Closed Bug 360949 Opened 18 years ago Closed 17 years ago


(Bugzilla ::, enhancement, P1)




Bugzilla 3.0


(Reporter: bigstijn, Assigned: mkanat)






(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; InfoPath.1)
Build Identifier: lists a lot of major, important features, but not all of them.  Other (important) features are mentioned on the different version features pages.

I think a lot of "scanning" visitors just read , so I would extend and update this page.
Having this page updated at the release of bugzilla 3.0 will certainly helps a lot in convincing people to explore the features of bugzilla.

If possible the page should also have some sub-pages, in which detailed features are organised and listed (all the ones of the "new features" pages, that aren't on the main features page.)

As a quick-fix, at the end of the page links could be placed to each of the "new features" page.

- : change discription in "Enterprise Group Support - Security", and make 
- add (postgress sql)
- add saved searches and reuse
- rewrite
- add (whining)
- add (User-List Drop-Down Menus ) to User WildCard Matching / User list drop-down menus
- add a summary for the aim of a very performant product. (see all performance bugs).
- add item Generic searching

Detailed pages

-- Setup features --
- runs on UNIX / LINUX / Windows

-- Administrator features --
rewrite of
add (classifications)
user interface for administrator: (UI for editing Priority, OS, Platform and Severity ) + (Choice of E-Mail Sending Methods) (control user preferences)

-- Security features -- ("User Visibility" Controls) ("Environment Variable" Authentication Method )

-- User features --
alias feature (set user preferences) + add the current different possibilities ?

-- Searching and Reporting features --
add relative date searches (well, at least for searches)
boolean searches

Reproducible: Always
Depends on: 189613
Assignee: justdave → website
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 3.0
Flags: blocking3.0+
This doesn't actually block rc1, since we won't be updating the "features" page until the actual 3.0 release.
No longer blocks: bz-release-3.0rc1
Depends on: 370705
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Version: unspecified → 3.0
Attached patch v1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Okay! This is basically a complete re-write of the "Features" page.

I split the features into "For Users" and "For Administrators," based on my experience with what features are most interesting to what groups of pepople. Some features may belong in both, but I put them in the group that they appeal to the *most*.

I also ordered the features in the order of what I've seen people be interested in, in my experience meeting with people and talking with them about Bugzilla.

The way the page is now, with this patch, it really shows how impressive Bugzilla is!!
Assignee: website → mkanat
Attachment #264194 - Flags: review?
You can see it live, here:
Comment on attachment 264194 [details] [diff] [review]

>+  <li><a href="#search">Advanced Search Capabilities</a></li>

#search is already used in the header of pages, and so this link points to the top of the page instead of pointing to the expected section.

Missing features (IMO):

- The ability to attach files of any kind and mark them private (restricted to some group of users) if necessary.

- Customize your installation thanks to user prefs.

>+<p>The Bugzilla Project takes security seriously. Bugzilla runs under Perl's
>+  "taint" mode to prevent SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting.

How does taint mode prevent XSS?? That's the job of FILTER html in TT.

>+<p>All of Bugzilla's User Interface, and every email that Bugzilla sends
>+  is generated from "templates," files that contain mostly just HTML, CSS,

The comma should be out of the quotes in "templates,".

>+<p>Bugzilla supports adding custom fields to your bug database, to
>+  capture data that is unique to your organization!</p>

It would probably be fine to mention that you can then search for data being in these fields the same way you do with normal fields (this question appears pretty often in support lists).

>+<h3>mod_perl Support for Excellent Performance</h3>
>+<p>Bugzilla can be run under Apache's 
>+  <a href="">mod_perl</a>, which greatly speeds up
>+  individual page loads. Bugzilla pages often load in under a second when
>+  running under mod_perl.</p>
>+<p>Bugzilla also runs in a non-mod_perl environment, so you can run it
>+  under Apache's normal mod_cgi, IIS, or the web server of your choice!</p>
>+<p>There are even more formats available, such as a long, printable
>+  report format that contains all the details of every bug, a CSV
>+  format for importing into spreadsheets, and various XML formats.</p>
>+<p>Access to this system is controlled by Bugzilla's groups system, so
>+  you can limit who has access to it, and separately, who is able to
>+  send reports to users other than themselves.</p>

How are these last 2 paragraphs related to mod_perl???

>+  easily. The Webservice interface of Bugzilla is stable and will not
>+  change in backwards-incompatible ways in the future, so an application

It seems premature to me to affirm that the API is stable.

>+<h3>Private Attachments and Comments</h3>
>+<p>If you are in the "insider group," you can mark certain attachments and
>+  comments as private, and then they will be invisible to users who are
>+  not in the insider group.</p>

This is a "for users" thing and should be moved in the previous "chapter".

Otherwise, it looks great.
Attachment #264194 - Flags: review? → review-
Anyhow thanks to start with this.

I would change

Reports and Charts

Bugzilla has very advanced reporting systems....


Reports and Charts

Bugzilla has very advanced reporting systems. It has three related parts: a table-based view, several graphical views and change over time reports.

For all reports, you can view the resulting data as an HTML or CSV export (e.g.: for importing into a spreadsheet), and you can limit the data using the advanced search form.

The table-based view allows you to specify any field as an x, y and z (multiple tables of data) axis to plot.

The same table can be viewed as a line graph, bar graph, or pie chart.

Change over time reports are graphs allow you to track the evolution in a set of bugs defined by a default or own-defined search (e.g.: the number of new bugs).

Extra comments on this:
- I know that the search screen isn't exactly the same as in the advanced search screen. (e.g. relative date searches) But well, that's too much detail for a quick look to the feature list)
- any field, well, any code field (not the summary, by example).  But I don't know if "code field" is the correct word for this.
I would change

Request System

...or get a sign-off from a manager, the system is extremely flexible and can do what you need.


...or get a sign-off from a manager.
<line feed/paragraph> The system is extremely flexible, as you can define various request types on the level of product/component using inclusion/exclusion lists.
I'm missing something like:

Enterprise Group Support (or call it: Security Groups)

Administrators can define via the user-interface an arbitrary number of access groups composed of individual users or other groups.
Product administrators (editcomponents rights) can define the security on their product by using these roles. See documentation - 'Groups And Group Controls' for details.

The difference with Excellent Security is to tell how bugs can be hidden, and isn't about security patches
(In reply to comment #7)
> Enterprise Group Support (or call it: Security Groups)

  It's there. It's specified as controlling bug visibility and editing, which is what people usually care about. (At least, all the clients I've had ask the question using those terms.)
Attached patch v2Splinter Review
I fixed everything LpSolit mentioned. I also cleaned up the Reports section a bit (sort of based on bigstijn's suggestions) and added links to sample reports.

I think later we should add screenshots to this page, or make a separate "screenshots" page.
Attachment #264194 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #264277 - Flags: review?
Comment on attachment 264277 [details] [diff] [review]

I like it! r=LpSolit
Attachment #264277 - Flags: review? → review+
3.0 has been released, and this was posted as part of the release! :-) (See Bug 374620 for the commit message.)
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to comment #8)
> (In reply to comment #7)
> > Enterprise Group Support (or call it: Security Groups)
>   It's there.

Ok, sorry, overlooked it, in my hurry not to miss the release :-).

It's a nice result.
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