Closed Bug 375935 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

create newsgroup


( :: Discussion Forums, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: beltzner, Assigned: justdave)


Dave, I know you're leaving on vacation soon, but I was told that before you go you're hoping to get a couple of new newsgroups created. I was hoping we could get one created to hold feedback about an upcoming Firefox Companion that we're co-releasing with eBay. It should be part of a new family of groups so we can continue this practice in the future, so I'm suggesting:
won't that give away that something is happening when it shows up? I thought that wasn't publicly announced yet (only that we were partnering with eBay).
The presence of a newsgroup won't give away any of the nature of the extension. And you're gonna be gone on vacation for a week, so I'd rather get it done earlier than later.
very well. Who's moderating the mail gateway?
A few queries: - Is this a proper mailing list/newsgroup that you expect people to subscribe to, or a collector for a web form? If it's the former, perhaps relating it to is not the right thing - because that's just for Hendrix output. In that case, perhaps something under Or even - Is a "Firefox Companion" just a marketing term for an extension? - If we put it where you suggest, would it allow greater future flexibility in naming if we went for: Gerv
(In reply to comment #4) > - Is a "Firefox Companion" just a marketing term for an extension? It's a registered trademark for extensions we co-release with partners. "Companion" status effectively means the extension gains a much higher level of MoCo engagement with QA, build, product management, and marketing.
(In reply to comment #3) > very well. Who's moderating the mail gateway? I'll do it. > - Is this a proper mailing list/newsgroup that you expect people to subscribe > to, or a collector for a web form? If it's the former, perhaps relating it to > is not the right thing - because that's just for Hendrix > output. In that case, perhaps something under Or even > It's a collector for a web form, which is why I'd put it with the other web form collection bit. As I explained in comment 0, we hope to do this with other companions, which is why I created the sub group. > - If we put it where you suggest, would it allow greater future flexibility in > naming if we went for: I can't say that I care deeply about that name vs. the one I proposed. If you think it's more flexible, so be it.
Fair enough. sounds great, then. Gerv
If Dave's gone on vacation, which I assume he now has done, is there any way to get this resolved?
When is the companion actually supposed to go live? We can get groups set up on giganews within a 24 hour turnaround, Google typically takes up to a week, but has been known to do them within a day once or twice before. According to the stuff pkim was circulating, the release was supposed to be "near the end of April". To me that sounds like plenty of time to wait until I get back from vacation and still have at least a week of lead time to get this done.
We're targeting end of April for the full launch, but we'll want to set up the newsgroup well in advance for alpha and beta testers to report problems. So the answer to this is, please set this up as soon as possible, as our alpha test program is already running, and beta test will start in a week. :-)
So you're alpha and beta testing something that's supposed to be confidential until launch in a public forum? Won't that make it obvious what it is from the context of the messages posted there?
Note: maybe my impression that this was supposed to be confidential until launch is mistaken, but that's the impression I got from the mail to all@ about it a week or so ago.
It's ok if we create a public newsgroup for this. The reason the initial announcement about our partnership was vague on the details was to help ensure press coverage and general awareness were saved for the full release. Setting up a newsgroup may draw attention to the partnership, but we're ok with that and so is eBay.
Mailman mailing list has been created as hidden. Moderator information should have been mailed to beltzner already. newgroup request has been sent to Giganews and Google. Since I'll be on vacation I'll just provide instructions for what has to happen on the followup... Beltzner: once the newsgroup shows up on giganews, go to the Privacy tab on the list admin, and toggle to visibility (should be the first radio button on that page) so the list is visible.
Whiteboard: waiting for Giganews and Google
Now the eBay relationship is public, can this bug be opened? I'd like to cite it in a proposal for rearranging the hierarchy, as requested by Jay in bug 375879, and mention the new group in the proposal. Gerv
Hardware: PC → All
Fine to open this up. I just want the newsgroup created. I had no idea it would take this long.
(In reply to comment #16) > Fine to open this up. I just want the newsgroup created. I had no idea it would > take this long. I spoke with justdave on IRC today, and he pinged the Giganews folks about this. They replied saying that they should have it all set up tonight (Wednesday). However, besides Giganews, we also need Google to add the newsgroup. justdave said the usual turnaround time for Google to do newsgroup changes is about a week.
Opening bug. Gerv
Group: Marketing Private
Justdave -- it's been over a week since you filed your request with Google. Can you follow up with them to check on the status of getting the newsgroup archive live there? Thanks.
Yep, I'll ping them. FWIW this is not unusual, we have to go through a side channel to get groups created over there, and it's usually not speedy. Things should work fine already now, the posts just won't show up on Google until they add it (but will still be readable on
Whiteboard: waiting for Giganews and Google → waiting for Google shows that Google still hasn't done it. Can they be poked again?
Google has been poked again.
This is now live on Google Groups.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: waiting for Google
Thanks for the persistence on this justdave.
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