Open Bug 372978 Opened 18 years ago Updated 5 years ago

Only certain groups should be able to see certain field values


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: mkanat, Unassigned)


(Blocks 3 open bugs)


This is the third part of field-level security, and also a lower priority than other parts of field-level security.

Some fields can be *seen* by everybody, but certain *values* in that list can't be seen by everybody.

If the value is currently selected, in that field, then it should appear as "(invisible)" or something. Otherwise, the value just won't show up in the list.

If a value is set as the default value, you shouldn't be able to hide it or restrict it to any group.
Priority: -- → P3
Blocks: 30189
I'm rather against this RFE. It doesn't make sense to me. Either the field is visible to you and you should be able to see its current state, or the field is hidden. But having the field displayed with (invisible) as content makes no sense to me.

Could you provide a real use case for this (vs hidding the field completely)?
(In reply to comment #1)
> Could you provide a real use case for this (vs hidding the field completely)?

  Same reason you hide product names from the list if you can't see that product. But I agree, I can't think of anything specific at the moment--that's why it's not very high-priority.
One example for the mobile market: The Hardware list contains already released devices, and another two or three prototypes the backing company is working on but that have not been announced yet (competitors, you know).
I just want to comment on the use cases:  say you have a product that you can have multiple hardware vendors and you want to create access for the different hardware vendors.  Those hardware vendors may not see the other hardware that you're developing for so you want to restrict access to certain values of the global fields (like os, hardware, ...).

I think it's extremely usefull if you give access to your bugtracking database to external companies and they may not see that you're developing for other companies as well for the same product.

But then again I don't understand why the OS, hardware and all the other global fields were not chosen to be product dependend.  This would have save a lot of issues!
Blocks: 577125
Blocks: 566649
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