Closed Bug 384725 Opened 18 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[10.5] Icon update for Leopard


(Camino Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: samuel.sidler+old, Assigned: samuel.sidler+old)



(Keywords: fixed1.8.1.13, Whiteboard: [camino-2.0])


(7 files, 8 obsolete files)

44.28 KB, application/zip
: superreview+
55.82 KB, image/png
64.31 KB, image/png
95.87 KB, image/png
32.37 KB, application/zip
: review+
: superreview+
6.51 KB, application/zip
: review+
: superreview+
4.00 KB, image/tiff
: superreview-
Jasper said he had some theme updates for Leopard being worked on. Filing a bug for it.
Summary: Theme update for 10.5 (Leopard) → [10.5] Theme update for Leopard
Summary: [10.5] Theme update for Leopard → [10.5] Icon update for Leopard
Assignee: nobody → samuel.sidler
This is the first set. Included are back, forward, reload, stop, home, and history icons in tiff format with both 24x24 and 32x32 versions. I compressed them as much as I know how, but they're still larger than our current ones (12k vs 4k). Someone with better tiff compression skills will have to fix that or we can ship with these as is.
Attachment #307887 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Second back, which includes the showsource, autofill, dl_manager, add_to_bookmark, newTab, and closeTab icons. Note that this batch finishes out the work planned for the main toolbar. If there's time later, we can take a look at the remaining icons: sendLink, manager, hidemanager, textBigger, and textSmaller (in that order).
Attachment #307893 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Attached image Screenshot on 10.5 (obsolete) —
For those who don't want to download the zips and put them in their app bundle, here's a screenshot on 10.5 of what these icons look like. (32x32)
Attached file Full set of comparisons on 10.3 (obsolete) —
So, these look fabulous on 10.5, and too bright and flat, but probably livable, on 10.3. As for the size, I can pull these up in GraphicConverter and re-save without the metadata and get back to double the old size (for those that had two images to begin with), but this also seems to cause a color shift that makes the images more palatable on 10.3 and maybe leaves them OK on 10.5; I haven't run a full set of comparisons with the re-saved tiffs. I'm not sure how Jasper was able to get them so small before....
The one other comment I meant to make is that the top and bottom of the print icon blend into the toolbar on 10.3 (even more on small). Since it looks better on 10.5, I really am only mentioning it because we specifically sought to get strong lines on the edges of all the other icons; it's an oddity in that respect, even on 10.5.
Attached image Screenshot on 10.4 (obsolete) —
Comment on attachment 307887 [details] v1 - back, forward, reload, stop, home, history These are an improvement overall, and unless pink has serious issues, my recommendation is that we land these as-is now. We should decide what we want to do about the size issue (and Sam'll get the printer corrected), but in terms of getting feedback in b3, we should not let those issues delay landing.
Attachment #307887 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton)
Attachment #307887 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Attachment #307887 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 307893 [details] v2 - print, showsource, autofill, dl_manager, add_to_bookmark, newTab, closeTab As above. (I guess the print comment actually belongs on this one; oh well....)
Attachment #307893 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton)
Attachment #307893 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Attachment #307893 - Flags: review+
Reaction from a 10years old user (10.3.9): 'ii ne...' (good !) He only has the back/forward/stop/reload/new tab/bookmark icons on the toolbar. He particularly likes the bigger glyphs (arrows, crossmarks). For the size: are those created on a machine that has a custom colour monitor profile ? (iMac Calibrated_Buz, according to the metadata). Maybe it helps to convert them to sRGB in Photoshop. Then remove the metadata in the files (for shipping purposes).
(In reply to comment #11) > For the size: are those created on a machine that has a custom colour monitor > profile ? (iMac Calibrated_Buz, according to the metadata). > Maybe it helps to convert them to sRGB in Photoshop. Then remove the metadata > in the files (for shipping purposes). Ah ha! Saving them with no color profile can get the combined images down to 4kb (or, more specifically, about 3870 bytes). Thanks for finding that!
And just for the sake of bread trucks, we use the following method to get them small: 1. Open them in PS, convert the color profile to sRGB 2. "Save As...", uncheck the "Embed Color Profile" box 3. |tiffutil -lzw| on the file 4. Combine the 32x32 and 24x24 tiffs together using the following command (32x32 first): tiffutil -cat 32x32.tiff 24x24.tiff -out filename.tiff Let it never be said that I don't worry about bread trucks.
Here's the smaller versions of the icons. These are basically on par with the sizes for the current icons. One thing to note: changing the color profile might make these icons lighter for a lot of people. When reviewing, you should probably look at these now instead of the ones above.
Attachment #307887 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton)
Attachment #307893 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton)
Comment on attachment 308259 [details] v1/v2 combined using steps in comment 13 [checked in] pink should review these.
Attachment #308259 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton)
Attached image Screenshot on 10.4
Attachment #308250 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image Screenshot on 10.5
Attachment #308107 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image Screenshot on 10.3
Colors seem much better now.
Attachment #307887 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #307893 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #308247 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #308248 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #308249 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #308259 - Flags: superreview?(mikepinkerton) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 308259 [details] v1/v2 combined using steps in comment 13 [checked in] Checked these in on the trunk and MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH in advance of b3. Leaving open for the rest of the icons.
Attachment #308259 - Attachment description: v1/v2 combined using steps in comment 13 → v1/v2 combined using steps in comment 13 [checked in]
Does "for the rest of the icons" also include folder icons in the bookmar bar? (The default folder icons in Leopard look very different from those currently used in Camino…) Or should that issue be considered a different “bug”?
This bug is about toolbar icons (but we're not going to impose 10.5-like folder icons on everyone just yet).
Two after-the-fact comments from actually using these; I'm not sure if there's any chance of additional tweaks: - The shape of the reload arrow was changed somewhat, and it now appears less round and more smooshed, which is really bothering me. Could we have the old shape with the new contrast? - The front step that was added to the house breaks the bottom line that it used to share with many other elements in the toolbar, and makes it more busy. Can we shave that off?
Target Milestone: Camino1.6 → ---
Sam, can we get a status update here?
Flags: camino2.0?
(In reply to comment #13) > And just for the sake of bread trucks, we use the following method to get them > small: I added this to the wiki as
Might be too late, but I finally got time to do this... Better late than never? Tagging Smokey and Stuart for quick reviews. I don't have screenshots on various platforms, but I can if desired. I think I have a 10.4 machine somewhere.
Attachment #408195 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla)
Attachment #408195 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Oh, this includes icons for the three preference panes (Downloads, Security, WebFeatures) and six buttons in the download manager (cancel, clear all, open, pause, remove, reveal).
Attached file Part 3!
I found three more icons! Clearly doing this at 5 in the morning is a good idea. This set includes icons for the General, Privacy, and Tabs preference panes. These are pretty minor changes (although Privacy is a bit different).
Attachment #408198 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla)
Attachment #408198 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Comment on attachment 408195 [details] Part 2 - Better late than never? sr=smorgan I'm fine with landing these, but some thoughts in case we could get tweaked icons for a later version: - The Security icon projects up a pixel or two past most of the other pref pane icons, and because it's so bulky it seems very noticeable. It would be nice if it were a bit shorter to make a better line. - The high line on the Tabs icon makes the close button look off-center. Maybe if the gradient were less pronounced? I'm also not sure the new Reveal Download button is as self-explanatory as the old one, but I'm not sure if there's anything we can do about that.
Attachment #408195 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla) → superreview+
Attachment #408198 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla) → superreview+
I kind of knew the Reveal button would be the most uncertain one. We can stick with the old one if that's preferable.
> I kind of knew the Reveal button would be the most uncertain one. We can stick > with the old one if that's preferable. I hassled Sam some about this icon during development, but ultimately I think this new version looks much better (and much less dated) than the old Reveal icon, which I didn't find particularly self-explanatory to begin with. I have two major concerns, though: 1) We have no new Resume icon, which makes the existing one look pretty poor in comparison to the rest of the toolbar (smaller and fuzzier than Cancel, which it sits next to in the default set). I'd feel better about landing the new Downloads window icons if I thought there was a good chance of getting a new Resume icon (say, before 2.0.1). 2) I really, really don't like the new Downloads prefPane icon. It looks unbalanced (the head seems far too big), and I'd rather keep the existing one. Minor points for future tweaking, in addition to the ones Stuart has already mentioned: - The close button on the Tabs icon is far less defined in the new version than it was in the old one, so it seems to be disappearing into the tab. - Next time we totally redo icons, we should also try to get the icon heights more consistent in the Downloads window; the Clean Up broom is noticeably taller, and Open slightly so. Full set of screenshots on 10.5 here:
(In reply to comment #30) > 1) We have no new Resume icon, which makes the existing one look pretty poor in > comparison to the rest of the toolbar (smaller and fuzzier than Cancel, which > it sits next to in the default set). I'd feel better about landing the new > Downloads window icons if I thought there was a good chance of getting a new > Resume icon (say, before 2.0.1). Had you asked a few days ago... But I'm not able to work on one for 2.0, if I read the tea leaves correctly. I can give it a try later in the week, though. (does that icon exist in psd format ?) > 2) I really, really don't like the new Downloads prefPane icon. It looks > unbalanced (the head seems far too big), and I'd rather keep the existing one. dito > the Clean Up broom is noticeably taller, and Open slightly so. 2px and 1px respectively (large size), the 'Open' one is 'easy' to correct, the broom is quite complex. One additional point (and I agree on the points already raised): I find the dl_reveal a little on the heavy side. I commented on that when Sam first showed that icon in bug 450542 comment 16. At the time, I wiped up an alternative with a coloured handle. (it exist in both sizes)
Sam and I talked a little more about this, and here's a plan: 1) Philippe uploads his Reveal icon in ready-to-go tiff format and requests reviews. 2) Philippe works on a new Resume icon to match the size/sharpness of the other new downloads icons (sadly, no .psd files for these, either :/ ) 3) I apply an "r+ with exception of Downloads" to the existing attachments from Sam. 4) We don't land the new Downloads prefPane icon. 5) We land the other prefPane icons now. 6) We land the rest of new Downloads window icons (including Philippe's Reveal) now, with the plan to land Resume before 2.0.1 (assuming the current 2.0 schedule and Philippe's schedule don't change and allow us to sneak in Resume). 7) We file a bug on the various un-adressed nits from comment 22, comment 28, comment 30, and comment 31, and on the Downloads prefPane icon. 8) We mark this bug FIXED. 9) There is no step 9. How does that sound? Sam also noted that the new Downloads prefPane icon matches the arrow in the main toolbar Downloads icon (except the green seems darker in the prefPane icon) and the Open icon, but for whatever reason the "problems" with its proportions are more pronounced in the stand-alone arrow. Not landing that icon now (step 4 in the plan) saves us from making two changes to it in short order (or from shipping one that we have key objections against and never fixing it).
Attached image alternate dl_reveal icon (obsolete) —
Attachment #408243 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla)
Attachment #408243 - Flags: review?(samuel.sidler)
Attachment #408243 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
(In reply to comment #32) > 1) Philippe uploads his Reveal icon in ready-to-go tiff format and requests > reviews. Done. > 2) Philippe works on a new Resume icon to match the size/sharpness of the other > new downloads icons (sadly, no .psd files for these, either :/ ) I'll file a new bug for it. (If there are additional nitpicks on the existing one, speak up ! :-)) > now, with the plan to land Resume before 2.0.1 (assuming the current 2.0 > schedule and Philippe's schedule don't change and allow us to sneak in Resume). Wednesday or Thursday next week probably (assuming breadtrucks, earthquakes or lungs are collaborating)
(In reply to comment #32) > How does that sound? SGTM, except for: > (including Philippe's Reveal) (comment to follow)
Comment on attachment 408243 [details] alternate dl_reveal icon The handle is very noticeably offset from creating a line bisecting the circle of the lens, where it should be (looks like due to changes made to the lens in this icon.
Attachment #408243 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla) → superreview-
Comment on attachment 408243 [details] alternate dl_reveal icon Clearing review based on Stuart's r-.
Attachment #408243 - Flags: review?(samuel.sidler)
Attachment #408243 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #408330 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla)
Attachment #408330 - Flags: review?(samuel.sidler)
Attachment #408330 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Comment on attachment 408330 [details] alternate dl_reveal icon v2 I still prefer the "Part 2" icon: - I feel like the handle is still a bit off-center, although it's certainly a lot better. - The bottom of the lens at the larger size looks non-round. - The column lines are clearly visible through the lens, in exactly the same place they would be without the lens--it's supposed to be a magnifying glass, but this isn't magnifying. Also, looking at the in-context image, I'm not sure introducing a brown that doesn't match Open and Clean Up is a good idea given how close these icons live to each other.
Attachment #408330 - Flags: superreview?(stuart.morgan+bugzilla)
Attachment #408330 - Flags: superreview-
Attachment #408330 - Flags: review?(samuel.sidler)
Attachment #408330 - Flags: review?(alqahira)
Comment on attachment 408195 [details] Part 2 - Better late than never? r=ardissone, with the exception of Downloads.tiff
Attachment #408195 - Flags: review?(alqahira) → review+
Checked in all of the icons from Sam except Downloads.tiff on cvs trunk and CAMINO_2_0_BRANCH. Filed bug 524506 on the nits collection from comment 32 point 7.
Closed: 15 years ago
Flags: camino2.0? → camino2.0+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [camino-2.0]
Target Milestone: --- → Camino2.0
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