Closed Bug 415331 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

"other" category should not be selectable in conjunction with other categories


( Graveyard :: Developer Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: davemgarrett, Assigned: fligtar)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070914 Mandriva/ (2008.0) Firefox/
Build Identifier: 

AMO allows extension developers to select as many extension categories as applicable, however, they are allowed to select the "other" category in addition to any others.  The whole point of having a miscellaneous category is to list the extensions that don't fit into any of the other categories.  It doesn't make sense for something to be categorizable... and also not categorizable.  Letting extension developers do this clutters up the "other" list with extensions that don't belong there (because the DO belong somewhere else), and makes it harder to browse through the extension listings.

An example:
in categories:  Search Tools, Interface Customizations, Photos, Music & Videos, Social & Communication, Other

The first 4 categories clearly describe what this extension does and is used for, yet by allowing the label of "other" in addition to those it shows up near the top of the popularity list for the "other" category.  This is fairly pointless, and the extensions that do this drown out the extensions that validly need this category.

Reproducible: Always

On a side-note, adding categories to better describe extensions also helps.  Also, it might be a good idea to set a maximum number of categories to about 4.  Extension pages could artificially get more views by putting themselves in too many invalid categories, and while this doesn't seem to be abused that much, it's a distinct possibility.
Actually, devs are limited to choosing 5 categories but that is probably too much. I've recommended that we limit it to three to keep from spamming the groups. We should also enforce some logic (as suggested above) that says that Other is exclusive of other choices. Adding dependency on bug 424472 & targeting for v3.4 as well.
Assignee: nobody → basil
Depends on: 424472
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → 3.4
Sounds about right Basil.
Assignee: basil → fligtar
Component: Public Pages → Developer Pages
Target Milestone: 3.4 → 3.5
Blocks: 430188
This bug has been fixed on the AMO 3.5 Developer Tools revamp branch and will go live when 3.5 is launched (date not currently set).

There is a staging site available here:
Closed: 16 years ago
QA Contact: web-ui → developers
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 437744
Product: → Graveyard
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