Closed Bug 375628 Opened 18 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Html Help is needed for talkback.exe (WinHlp32.exe is no longer included with Windows Vista or later)


(Core Graveyard :: Talkback Client, defect)

1.8 Branch
Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: masa141421356, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; ja; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build Identifier: 

Winhlp32.exe will be obsolete at future versions of Windows.
Windows Vista does NOT contains winhlp32.exe
And Windows Server "Longhorn" will not contains it too.

But current help file of talkback.exe is talkback.hlp (it needs winhlp32.exe).
I think it is needed to convert talkback.hlp to HTML Help.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Install Fx2.0.0.3

Actual Results:  
Help file of talkback.exe is talkback.hlp

Expected Results:  
Help file is talkback.chm or talkback.html
Blocks: 352420
See Microsoft KB917607 : "The Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) program is no longer included with Windows operating systems starting with Windows Vista".
Summary: Html Help is needed for talkback.exe (winhlp32.exe will be obsolete). → Html Help is needed for talkback.exe (WinHlp32.exe is no longer included with Windows).
Summary: Html Help is needed for talkback.exe (WinHlp32.exe is no longer included with Windows). → Html Help is needed for talkback.exe (WinHlp32.exe is no longer included with Windows Vista or later)
(In reply to comment #2)
> WORKAROUND: install winhlp32.exe from
It would be nice to make a link for "winhlp32.exe download" at or some document about talkback client for Vista users.

At Fx2, it can be a solution of this bug. Because of Old Windows Compatibility.

But ,I think , At Trunk, HTML help is better than Windows Help.
(Winhlp32.exe may not be supported as future Service Pack of Vista or "Longhorn")
We are working on Breakpad, which will replace Talkback in the near future as Mozilla's crash reporting.  So not sure if this will get fixed any time soon, but we should look into a solution.

Cc'ing rstrong and dougt for ideas on how we can convert the help files for Vista compatibility.
Assignee: jay → nobody
According to there are 3rd party tools available for converting help files.
Breakpad is landed on the trunk.
I think we don't need to fix this bug for the trunk.
Now that the trunk only uses Breakpad, shouldn't this bug be closed?
I changed target of this bug to 1.8 branch because trunk uses only Breakpad.

If Fx3 / Tb3 is released before Windows Server 2008  or  Fx2 / Tb2 does not support Windows Server 2008, I think this bug can be WONTFIX.

But, If Fx3 / Tb3 is NOT released before Windows Server 2008  , and  Fx2 / Tb2 supports Windows Server 2008, html help of talkback.exe is still needed.
Version: unspecified → 1.8 Branch
(In reply to comment #8)
> I changed target of this bug to 1.8 branch because trunk uses only Breakpad.
> If Fx3 / Tb3 is released before Windows Server 2008  or  Fx2 / Tb2 does not
> support Windows Server 2008, I think this bug can be WONTFIX.
> But, If Fx3 / Tb3 is NOT released before Windows Server 2008  , and  Fx2 / Tb2
> supports Windows Server 2008, html help of talkback.exe is still needed.

Windows Server 2008 is scheduled to be officially launched on February 27, 2008. I am certainly hoping that Fx 3 will have been released by then, but who knows? :)

Given that Fx 3 Beta 1 supports Windows Server 2003, I am guessing that Fx 3 will also support Windows Server 2008 (since as I understand, the codebase for Windows Server 2008 is the same as Windows Vista SP1 will be).

However, I very much doubt that Fx 2 will support Windows Server 2008, because it doesn't even officially support Windows Server 2003. In any case, I don't understand why the release date of Fx3 in relation to the release date of Windows Server 2008 is relevant to the outcome of this bug.
> However, I very much doubt that Fx 2 will support Windows Server 2008, because
> it doesn't even officially support Windows Server 2003.

I thought Windows Server 2003 is supported .
Because, When I have seen system-requirements of Fx2, Windows Server 2003 was written in it. (See Bug 357066)

I saw it again, So, NOW, Windows Server 2003 is removed from it.
And I agree support of Widows Server 2008 at fx2 is very doubtful.

I still think If fx2 supports future release of Windows that does not contain winhlp32.exe, HTML help is needed.

But there is workaround of Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 seems to be NOT supported.

So, this bug can be WONTFIX.
I'm unclear on this bug. Will Firefox 2 not run on Windows Server 2008 because the help file is not HTML? Or does it just cause issues with using Talkback's help? (Issues here meaning, it doesn't work at all.)

If it's the former, this bug needs to be fixed. If it's the latter, this bug is WONTFIX.
Now, winhlp32 for Windows Server 2008 is available on download site of MS.
Talkback is dead. This doesn't apply to Breakpad. WONTFIX.

(But thanks for the update.)
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I agree to set this bug as WONTFIX.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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