Closed Bug 40355 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

(see 22274) Extra whitespace under image in a table cell (standard mode)


(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)

Windows NT





(Reporter: nisheeth_mozilla, Assigned: buster)





(3 files)

Gervase, would it be possible for you to create a reduced test case for this bug? You did a fantastic job for bug 34688, which is why I'm requesting you. You'll be able to see the layout problems if you run mozilla with ENABLE_STRICT set to 1 in your environment. Rick, this is the new bug based on my comments in bug 34688.
Adding raman to the cc list...
Nisheeth - I've had a look at this. It seems very odd to be producing a "testcase" for something so fundamentally stuffed. Obviously, removing the document type cures the problem. Also, there's a missing </font> tag - adding that in produces something slightly less stuffed, but still very wrong. This may take some time; I'm currently using a build from the 22nd, as the 23rd ones wouldn't start. I'll wait until the tree produces reasonable nightlies again (tomorrow evening, UK time?) and have another go. Gerv
Yes, you are right that it is pretty "stuffed". :-) I just wanted to make rickg's life easier. Once we have a smaller test case it also become easier to see where the problem is. For instance, we can dump out the content model and see whether it corresponds to the HTML for that page or not. If it does, its a layout problem, if it doesn't its a parser problem. Doing a similar thing for a larger page takes up a lot more time... Thanks for taking a look at this!
There are a few problems here. First, this is an XHTML document, which should be getting handlined by an XML dtd, not the strict DTD. That bug is probably in nsLayoutLDF.cpp. Second, the source isn't well formed. This, for example: <td bgcolor="#FF9933" width="100%" align="left" valign="bottom"> <a href="foo"> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" color="#3333cc" size="-1"> We've changed our name! //NOTE THE MISSING </FONT> </a> </td> Both the XHMTL spec and the strict DTD will produce the result you see given this malformed input. I'll look into the cause of the improper DTD.
Assignee: rickg → nisheeth
Nisheeth: one other comment. If you take a perfectly well formed XHTML file and store it in a file (nisheeth.xml), then our XML system gets invoked. If you save the same file as nisheeth.html, then the strict DTD get's invoked. It seems to me that we need to work with jud to improve our file to mimetype handling code so that file extension is less significant than doctype (if present).
rickg - do you still need testcasing work done on this URL? If not, cool. If so, shout :-) Gerv
Gervase, it would really help us out if you could run this html file through W3C's HTML validator, make changes so that its wellformed, and attached that file to this bug report. Currently, this bug is invalid because it ok for a malformed HTML file with a strict doctype declaration to show bad layout behavior. Once you've attached a wellformed version of this file and that also exhibits a layout bug, then we need to explore this further.
Summary: Layout of this page is hosed when ENABLE_STRICT is set
Oops, I accidentally wiped out the bug summary in my last post.
Summary: Layout is hosed when ENABLE_STRICT is set to 1
Sorry, I introduced that malformation later. The bug definitely exists with well-formed XHTML -- I had tested it with the w3c's validator: The test URLs are: The latter doesn't validate because without the DTD, there are no entity definitions, but the only diff is the declaration: diff topicWithDecl.html topicNoDecl.html 1,3d0 < <!DOCTYPE html < PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" < "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
Also note that I had seen the problem when using a HTML 4.01 strict declaration, but it doesn't occur with the transitional declaration.
I am unable to look at this for the next few days; meantime, adding qawanted keyword. The work that needs doing is described above; attach a validated copy of this page, then break it down to one or more smaller pages which still show rendering errors. Gerv
Keywords: qawanted
Here are minimal examples, with and without the header. The first one validates OK with w3c's XHTML validator. The second differs only in the missing declaration:
WITHOUT STRICT DTD: topicWithDeclMin.html: Shows extra vertical whitespace underneath the "Post a new message" button topicNoDeclMin.html: Renders fine. WITH STRICT DTD: Same behavior as above. Attaching a dump of the content models and frame models of topicWithDeclMin.html and topicNoDeclMin.html with the strict DTD enabled. I couldn't find much difference in the content models except that some text nodes for whitespace that showed up in topicNoDeclMin.html did not show up in topicWithDeclMin.html. Based on that analysis, it seems like this isn't a parser problem, but a table layout problem. I am passing this bug on to Chris Karnaze, the table god.
Assignee: nisheeth → karnaze
Summary: Layout is hosed when ENABLE_STRICT is set to 1 → Extra whitespace under the "Post A New Message" button.
Removing qawanted keyword since minimal test cases are available now.
Keywords: qawanted
This may be a dup of 38633 but I'm not marking it because removing the doctype makes the bug go away. Also, when the </td> is put on a separate line, 6.0 renders similarly to 4.7. Tables seem to be doing the right thing but the block wants to be too tall.
Assignee: karnaze → buster
Depends on: 38633
This is just bug 5821, which was "fixed" only for quirks mode. It is correct according to CSS2. Marking as DUPLICATE of bug 22274, which is the INVALID collection bug for strict-mode testcases for bug 5821. See bug 22274 for more comments. karnaze: cc:ing you so you don't spend too much time simplifying testcases for dups of this bug... *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 22274 ***
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Verified duplicate.
Summary: Extra whitespace under the "Post A New Message" button. → (see 22274) Extra whitespace under image in a table cell (standard mode)
Daniel Wang: please do not add the bug number of the target of a duplicated bug to its summary. People can find (and click on a link to) that bug number by scrolling to the bottom of the comments - as long as people don't add more comments :-) Gerv
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