Closed Bug 40792 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

crash saving no-longer-exsisting file with file & ftp protocols


(Core :: XPConnect, defect, P3)






(Reporter: jmd, Assigned: law)




(Keywords: crash, regression, topcrash, Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] [nsbeta3+])


(1 file)

make test.html load file:...test.html delete test.html file/save as/ok see dialog, 'Alert', 'unknown error' confirm dialog, mozilla segfaults
Keywords: crash
Confirmed on PC/Linux with 2000052608. Stack trace points to xpconnect: #0 0x40369fe5 in NSGetModule () from components/ #1 0x4036968d in NSGetModule () from components/ #2 0x40367fe7 in NSGetModule () from components/ #3 0x400c29ca in XPTC_InvokeByIndex () from #4 0x400c2a32 in nsXPTCStubBase::Stub3 () from #5 0x41340e73 in NSGetModule () from components/ #6 0x41341622 in NSGetModule () from components/ #7 0x408c313d in NSGetModule () from components/ #8 0x4087f692 in NSGetModule () from components/ #9 0x4087f100 in NSGetModule () from components/ #10 0x400b212b in PL_HandleEvent () from #11 0x400b2066 in PL_ProcessPendingEvents () from #12 0x400b2d2d in nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents () from This regressed between 5/21-09 and 5/24-20. With the 5/21 build, there appears a message in the shell saying "Error closing dialog", this message does not occur any more in the crashing builds.
Keywords: regression
Crashes the 2000-05-26-08-M16 nightly bianry on WinNT; talkback not triggered. Changing OS to All. The crash almost certainly happens because the Save As is actually copying from the existing file rather than saving from memory, and isn't checking to see if the source file still exists before trying to copy it. It is generally a good idea to copy from a file rather than memory -- an RFE asking that Composer not require a page to be saved to disk before uploading was marked WONTFIX -- so, for safety, this check should be mandatory for all transfers from disk files, not just for this case of saving a local file back to a local disk. That would make the place to put such a check nsStreamXferOp.cpp or nsFileTransportService.cpp or the like, not in their clients. On failure to find the file exists, however, the client code should be notified; different clients may want to handle the error in different ways. In this case, the (l)user who deletes a file before saving it would probably prefer that it be copied from memory as a backstop, rather than seeing a Read-em-and-weep alert saying that the file can't be copied because it doesn't exist anymore (when clearly it still exists in memory) ...but it would be no surprise whatsoever if that wasn't considered a priority. CC-ing, who fixed bug 24996, where saving files was failing because the destination file didn't exist yet, which looks like the converse problem. But passing to XPConnect, because poking around lxr and bonsai, there didn't appear to be any changes to the file transfer code in the right timeframe.
Assignee: asadotzler → jband
Component: Browser-General → XPConnect
OS: Linux → All
QA Contact: jelwell → rginda
> It is generally a good idea to copy from a file rather than memory Please explain this. Are we re-getting files via http when we save them, or view source? This is very very wasteful for large pages, that need to be re-downloaded simply to view source. And if we have the source cached for that purpose, we have it cached for Save As as well. And if networking is working like this, file should be consistant.
> > It is generally a good idea to copy from a file rather than memory > Please explain this. If there already is a file, of if there may as well be one, it is more memory- efficient to copy from it than to make a copy in memory for the purposes of saving, uploading, or whatever. I'd suspect that saving from the browser copies from the disk cache if there is one. See, in bug 37023, "view source in editor forces save", the comment under ------- Additional Comments From 2000-04-24 18:05 ------- Currently view source in the browser *is* re-GETTING the page; there is a bug to fix that.
This also affects ftp. Resummarizing. I am filing a seperate RFE addressing the issues being discussed here. Nominating for nsbeta2 block as this crash could be way too comon.
Keywords: nsbeta2
Summary: crash trying to save no-longer-exsisting page loaded with file:/// → crash saving no-longer-exsisting file with file & ftp protocols
The RFE is bug 40867
> This also affects ftp. Please, a little detail. Do you mean that the same crash happens if, after viewing a document retrieved from an FTP server, the user deletes it from the server before trying to save it? Thanks.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-]
In a debug build (2000-06-09-08-M16), I crash here: #0 0x406bb056 in nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName (this=0x87a0a08) at ../../../../../mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp:1102 #1 0x406ba054 in nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod (this=0x87a0a08, wrapper=0x87a0a50, methodIndex=3, info=0x87395f0, nativeParams=0xbffff014) at ../../../../../mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp:780 #2 0x406b7d9e in nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod (this=0x87a0a50, methodIndex=3, info=0x87395f0, params=0xbffff014) at ../../../../../mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappedjs.cpp:309 #3 0x40130194 in PrepareAndDispatch (self=0x87a0a50, methodIndex=3, args=0xbffff0cc) at ../../../../../../../mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix/xptcstubs_unixish_x86.cpp:92 #4 0x4013026e in nsXPTCStubBase::Stub3 (this=0x87a0a50) at ../../../../../../dist/include/ #5 0x41e101b7 in nsStreamXferOp::OnError (this=0x8636650, operation=1, errorCode=2147500037) at ../../../../../mozilla/xpfe/components/xfer/src/nsStreamXferOp.cpp:144 #6 0x41e10ddf in nsStreamXferOp::OnStopRequest (this=0x8636650, channel=0x8636ee0, aContext=0x0, aStatus=2147500037, aMsg=0x0) at ../../../../../mozilla/xpfe/components/xfer/src/nsStreamXferOp.cpp:428 #7 0x40e30a9d in nsFileChannel::OnStopRequest (this=0x8636ee0, transportChannel=0x87a0d90, context=0x0, aStatus=2147500037, aMsg=0x0) with (gdb) print mName $3 = 0x0 (gdb) print mInfo $4 = (nsIInterfaceInfo *) 0x0 in const char* nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() { if(!mName) mInfo->GetName(&mName); <========================================= return mName; }
Bug 41060 "Crash on linux; downloading nav4.73 from (ftp)" and this bug are dupes. That bug also is about a crash in nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName after dismissing an "Unknown error" dialog. It may be a better strategy to mark this one dup of the other in order to get the fix in for nsbeta2 :)
I'm throwing this back in gagan's direction. But I think that law may have to get into it too. There are a number of things I want to point out... 1) First, the one issue that seems to distinguish this from 41060 : should this really be trying to refecth the file in order to save it? 2) We need to draw a distinction between the crash in the xpconnect code and whatever is making this get to the point of showing the error dialog. Even if I *don't* delete the file which the test tries to save I get: ************************************************************ ** NOTE: This report will only be printed in DEBUG builds.** * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "[Exception... "Illegal value" code: "-2147024809" nsresult: "0x8 0070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE)" location: "chrome://global/content/downloadPr ogress.js Line: 70"] [nsIObserver::Observe]" nsresult: "0x8057001c (NS_ERROR_XP C_JS_THREW_JS_OBJECT)" location: "<unknown>" data: no] ************************************************************ x:\seamonkey\mozilla\xpfe\components\xfer\src\nsStreamXferOp.cpp 386: Observe fa iled, rv=0x8057001C 3) The crash in xpconnect occurs on Linux but not on NT. When I run this on NT and stop in the debugger at the place it crashes on Linux I see that it is calling nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() for the purpose of building an error string as shown above. The line indicated in the Linux crash is where the object is calling a method on another object... const char* nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() { if(!mName) mInfo->GetName(&mName); return mName; } ... 'mInfo' is a refcounted (owned) member. It has a high refcount as it is used by other objects. The 'this' in this case has a refcount of only 'one'. I know that Bill Law has had to do some creative things with refcounting to make his interactions between various windows work without leak cycles. I'm wondering if we're running into a case where a message is getting sent to an object for which a valid reference is no longer being held by the caller? i.e. is the Observer really still validly held in the C++ world when the code tries to call it? On NT the refcount is non-zero, but I'm betting that on Linux it is zero. 4) I note that in the test as described (saving a deleted file) the message that xpconnect is formatting for display when Linux crashes is in response to a JavaScript error in the code: [JavaScript Error: "dump is not defined" {file: "chrome://global/content/downloadProgress.js" line: 353}] 4a) In the current tree you will not see the "dump is not defined" part of the message because xpconnect does not have code to extract and display that part of the JS error report. I have added that code and will check it in. 4b) The reason that "dump" is not defined is likely because the JS code was originally compiled and run on a thread other than the UI thread in a JSContext whose global object was not a window. This method is, however, later run on the UI thread when the error occurs. Since it was originally bound to a global object that lacks the 'dump' method the error occurs. This non-DOM JSContext is created by xpconnect for use when no DOM context is available for use (i.e. pushed onto a JSContext stack for the current thread). These 'default' JSContexts have only the JS 'standard' objects and the xpconnect 'Components' object pre-defined. I can add a 'dump' object. This will change the behavior of the bug, but won't fix the underlying problem. I'd be happy to help on any further xpconnect issues, but I think the underlying problems here are in either necko and/or the interactions of the dialogs
Assignee: jband → gagan
I think there is more than one problem in the file download error handling code. The big one is that all errors simply result in an "unknown error" dialog. I've put off fixing that pending resolution of a bigger problem, that file download just doesn't work well at all. But I've also seen instances of crashes when "Unknown Errors" arise. I believe it is due to a references to data members of nsStreamXferOp that have been zeroed out due to asynchronous Necko notifications. I can fix that easily enough. So I'll take this bug to fix that problem. This will eliminate the crash, hopefully. Making this scenario work is problematic. We could get the data from the cache, but I don't think local files are cached. And I don't think the original file contents (source) are maintained anywhere. The best we can hope for is to get a reasonable "Mozilla is unable to locate file:///C|/" message.
Assignee: gagan → law
I get identical behavior on Linux when I try to save an FTP file to a directory to which a have no write access, and the stack trace even looks the same. I wonder if it's the same problem.
Regarding the last comment, a crash on saving to a directory with no write access has been seperately reported in bug 45629, "when saving to a directory without permissions browser crashes", and previously as bug 23821, "No write permission on file: save file dies; no alert", FIXED (but now regressed?). Regarding the Additional Comments From 2000-06-28 19:11, does that make this bug a blocker for bug 27609, "Need more informative alert for file save failure"?
Nav triage team: Need to know how difficult this is to fix... law?
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] → [nsbeta2-] [NEED INFO]
could be a topcrash bug if related to
Keywords: topcrash
This bug has nothing to do with the cache. It will occur with any non-existing file on any existing or nonexisting FTP server. I.e. trying to "Save Link As..." any of the following URL:s will alert the "Unknown error" dialog. ftp://noserver.nocom/nofile.txt I'm using Linux M18 2000080208.
Steps to Re-produce :- Load this BUG(40792) page in Netscape6(Beta2). Right click on the following URL and "Save Link as " Abort Error dialog comes up and The Application Crashes. ftp://noserver.nocom/nofile.txt Build ID 2000080405 Platform ID Win32 Here's the stack trace from the latest crash. nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp, line 1112] nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjsclass.cpp, line 788] nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\js\src\xpconnect\src\xpcwrappedjs.cpp, line 319] PrepareAndDispatch [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\reflect\xptcall\src\md\win32\xptcstubs.cpp, line 102] SharedStub [d:\builds\seamonkey\mozilla\xpcom\reflect\xptcall\src\md\win32\xptcstubs.cpp, line 125]
Early N6 Beta2 input by talkback system :- nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 7c7a074d line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 40 Total: 40 OS: Linux 2.2.12-20smp URL: Comment: ftp download! YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHH Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15421213 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 621624f2 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 83 Total: 83 OS: Linux 2.4.0-test5 URL: Comment: Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15422207 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 621624f2 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 45 Total: 128 OS: Linux 2.4.0-test5 URL: Comment: Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15422412 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 1d71039e line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 12 Total: 12 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdk URL: Comment: trying to download a nightly build Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15431979 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName f80a22a6 pedjsclass.cpp line 1112 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 72 Total: 72 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: I was saving a page to a floppy disk. I removed the disk when I presumed that the save had been hadn't. I was alerted with an 'unknown error.' I put the disk back in and hit OK. It crashed. Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15432731 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 669bf136 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 7 Total: 7 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: Downloaded .zip file Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15434814 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName f80a22a6 pedjsclass.cpp line 1112 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 9 Total: 9 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: Just trying to FTP a file from RedHat Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15435849 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName f80a22a6 pedjsclass.cpp line 1112 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 5 Total: 5 OS: Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 URL: Comment: Just tried to see "What's new in Netscape 6" from Help menu Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15437144 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 27581284 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 1 Total: 91 OS: Linux 2.4.0-test5 URL: Browsing Web page on Local machine|Clicked Save Link As... Comment: I clicked save link as to download a tar.gz file from a remote machine. Ended up trying to save it to a directory on local machine I didn't have write permissions to. Download window came up Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15438901 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() c6790e7a line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 9 Total: 9 OS: Linux 2.2.14 URL: Comment: Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15439434 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 3b32dbf9 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 94 Total: 94 OS: Linux 2.2.14-5.0 URL: Comment: trying to download nutscrape 6 pre2 Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15439644 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 77afb0c6 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 85 Total: 85 OS: Linux 2.2.12-20 URL: Comment: Ftp browsing Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15440504 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 9f4069c3 line Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 22 Total: 35 OS: Linux 2.2.14-12 URL: Comment: downloading a file (actually saving it on disk) Stacktrace: http://cyclone/reports/stackcommentemail.cfm?dynamicBBID=15440934
Adding nsbeta3 keyword. With the previously mentioned testcases it is easily reproducible in the optimized versions. But, It is NOT re-producible in the Debug version.
Keywords: nsbeta3
nav triage team: marking bug as nsbeta3+
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2-] [NEED INFO] → [nsbeta2-] [nsbeta3+]
Source Around the crash jband 1.14 const char* 1108 nsXPCWrappedJSClass::GetInterfaceName() 1109 { 1110 if(!mName) 1111 mInfo->GetName(&mName); 1112 return mName; 1113 } Other useful comments by the users to reproduce the crash. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 12 Total: 12 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdk URL: Comment: trying to download a nightly build Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 72 Total: 72 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: I was saving a page to a floppy disk. I removed the disk when I presumed that the save had been hadn't. I was alerted with an 'unknown error.' I put the disk back in and hit OK. It crashed. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 7 Total: 7 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: Downloaded .zip file Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 9 Total: 9 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: Just trying to FTP a file from RedHat Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 5 Total: 5 OS: Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 URL: Comment: Just tried to see "What's new in Netscape 6" from Help menu Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 1 Total: 91 OS: Linux 2.4.0-test5 URL: Browsing Web page on Local machine|Clicked Save Link As... Comment: I clicked save link as to download a tar.gz file from a remote machine. Ended up trying to save it to a directory on local machine I didn't have write permissions to. Download window came up Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 94 Total: 94 OS: Linux 2.2.14-5.0 URL: Comment: trying to download nutscrape 6 pre2 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 85 Total: 85 OS: Linux 2.2.12-20 URL: Comment: Ftp browsing Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 22 Total: 35 OS: Linux 2.2.14-12 URL: Comment: downloading a file (actually saving it on disk) Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 13 Total: 13 OS: Linux 2.2.13 URL: Comment: using ftp to save a file to local disk Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 7 Total: 7 OS: Linux 2.2.12-20 URL: Comment: Saving the .rm file. An 'Unknown Error' box appeared...: Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 16 Total: 16 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: I was trying to download a tar.gz file Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 29 Total: 104 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: I tried to download M17 binary through "save as" in mouse menu Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 30 Total: 30 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: Help Menu => Whats New in Netscape 6 => Save Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 1 Total: 1 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: Attempting to view web site Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 19 Total: 19 OS: Linux 2.4.0-test5 URL: Comment: saving to a directory that I could not save to (permissions) Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 77 Total: 77 OS: Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp URL: Comment: trying to save a file Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 6 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: attempting ftp download Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 146 Total: 218 OS: Linux 2.2.14-15mdk URL: Comment: Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 3 Total: 3 OS: Linux 2.2.14-5.0.14c URL: Comment: I right clicked and selected Save Link As and *poof* Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 2 Total: 221 OS: Linux 2.2.14-15mdk URL: Comment: Trying to save (save link as) the first segment of Star Office download from Sun. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 28 Total: 28 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: uff%20by%20Limp%20Bizkit%29.mpg Comment: I was trying to download the file at the above location. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 120 Total: 120 OS: Linux 2.2.14-6.1.1 URL: Comment: downloading a .gz file. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 6 Total: 68 OS: Linux 2.2.14 URL: Comment: downloading excel file from website Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 86 Total: 101 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdk URL: Comment: Trying to download a .tar.gz package linked from the Linux Games homepage (Asteroids3D) and received an error "Unknown Error". The browser subsequently crashed. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 116 Total: 142 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: not available Comment: Netscape crashed before I could look at it. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 0 OS: Linux 2.2.16-3 URL: Comment: I was trying to download the i386 mozilla nightly build by clicking Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-07 UptimeMinutes: 2 Total: 2 OS: Linux 2.2.16-3 URL: Comment: clicked on link to download saint Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 4 Total: 4 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdksmp URL: Comment: Downloading gps3d a tar-bz2 file. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 9 Total: 9 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: Attempted to download a file (mime type application/zip). Mozilla Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 5 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdksmp URL: Comment: Saving m17 solaris using rightclick savelink pulldown menu Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 0 Total: 5 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdksmp URL: Comment: Downloading a tar-bz2 file via save-link pulldown menu Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 32 Total: 32 OS: Windows 95 4.0 build 67306684 URL: Comment: I was attempting to click the feedback item on the Help menu and then download the file it asked me to download. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 30 Total: 131 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdk URL: Comment: Attempting to download RPM file. The download box come up Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 59 Total: 59 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: downloading an mp3 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 27 Total: 27 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: lkback.tar.gz Comment: I was trying to download the talkback version Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 22 Total: 22 OS: Linux 2.2.17pre10 URL: Comment: crashed while downloading this pdf file Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 16 Total: 28 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: Comment: netscape 6 build 2 doesnt work i dont know why Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 39 Total: 221 OS: Linux 2.2.16-9mdksmp URL: Comment: FTPing the latest copy of rpmfind. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 5 Total: 5 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: Comment: opening the What's New page. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 5 Total: 278 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: During Download & Installing Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 3 Total: 282 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: Diring Downloan Net2phone File Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 119 Total: 119 OS: Linux 2.2.15-4mdk URL: Comment: Trying to download Realplayer 7 Beta 2 for linux. RPM format. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 192 Total: 192 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: Netscape6 preview2 will not load Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 128 Total: 138 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: Comment: when i tried to download it said that it didnt know that file and i could save it then it went down Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 127 Total: 127 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: ftp connection from qt site Comment: save as .... Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 182 Total: 182 OS: Windows NT 4.0 build 1381 URL: don't know URL Comment: clicked on rigjht button to save link Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 41 Total: 41 OS: Linux 2.2.15 URL: Comment: Downloading a tar file via FTP. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 7 Total: 7 OS: Linux 2.2.17 URL: Comment: Attempting an FTP download. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 27 Total: 27 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766222 URL: Comment: I just downloaded Netscape6 but am having trouble. Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 370 Total: 370 OS: Linux 2.2.12-20 URL: Comment: I was saving an image. The default directory was /tmp. I wanted to save it to my home directory. So I inserted the text /home/jamin in front of the filename Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 3 Total: 3 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: http/1.1 Comment: When I went to use the web browser a message came up: AdSubtract does not support HTTP/1.1. Please reconfigure your web browser to not use it. If you need help Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 497 Total: 497 OS: Linux 2.2.16 URL: Comment: The save link as button wouldn't highlight so i just views the page (a src.rpm) and was planning to just save page as Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 16 Total: 16 OS: Windows 98 4.10 build 67766446 URL: Comment: I set Netscape to be my browser for viewing my hotmail account. From my MSN Messenger Service (version 3.0 (3.0.0283)) popup window I selected the new mail messages hyperlink. It then loads Netscape but can't recongnise the text/html file it's trying to download or view. I then get and error that shuts closes Netscape. You have a great product that I've used for a long time Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 31 Total: 31 OS: Linux 2.2.14-15mdk URL: Comment: 3604 Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 5 Total: 20 OS: Windows 95 4.0 build 67109975 URL: Comment: opening local website Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 33 Total: 33 OS: Linux 2.2.14-1mdklinus URL: Comment: Downloading a file Build: 2000080712 CrashDate: 2000-08-08 UptimeMinutes: 2 Total: 299 OS: Linux 2.2.14-5.0 URL: Comment: attempting to save page to file ~/mtvcontrol
I can reproduce this on NT using the instructions in the comment posted by on 08/07. Something screwy is happening in this error situation. I hope it's not too messy. Hope to have a closer look on Monday.
Fix checked in. There was some old bug workaround code (relating to previous problems with window.close()). This code was now causing problems because it was being executed after window.close().
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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