Closed Bug 380227 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Tables with percentage height don't shrink when browser is resized.


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: dholbert)




(7 files, 3 obsolete files)

Attached file testcase
Tables of the form 
<table height="80%" bgcolor="009999">
will grow as the browser size increases, but don't shrink as the browser is shrunk.

I'm pretty sure I localized the problem in the code -- it's in  nsTableFrame::CalcDesiredHeight.  Here's what happens in my test case:

CalcDesiredHeight starts out by setting desiredheight to the *old* height of the row group, at line 3007:
    desiredHeight += rg->GetSize().height + cellSpacingY;
Then, it gets the *updated* height, tableSpecifiedHeight, from the reflow state.  It checks if this new height is greater than desiredHeight, and if it is, it distributes the difference amongst the table's rows with DistributeHeightToRows.  This is all good so far.  However, we don't handle the case where tableSpecifiedHeight < desiredHeight.  We don't update desiredHeight, or shrink any of the rows, which is why the table doesn't shrink.

It seems that, in this (unhandled) tableSpecifiedHeight < desiredHeight case, we should do something similar to the tableSpecifiedHeight > desiredHeight case.  The only difference is that, instead of distributing extra space amongst the rows, we need to distribute shrinkage to the rows.
Bug is worse in this test case -- just about any resizing at all makes the tables grow in size, stretching them the page, even though the outermost table has height = 10%.

I'm assuming this is caused by the same bug (tables never getting shrunk correctly), although there may be another bug interacting.
(In reply to comment #0)
> Tables of the form 
> <table height="80%" bgcolor="009999">
> will grow as the browser size increases, but don't shrink as the browser is
> shrunk.

Correction --  tables only grown then the browser is resized *diagonally*.  A pure vertical resize doesn't trigger the table reflow, for some reason.

So, this can be thought of as two issues:
 1. Vertical window resizes aren't triggering percentage-height table reflows.
 2. When I trigger a table reflow by resizing the window diagonally, the table's size can only be increased, and is never decreased. (except by shrinking the browser to be smaller than the table.)
(In reply to comment #2)
> (In reply to comment #0)
> > Tables of the form 
> > <table height="80%" bgcolor="009999">
> > will grow as the browser size increases, but don't shrink as the browser is
> > shrunk.
> Correction --  tables only grown then the browser is resized *diagonally*.  A
> pure vertical resize doesn't trigger the table reflow, for some reason.

Note: The diagonal-resize-only issue, mentioned in comment #2, is fixed by my patch to bug 380004.
Attached patch Fix using "GeometryDirty" flag (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Fixed by adding a SetGeometryDirty(), in cases of vertical and horizontal resizes, and then adding one IsGeometryDirty() check to make sure the cell resize code gets triggered correctly.

Also added some related code-commenting suggested by dbaron.
Assignee: nobody → dholbert
Attachment #264952 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Comment on attachment 264952 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix using "GeometryDirty" flag

>+  // Note: For tables, NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT specifically means that
>+  // there's a sub-block with a specified *percentage* height. It doesn't
>+  // correspond to the trivial case where the table's rows are auto-height and
>+  // scale to fill the table. (even though this technically could be viewed as a
>+  // "relative height")

Could you move this comment up into the test you're adding (inside the {}, I think).

s/sub-block/inner table frame/
s/even though this technically could be viewed as a "relative height"/even though this would normally mean NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT should be set/

>+  /** The GeometryDirty flag is intended to allow efficient resizing
>+   *  of a table.  It indicates that the cells' resizing code should
>+   *  be triggered, but the cells' content won't necessarily be marked
>+   *  dirty.

I'd replace the second sentence with:

The NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY bit implies that all descendants are dirty.  The GeometryDirty flag differs from NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY by implying that all the parts of the table are dirty, but that resizing optimizations should still apply to the contents of the individual cells.

r+sr=dbaron, but Bernd should also review
Attachment #264952 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #264952 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #264952 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #264952 - Flags: review+
Actually, in the second part of the nsTableFrame.cpp change, you should just change the definition of the |reflowAllKids| variable instead.
Attached patch Added dbaron's suggestions (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #264952 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review?
Attachment #264952 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review? → review?(dbaron)
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
(In reply to comment #0)
> I'm pretty sure I localized the problem in the code -- it's in 
> nsTableFrame::CalcDesiredHeight.  Here's what happens in my test case:
> CalcDesiredHeight starts out by setting desiredheight to the *old* height of
> [etc]
> we need to distribute shrinkage to the rows.

Note: My initial diagnosis was somewhat incorrect, because the buggy behavior misled me about what the code was supposed to do.  

In actuality, we're not missing any "shrinkage-distribution" code.  CalcDesiredHeight is supposed to start with each row at its *minimum* height, and then distribute any additional height among the rows.

With the patch, this is what it does.  (But before the patch, it would sometimes start out each row at its *previous* height, which is why it looked like we needed to distribute shrinkage  when the table shrunk)
Comment on attachment 265022 [details] [diff] [review]
Added dbaron's suggestions

>+  // Note: For tables, NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT specifically means that
>+  // there's an inner table frame with a specified *percentage* height. It
>+  // doesn't correspond to the trivial case where the table's rows are
>+  // auto-height and scale to fill the table. (even though this would normally
>+  // mean NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT should be set

Could you move this up to where you make the SetGeometryDirty call?
Attachment #265022 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review+
Although, per bug 380550 comment 2, Bernd is busy, so maybe we should just land this without waiting for him (he can always comment later if he wants to).
Although I'm beginning to wonder if the correct condition is that we want SetGeometryDirty if the table has a specified height -- since if there's a change inside a cell that also requires the same type of rebalance.  That could even be related to the problem on gmail with the contacts list.
(Or, alternatively, we could remember the information that DistributeHeightToRows needs.)
Then again, tables with specified heights probably don't have a lot of rows, so it should be cheap to just SetGeometryDirty().  (We also need to check for row groups with specified heights, if we support those.)
(I also wonder if SetGeometryDirty should have a vertical/horizontal distinction, since most of the things that call it either require vertical recalculation or horizontal recalculation, but not both.  In fact, they may even all be vertical.)
Comment on attachment 265022 [details] [diff] [review]
Added dbaron's suggestions

Just go ahead with checking in as said in comment 10, I can nag later.

>+  // Note: For tables, NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT specifically means that
>+  // there's an inner table frame with a specified *percentage* height. It
>+  // doesn't correspond to the trivial case where the table's rows are
>+  // auto-height and scale to fill the table. (even though this would normally
>+  // mean NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT should be set

I am not very happy with the "inner table frame" notion. We have a outer table frame and usually refer to the table frame itself as the inner table frame 

More, I do not really understand what this comment means. For me the description
at is very clear and understandable. However does this comment mean it supersedes the description there or does it expand the meaning for a special case. 

My guess is that only if a ancestor of the table frame is pct based this flag should be set. 

Is this flag also set when a on nested table the pct is set on any ancestor

r+ for the code, but IMHO the comment should be better worded
Attachment #265022 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla) → review+
(In reply to comment #15)
> I am not very happy with the "inner table frame" notion.

Oh, I guess we usually call the things inside the table the *internal* table frames.

The comment about NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_HEIGHT needs updating -- for things other than tables, it means has a height that depends on this frame's height, which is usually a percentage, but also needs to be set for a few other frame types that always fill their parent (viewport, frameset).  But rows and row groups also (collectively) fill their parent's height, but we don't set it for them.  It doesn't really matter much which way it is, and in fact it's fine to differ from one case to the other.  Maybe I should switch viewport and frameset back to doing what the comment in nsIFrame.h said (although the parent of nsFrameSetFrame sometimes contains a frameset and sometimes contains something else, I think).
Attached patch Updated patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
From previous patch, changed the condition for calling SetGeometryDirty() to be
 if(aReflowState.mComputedHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE)

I also took out of the code a check for "NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != aReflowState.availableWidth", prior to calling DistributeHeightToRows.  (dbaron says the reflow branch made this check unnecessary.)
Attachment #265022 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #265152 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attachment #265152 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #265152 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
Attached patch PatchSplinter Review
(same as prev. patch -- except that before, I'd forgotten to take out one of my testcases for another bug from the reftest.list file)
Attachment #265154 - Flags: review?(dbaron)
I tweaked the comments a bit; this is what I'll land.
Above patch checked in to trunk.
Closed: 17 years ago
Hardware: PC → All
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9alpha5
The second test case (with the nested tables) is a separate issue, and I've filed a separate bug for that case: Bug 381507
Test case not shrinking table height due to td width:100% set
Test case not shrinking table height (100%) due to long description in td
Table shrinks as expected (when window not too small)
Filed bug 402629 to cover these newly-posted testcases.
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