Closed Bug 379033 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Update "Status" page to reflect new INCOMPLETE resolution


( :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Kensie, Assigned: reed)



We need to add info about the new INCOMPLETE to My proposed text: "The problem is vaguely described with no steps to reproduce, or is a support request. The reporter should be directed to for help diagnosing the issue. If there are only a few comments in the bug, it may be reopened only if the original reporter provides more info, or confirms someone else's steps to reproduce. If the bug is long when enough info is provided a new bug should be filed and the original bug duped forward."
That link to m.c/support should probably be to m.o/support given that projects other than Firefox/Thunderbird will be using this resolution.
the .m.o page is a lot to throw at someone and doesn't link to the nice m.c page. Also, not all products in bugzilla have support from .m.o either. I'd rather either not reference a link at all, or specify .m.c is for firefox and tb. For the sake of not ever having to update the page again if support links change, I'll vote for not referencing a link. "...directed to the product's support page for help..." There should probably be a list somewhere though with the support links for the products on bugzilla for easy reference, but that's another issue.
Removing the link sounds good to me.
It continues to be difficult to write patches for b.m.o. unless one is Reed :-| Reed: can you insert a hook into the file to allow the addition of extra resolutions, then write a mini-template for the hook to insert with the text above, as modified? Gerv
Staged on prodpatches. Please check and let me know if it's ok.
Assignee: justdave → reed
I think the changes to the last sentence make it harder to understand, but I'll defer based on others' opinions. Also, I think the comma added to it is wrong.
I kept reading the last sentence as the equivalent of: "If the bug is long when new info is provided, a new bug should be filed..." so I asked for a disambiguating comma to be inserted. It makes the structure of the sentence match the previous one (which has a comma). I really don't think we should use the phrase "duped forward". You have to have quite a bit of Bugzilla experience to understand that. Gerv
Gerv, I agree with where you put the comma in your comment just now. Ok, I get what you're saying about "duped forward." I'd be happy if instead of the last "of it" it's "of the new bug."
This was pushed live in tonight's bmo upgrade.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Bugzilla: Other b.m.o Issues → General
Product: →
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