Closed Bug 408961 Opened 17 years ago Closed 2 months ago

Progress spinners jump around when creating or closing adjacent tabs


(Camino Graveyard :: Tabbed Browsing, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alqahira, Unassigned)




Some STR:

1) Open some tabs, such that adding a new tab will cause the existing tabs to resize, or the scroll arrows to appear.

2) In a couple of those tabs (but specifically the last tab), open a page that will take a long time to load and thus display the spinner for ages; I suggest the Talkback reports list for any stack signature in the top 5 (the "Total" column on ), such as the URL above.

3) Now open a new tab; observe the spinner(s) not remaining over where the site icon/globe would appear.

4) Close the new tab; watch the spinners again jump out of place.

5) Try closing the next-to-last tab; watch spinners again.

I think technically the spinners are remaining "fixed" (i.e., inertia) while the tabs redraw their sizes and positions, and only then do the spinners appear in the right place again.

It's much, much more noticeable on my PBG4, but I can see it clearly on my MBP, too--with an added twist: sometimes there's a white flash of a square behind the spinning spinner.
I've been seeing slight sync issues on my machine as well, as well as the white square. I suspect it's a result of running the animation on a separate thread; I'll play with that.
Assignee: nobody → stuart.morgan
Target Milestone: --- → Camino1.6
Taking this off the 1.6 list since bug 415949 is the solution for 1.6.
Target Milestone: Camino1.6 → ---
Just so it's recorded here, running the animation on the main thread turned out to be unacceptably choppy, since Gecko doesn't return control often enough for smooth animation during many page loads.
Assignee: stuart.morgan → nobody
Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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