec() that let's the device context spec factory call back for additional information?
*** Bug 31439 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Priority: P3 → P1
PDT thinks this is a P2
Priority: P1 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][PDTP2]
*** Bug 39053 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Steps to reproduce seem uncommon enough that most users won't encounter this. Marking nsbeta3- and adding rtm nomination.
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][PDTP2] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2]
Patch to fix this. Do you want to ask for rtm++ ? =================================================================== RCS file: /m/pub/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsPresShell.cpp,v retrieving revision 3.341.2.5 diff -u -r3.341.2.5 nsPresShell.cpp --- nsPresShell.cpp 2000/10/12 14:52:13 3.341.2.5 +++ nsPresShell.cpp 2000/10/17 22:13:36 @@ -1706,6 +1706,9 @@ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindowInternal> rootWindow; nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindow> ourWindow = do_QueryInterface(globalObject); ourWindow->GetPrivateRoot(getter_AddRefs(rootWindow)); + NS_ASSERTION(rootWindow , "cannot get rootWindow"); + if(nsnull == rootWindow) + return; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> rootDocument; rootWindow->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(rootDocument)); cvs server: Diffing dom/src/base Index: dom/src/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /m/pub/mozilla/dom/src/base/nsGlobalWindow.cpp,v retrieving revision 1.351.2.4 diff -u -r1.351.2.4 nsGlobalWindow.cpp --- nsGlobalWindow.cpp 2000/10/15 23:33:19 1.351.2.4 +++ nsGlobalWindow.cpp 2000/10/17 22:13:36 @@ -2561,6 +2561,9 @@ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> parentTop = do_QueryInterface(parent); nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell; + NS_ASSERTION(parentTop, "cannot get parentTop"); + if(parentTop == nsnull) + return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; parentTop->GetDocShell(getter_AddRefs(docShell)); nsCOMPtr<nsIChromeEventHandler> chromeEventHandler; docShell->GetChromeEventHandler(getter_AddRefs(chromeEventHandler));
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm+]
this patch needs to be reviewed (Adam?) and super reviewed ASAP before this can be plussed.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info]
Target Milestone: M21 → M19
Can I have a description of how the patch stops the problem?
if you follow the reproduce procedure, then you will get parentTop equal to 0x00 after nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> parentTop = do_QueryInterface(parent); If we continue, parentTop->GetDocShell(getter_AddRefs(docShell)); will cause the crash. so... the only thing we can do is to return with error code. If we return, the caller will call rootWindow->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(rootDocument)); so we need to add additional check before it and return. This is not the RIGHT fix. But it is a fix which will stop the crash. I left the asserion there so the module owner can still hit the problem code and work out a REALLY GOOD fix later. ourWindow->GetPrivateRoot(getter_AddRefs(rootWindow));
r=adamlock. I think the print mechanism needs a rethink to bring in the concept of modality but something to stop the crash is good enough for the moment.
could we take this for rtm ? This is a simple fix.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm+]
please get an sr= (soon!) and set it back to [rtm+] so we can then move it to approved.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info]
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] NEED SR=, r= Adamlock
Ugh...what Adam said - there's too much code out there that does the wrong thing with respect to modality because of the inavailability of a suitable parent window. Frank's change is a reasonable stop-gap for rtm, so sr=vidur. A small nit - Frank, please make sure that you conform to the 2-space tabbing that's used in the rest of the file.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] NEED SR=, r= Adamlock → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] NEED SR=, r= Adamlock [rtm+]
Marking relnote-user in case this doesn't make it in. Gerv
Keywords: relnote2relnote
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] [rtm need info] NEED SR=, r= Adamlock [rtm+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm+]
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm++]
If this hasn't already been checked in, is someone planning to do so? Please excuse my spam.
Keywords: embed
This fix has missed the first N6 candidate build, so we can not take it unless we respin. This bug is in candidate limbo. We will reconsider this fix once we have a candidate in hand, but we can't take this fix before then. PDT marking [rtm+]
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm++] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm+]
PDT marking [rtm++]. This bug is now out of limbo and approved for checkin to the branch. Please check in ASAP.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm+] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm++]
Fix is now checked into trunk and branch. Marking FIXED
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Does it happen only on win98?
On winnt 2000-10-31-14-MN6 build this still happens. However, in the debug build I see a bunch of assertions but no crash... I'm reopening the bug.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Changing [rtm++] to [rtm need info] due to reopen.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm++] → [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm need info]
I don't see this crash using the 10-31-14 MN6 candidate build on Win98.
I don't see crash either. I'm using the latest branch pull with NT. It does print the page however.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock [rtm need info] → [rtm need info] [PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock CAN'T REPRODUCE SINCE CHECKIN!
Reopening 31439 for the "page prints when you close Mozilla with a print dialog up" issue.
Given this is not being reproduced at this point, I'm pushing it to RTM minus The RTM train is leaving....
Whiteboard: [rtm need info] [PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock CAN'T REPRODUCE SINCE CHECKIN! → [rtm-] [PDTP2] relnote-user r=Adamlock CAN'T REPRODUCE SINCE CHECKIN!
Assigning bug back to Don Cone
Assignee: adamlock → dcone
This is an issue for application..the close should not be an option if this dialog is up.. Assigning to Don Melton for Triage.
Assignee: dcone → don
don is no longer reassigning to vishy
Assignee: don → vishy
please re-open if this is still reproducible.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Still crashes for me.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
nominating for nsbeta1.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Quoting from above: > ------- Additional Comments From 2000-08-09 17:30 ------- > OK, the fix is to make the print dialog modal; there seems to be agreement on > that. This bug was not fixed in that fashion; the temporary fix no longer works, so this is a regression; adding keyword. New talkback data: TB29334548M
Keywords: regression
Priority: P2 → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
nsbeta1+, P1, => mcafee.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
missed actually reassigning to chris last time around ;-)
Assignee: vishy → mcafee
nav triage: not a beta stopper as this is not a common user behaviour. moving to mozilla0.9.2.
actually changing the milestone this time :-).
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
this didn't crash for me, w2k, current bits, marking WFM again. please reopen if this doesn't workforyou.
Closed: 24 years ago24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
wfm win2k 2001061905 win98 2001061905 verified
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