Closed Bug 414204 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Add es-ES to all-locales for SeaMonkey


(SeaMonkey :: Build Config, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rpmdisguise-nave, Assigned: kairo)


I think I've got es-ES localization for SeaMonkey mostly in place (it should pass at this very moment, Sunday 27th Jan, 13:13 GMT), so it could be nice if we enter in tinderbox-builds cycle.

Regarding "unofficial" trademarks policies:

- Currently, I've kept the bookmarks shipped in SeaMonkey 1.1.x es-ES. These bookmarks include the localized versions of Mozilla en-US bookmarks (when available, falling back to en-US if I'm not aware of existing localized versions), as well as a bunch of on-line newspapers. While the amount of newspapers may be regarded as too long (it is around 10), I'd rather present it for evaluation instead of cutting it on advance, as newspapers tend to get angry if not included; we were accused of being political when we had to choose just one newspaper for Firefox live bookmark.

- I've stick to en-US searchplugins for the time being, but I'd like to introduce some changes (I don't think Askjeeves is popular here in Spain, and I can't find dmoz useful for a spaniard, either).

- Before including ChatZilla and Venkman (Reporter is already part of Firefox L10n), I'd like to clarify some issues in

Thanks for every effort to get this accomplished, Robert.
es-ES added to suite/locales/all-locales - SeaMonkey tinderboxen will start to report on from now on and produce nightlies that are put into

Note that open dependencies of bug 286110 will still cause known errors in those builds, namely in password manager, download manager and windows integration (strings for those still end up in en-US.jar instead of es-ES.jar until those old components get replaced with new ones).

About your other points:
- We know why we didn't include bookmarks in en-US bookmarks...
- you surely can change search plugins, we have no legal agreement with any of them currently - but make sure they can handle the traffic this might cause
- and feel free to ask any questions about the other extensions on the newsgroups :)
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Apparently, chrome/mailnews/compose/ and the updater directory are still missing in l10n/es-ES/suite/ and that's why the tinderboxen are red currently...
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