Closed Bug 416779 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Implement "language packs" on the "languages and dictionaries" page


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: wenzel)





(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

All right, in today's meeting we decided to run some DB magic in order to mark the "extensions" that are actually language packs with the right add-on type.

However, they don't seem to have a uniform way of describing what locale they are focusing on (unlike dictionaries, most of which have a parsable GUID), so we'll be unable to put them into the list in the right order.

I have a feeling in order to do this right we need a new database table for "this dictionary or language pack covers locale x". Though this obviously needs additional GUI for the dev panel etc then :-/

Clouserw, can you comment?
A search for "language pack" is returning 38 possible candidates.

Given our discussion on today's call - we should try to get some resolution to this page and its design. If you need some manual figuring out of the locale for these 38 language packs, I'll be OK with doing that.
We're putting "Language Pack" as a separate type when someone first uploads an add-on, right?  So, could we just put a textbox that asks for what locale there?  (Or better, put it in the .rdf)

Filling in the locales manually in the db would work for the short term
Assignee: nobody → fwenzel
Target Milestone: --- → 3.2
Okay, I'll add a new field to the DB that holds the "target locale" for dictionaries and language packs (and is NULL otherwise). Devs will be able to enter a language code in there.

Displaying the dictionaries/lang pack page is then very easy, because there's no guessing anymore what locale they belong to.

Protection against screwed up language codes and such comes from the sandbox: Only dictionaries/lang packs that have a correct locale code assigned may be pushed public.
clouserw says:
- for dictionaries we need to store 3 new things:  locale, additional info, primary flag
- the first two are up to the developer, the flag is decided by admins
Blocks: 421129
This patch allows adding target locale and locale disambiguation info to dictionaries and application language packs.

Does that look right, clouserw?

Note that this needs some l10n, I am not quite sure what to do about that: If we want to deploy this change by 3.2, we need to give the fields names in the dev cp, in spite of l10n being frozen. Suggestions?
Attachment #308893 - Flags: review?(clouserw)
Attached file Incremental SQL
This is the SQL to be run on a current database, in order to add the two fields. It also fills in the target locale for all current dictionaries.
Attachment #308893 - Attachment is patch: true
Attachment #308893 - Attachment mime type: application/octet-stream → text/plain
Updated patch: It now contains l10n, en-US only.

Will work on the frontend (dictionaries page) part once this is reviewed.
Attachment #308893 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #308910 - Flags: review?(clouserw)
Attachment #308893 - Flags: review?(clouserw)
Comment on attachment 308910 [details] [diff] [review]
Updated patch, including l10n

Looking good to me.  It would be nice if we could say something about what the target locale means, just to make sure we're all using iso 639-1 names with optional country codes afterwards.  Not sure how to make that sound simple though.  In the mean time, r+
Attachment #308910 - Flags: review?(clouserw) → review+
Code changes (so far) are in r11250, l10n changes in r11251. The incremental SQL to be run is on the wiki, too.
I implemented the front-end side now. The attachment shows what it looks like when you add two dictionaries to the same target locale now.

Note that language packs still don't show up because most of them (all?) have the wrong addon type and none have a target locale assigned atm. I filed bug 422636 to have this fixed.
This is in r11265, and fixed. Please reopen if you notice anything I may have overlooked.
Blocks: 422636
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified; I installed them all (13) using Firefox
Product: → Graveyard
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