Closed Bug 41305 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

[key] <ctrl>d incorrectly sets keycode


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P2)

Mac System 8.5





(Reporter: rods, Assigned: ftang)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][p:2] fix reviewed by jfrancis. Wait for tree open)

On the Mac when a user presses <ctrl>d the method 
nsMacEventHandler::ConvertKeyEventToUnicode incorrectly clears the charCode and 
sets the keyCode to "4". Just before this call it correctly set the charCode to 
100 and had the keyCode cleared.
Accepting; Rod and I tracked this bug down to where the Unicode conversion is 
happening.  It's based on the event rather than the already converted character 
so we don't generate a 'd' or 'D' as appropriate.  :-(
This bug would be good to get fixed before we RTM.
Hardware: PC → Macintosh
I'd like to get this in for nsbeta2 but there are probably more important things 
to fix; adding nsbeta3 keyword since we need to fix this for RTM.
Keywords: nsbeta3
Target Milestone: --- → M17
ctrl keys on the mac are not set correctly, the expectation is that all ctrl 
keys work appropriately
Keywords: correctness
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
setting to nsbeta3+
Whiteboard: nsbeta3+
Summary: <ctrl>d incorrectly sets keycode → [key] <ctrl>d incorrectly sets keycode
Whiteboard: nsbeta3+ → [nsbeta3+]
adding priority to status whiteboard, not necessarily difficult to fix, but will 
take time to fix it right.
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+][p:2]
reassign this bug to Frank
Frank--I'm leaving on sabbatical for 6 weeks and haven't gotten to fixing this 
bug yet (sorry!); I'm giving this particular bug to you since I think the problem 
is in the Unicode converter Mac toolbox call (or rather when we use that call).  
Akkana has offered to help review this.

to whom it may concern:  The implication of this bug is that key events on Mac 
with a control key modifier won't work in xul.  We should fix this before we ship 
so that any keybinding with a control modifier will work.
really give this bug to ftang; Frank please read above comments
Assignee: brade → ftang
mark it as assign.
What does [p:2] mean ?
hi Frank -- the [p:n] markings are our way of determining which to tackle first 
-- [p:1]-- high risk, hard to do, time consuming; [p:2]not as high a risk, 
may be hard to do, may take a lot of investigation, etc.
Is there some test cases that I can use to verify this bug ?
You could add an XBL key binding for control-d to
xpfe/global/resources/skin/mac/platformHTMLBindings.xml, or a XUL binding to
communicator/resources/content/mac/platformBrowserBindings.xul, and then see if
the binding worked.
akkana- rchen/tao- 
>You could add an XBL key binding for control-d to
>xpfe/global/resources/skin/mac/platformHTMLBindings.xml, or a XUL binding to
>communicator/resources/content/mac/platformBrowserBindings.xul, and then see if
>the binding worked.

thank you for your comment. But I really have no clue how to do that. Is that 
possible someone can provide a xul for me to do that ? 
beppe- why this bug is important ? IS there are test suite I can test against to 
verify it is working or not working? Can your QA create test cases for me ?
add sfraser and jfrancis to the cc list.
sfraser Ctrl on Mac are used similar to the Opt key. They are used to type in 
special characters instead of as action key. We probably should do more research 
before fixing it.
Is that possible your engineer and/or QA can create a testing method for me? How 
can I know this bug is fix or not ? I really have no clue about XBL. It will be 
nice if your folks can give me something that I can verify the result.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][p:2] → [nsbeta3+][p:2], waiting for editor group to provide testing method.
For example, in xpfe/global/resources/skin/mac/platformHTMLBindings.xml, create
a binding under "inputFields" that says:

    <handler type="keypress" id="key_delforw" key="d" control="true"

(I just copied that line from the corresponding file in ../unix), then, in a
text field, see if control-d deletes the character the caret is on, the way it
does on Unix.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][p:2], waiting for editor group to provide testing method. → [nsbeta3+][p:2]
I test by apply the following patch (not intend to check in, just for testing on
my local tree)
Index: platformHTMLBindings.xml
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -2 -r1.1 platformHTMLBindings.xml
*** platformHTMLBindings.xml	2000/05/29 02:54:01	1.1
--- platformHTMLBindings.xml	2000/08/23 00:47:33
*** 7,11 ****
    <binding id="inputFields"
        <handler type="keypress" id="key_redo" key="z" primary="true"
shift="true" alt="false" control="false"
--- 7,28 ----
    <binding id="inputFields"
!      <handler type="keypress" id="key_home" key="a" control="true"
!         command="cmd_beginLine"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_end" key="e" control="true"
!         command="cmd_endLine"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_left" key="b" control="true"
!         command="cmd_charPrevious"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_right" key="f" control="true"
!         command="cmd_charNext"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_delback" key="h" control="true"
!         command="cmd_deleteCharBackward"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_delforw" key="d" control="true"
!         command="cmd_deleteCharForward"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_delwback" key="w" control="true"
!         command="cmd_deleteWordBackward"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_del_bol" key="u" control="true"
!         command="cmd_deleteToBeginningOfLine"/>
!     <handler type="keypress" id="key_del_eol" key="k" control="true"
!         command="cmd_deleteToEndOfLine"/>
        <handler type="keypress" id="key_redo" key="z" primary="true"
shift="true" alt="false" control="false"
Here is my fix
Index: nsMacEventHandler.cpp
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/mac/nsMacEventHandler.cpp,v
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -c -6 -r1.100 nsMacEventHandler.cpp
*** nsMacEventHandler.cpp	2000/07/20 00:13:00	1.100
--- nsMacEventHandler.cpp	2000/08/23 00:50:14
*** 785,824 ****
	= ((aOSEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0);
  	// nsKeyEvent parts
  	if (message == NS_KEY_PRESS
! 	&& !IsSpecialRaptorKey((aOSEvent.message & keyCodeMask) >> 8) )
  	  if ( aKeyEvent.isControl )
  	    aKeyEvent.charCode = (aOSEvent.message & charCodeMask);
  	    if ( aKeyEvent.charCode <= 26 )
  	      if ( aKeyEvent.isShift )
  	        aKeyEvent.charCode += 'A' - 1;
  	        aKeyEvent.charCode += 'a' - 1;
! 	    }
! 	  }
! 	  else
!  	  if ( !aKeyEvent.isMeta)
!     {
!       aKeyEvent.isShift = aKeyEvent.isControl = aKeyEvent.isAlt =
aKeyEvent.isMeta = 0;
!     }

!     aKeyEvent.keyCode	= 0;
!     aKeyEvent.charCode = ConvertKeyEventToUnicode(aOSEvent);
! 	  NS_ASSERTION(0 != aKeyEvent.charCode, "nsMacEventHandler::InitializeKeyEvent:
ConvertKeyEventToUnicode returned 0.");
! 	}
!     aKeyEvent.keyCode = ConvertMacToRaptorKeyCode(aOSEvent.message,
!     aKeyEvent.charCode = 0;
!   }

    // obscure cursor if appropriate
    if ( message == NS_KEY_PRESS
    && !aKeyEvent.isMeta
--- 785,828 ----
	= ((aOSEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0);
  	// nsKeyEvent parts
  	if (message == NS_KEY_PRESS
! 	    && !IsSpecialRaptorKey((aOSEvent.message & keyCodeMask) >> 8) )
  	  if ( aKeyEvent.isControl )
  	    aKeyEvent.charCode = (aOSEvent.message & charCodeMask);
  	    if ( aKeyEvent.charCode <= 26 )
  	      if ( aKeyEvent.isShift )
  	        aKeyEvent.charCode += 'A' - 1;
  	        aKeyEvent.charCode += 'a' - 1;
! 	    } // if ( aKeyEvent.charCode <= 26 )

!         aKeyEvent.keyCode	= 0;
! 	  } // if ( aKeyEvent.isControl )
! 	  else // else for if ( aKeyEvent.isControl )
! 	  {
!  	  	if ( !aKeyEvent.isMeta)
!    		{
!      	  aKeyEvent.isShift = aKeyEvent.isControl = aKeyEvent.isAlt =
aKeyEvent.isMeta = 0;
!   		} // if ( !aKeyEvent.isMeta)
!         aKeyEvent.keyCode	= 0;
!         aKeyEvent.charCode = ConvertKeyEventToUnicode(aOSEvent);
! 	    NS_ASSERTION(0 != aKeyEvent.charCode,
"nsMacEventHandler::InitializeKeyEvent: ConvertKeyEventToUnicode returned 0.");
!       } // else for if ( aKeyEvent.isControl )
! 	} // if (message == NS_KEY_PRESS && !IsSpecialRaptorKey((aOSEvent.message &
keyCodeMask) >> 8) )
!       aKeyEvent.keyCode = ConvertMacToRaptorKeyCode(aOSEvent.message,
!       aKeyEvent.charCode = 0;
!     } // else for  if (message == NS_KEY_PRESS &&
!IsSpecialRaptorKey((aOSEvent.message & keyCodeMask) >> 8) )

    // obscure cursor if appropriate
    if ( message == NS_KEY_PRESS
    && !aKeyEvent.isMeta

Basically, I just make it better indent.

sfraser, can you review my code. I will drop by your cube tomorrow for this.
I place a new version of nsMacEventHandler.cpp  under http://warp/u/ftang/tmp/
nsMacEventHandler.cpp if you want to grab the new file. It is modified from r=

Also my modified version of 
(for testijng only) is under ftp://ftang@ftang/u/ftang/tmp/
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][p:2] → [nsbeta3+][p:2] fix in hand, need code review
sfraser- jfrancis review my widget changes. 
I will reassign the bug to you after I check in the widget changes.
you can decide how to add those key binding for Mac. Maybe we can use some of 
the Linux binding ??? It will be up to you. 
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][p:2] fix in hand, need code review → [nsbeta3+][p:2] fix reviewed by jfrancis. Wait for tree open
Mark this bug as fix. Open new bug 50078 for the remaining control keybinding on 
Mac and assign to sfraser.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verified in 8/25 build.
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