Bug 41670
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
Crash if cookie confirm dialog answered after File>Quit
(Core :: Networking: Cookies, defect, P3)
(Reporter: sidr, Assigned: danm.moz)
(Keywords: crash)
If Mozilla is quit before the last "Confirm Cookie" dialog is answered [Yes] or
[No], Mozilla will crash upon pressing either button.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Turn on the "Warn me before accepting a cookie" pref on the Cookies and
Images prefs panel.
2. Begin loading or any other site that will try to
set a cookie.
3. Before responding to the "Confirm Cookie" dialog, quit the browser.
4. Click on either [Yes] or [No] on the remaining "Confirm Cookie" dialog.
Actual Results:
Step 3: All other Mozilla windows dismiss (including auth dialogs, alerts
and pp (filepicker) dialogs).
Step 4. Crash as soon as either [Yes] or [No] is pressed.
Expected Results:
Step 3: All Mozilla windows dismiss, including "Confirm Cookie" dialogs,
auth dialogs, alerts and pp (filepicker) dialogs -- with the possible exception
of Print and Save dialogs, which should probably be raised (over their parents)
before final shutdown.
(A user quitting while "Confirm Cookie" dialogs still appear will be an
impatient user, who won't want to see how many other cookies have yet to be
received before getting to quit.)
Tested with: the 2000-06-05-08-M16 nightly binary on WinNT.
Talkback Incident ID: TB11858126K
Other Information:
No such crash happens if Save, auth, or alert dialogs are still up when
the user quits the browser.
The "Confirm Cookie" is an odd duck: it is modal w.r.t. clicking on a link
on *all* open browser windows, yet menus can be accessed on any window while
it is up.
There are still too many sites that send a cookie for *every* GET request,
including the 47 images that are oh-so-necessary to the page design, so a user
may well get impatient and want to just *quit*, especially if bug 28594,
"Semi-freeze when cookie Confirm window gets hidden in the background",
gets fixed by making "Confirm Cookie" dialogs properly modal w.r.t. their
parents only (the user could then quit from another browser window even if
the parent window was fully blocked from input by the "Confirm Cookie" dialog).
Cc-ing morse@netscape only because no dialogs other than the "Confirm Cookie"
dialog and the Print dialog (see bug 35896, "close browser with print dialog up
--> crash") are proximal to a crash-on-exit just by being up -- but the
talkback data will likely take this out of the "Cookies" realm.
Comment 1•25 years ago
This is a dup of 25684 which is already nsbeta2+.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 25684 ***
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 2•25 years ago
over to tever to verify...
Component: XP Apps → Cookies
QA Contact: sairuh → tever
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