Closed Bug 392128 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Buttons too small in new download manager: usability/accessibility problem


(Toolkit :: Downloads API, defect, P3)






(Reporter: aaronlev, Assigned: madhava)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: [resolved by bug 395448][downloadManager-ui])


(1 file)

The new download manager has some tiny buttons repeated on each line. A huge number of people will have difficulty with these buttons: 1) seeing them 2) "reading" them -- understanding what they're for 3) clicking on these buttons. This includes just about anyone over the age of 65. I myself had to squint to look at the icons, and my vision is almost 20/20 still :) The first couple of times I saw the icons, I didn't bother to squint yet. It was a while before I troubled myself to care what they were for. Usability issue?
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Version: 2.0 Branch → Trunk
These are no smaller than the RSS/lock icons in the toolbar, or any of the bookmark icons, etc. We do need better icons, these are placeholders, but you're basically saying 16x16 icons aren't accessible, which seems like an argument you should have made a really long time ago....
It's a combination of problems -- 2 small icons, very close together, far away from what they relate to, and the outline from one of them blends into the background. I suppose they're far away because my download manager was sized to be larger than it needs to be with the new look. You have to visually line up the item on the left with the right icon on the right. IMO it's obvious that these download mgr icons are hard to see and click on, just by anyone trying to use them. I don't agree that I should have argued against a specific icon size long ago -- it's partially about the context the icons are in. For whatever reason, the icons in the URL bar are clearer to see and understand, and I don't think there is any room to make them larger. We don't really have much of a choice there.
I'm finding these hard to hit as well, I'm pretty sure it's the proximity of the two buttons to each other, in addition to the size. We will probably look into fixing this after M8.
Whiteboard: [downloadManager-ui]
Flags: blocking-firefox3? → blocking-firefox3+
Dependent on the new icons? We'll take a look at this after those are done...
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 3 M10
The circle icons are hard to hit for two reasons: 1) they are actually only 14 pixles 2) We try to actually click the picture and due to the circles being 14 pixles and rounded this causes problems since there is a good percentage of unused real estate and less perceptive clicking area since we try to aim for the actual picture. Square 16px icons would fix both of these mentioned issue and more space between the two would fix the problems even more.
We're not likely to get new icons before b2, moving to b3
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: Firefox 3 M10 → Firefox 3 M11
This will be fixed by Bug 395448 (hopefully).
Depends on: 395448
Whiteboard: [downloadManager-ui] → [resolved by bug 395448][downloadManager-ui]
Madhava: do you want me to instruct the icon designers to use a larger size, or are we just going to fix this with spacing?
Personally I really like the 16x16 (14x14 visible) progress bar buttons in os x. I think a 5 or 6 pixel margin should help with targeting (currently it is at 4 pixels).
This isn't a problem anymore -- the new download manager doesn't have image buttons anymore.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
We still do have the "Retry" button, though; is that a problem?
(In reply to comment #10) > This isn't a problem anymore -- the new download manager doesn't have image > buttons anymore. Yes, it actually does. For pause/resume and retry.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Assigning to Madhava since he's the UX team contact for the download manager.
Assignee: nobody → madhava
Beltzner: do we still want to block on this, we asked the Iconfactory to produce 16x16 icons, and we will now need to get them redone if you feel the target area is going to be too small.
Another solution might be to keep the current icons, but make the target size larger, for cases where you click a little off to the side by accident.
(In reply to comment #15) > Another solution might be to keep the current icons, but make the target size > larger, for cases where you click a little off to the side by accident. I think that's the right call. Seperate bug, nice to have, not a blocker IMO. The new icons (which have higher contrast between shapes) plus a little spacing will solve this. Connor's point in comment 1 is also on the money. This is WONTFIX.
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Flags: blocking-firefox3+ → blocking-firefox3-
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Maybe if there is a hover effect it will help with successful clicking.
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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