Closed Bug 419970 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Create newsgroup


( :: Discussion Forums, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: taras.mozilla, Assigned: justdave)


We need a newsgroup to discuss Pork, Dehydra, rewriting and static analysis projects
Assignee: server-ops → gerv
Component: Server Operations → Newsgroups
QA Contact: justin → justdave
Where do such discussions currently happen? Have that outgrown that group, or are they considered offtopic? Is static-analysis a future-proof name? As in, is it possible or likely that you may end up wanting to talk about runtime code analysis tools (for example)? Gerv
The discussion mainly happens on #mmgc currently. We want a group so that people who are not mozilla hackers (GCC devs, etc) can have a place to discuss tools such as gcc-dehydra. And yes, the name is future-proof because we're explicitly limiting discussion to static analysis tools. Runtime analysis would be handled elsewhere.
Fair enough. Thanks for the clarification :-) Reassigning to justdave. Gerv
Assignee: gerv → justdave
Assignee: justdave → server-ops
Assignee: server-ops → mrz
Emailed giganews for group, waiting for confirmation.
Whiteboard: waiting on giganews #841852
Cody at Giganews ISP Support wrote: > Hello Matthew, > > This group has been added. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. >
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I assume this needs to be re-opened, with "waiting for Google" in the Whiteboard. :-) The group does not exist yet on Google Groups. <>
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Dave, shouldn't this have been automatically created? I see it listed at but I'm not sure how to ping Google to read that file.
Assignee: mrz → justdave
check the access logs and see if they've been hitting it recently. They usually hit it once daily, right about midnight pacific.
yup. (google ip) - - [05/Mar/2008:00:02:06 -0800] "GET /newsgroups.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 2621 They're hitting it, so if it was there this morning at midnight, something's broken.
I mailed Google to find out what's up.
Whiteboard: waiting on giganews #841852 → waiting on Google
Has any post been made to the newsgroup yet? I thought Google didn't start showing the group until somebody actually posted to it...
Looks like the Google Groups is up.
I posted a message to the list yesterday and it still hasn't shown up in the newsgroup.
I see two messages from you in both the newsgroup and the Google Group. <news://> <news://> You're probably experiencing this <>. If you close Thunderbird, and delete the file from your profile directory, that should fix it.
Message from today actually made it on the newsgroup. Looks like it's working.
I never heard back from Google, but it looks like it's all there and working now. The timing on when it started working is in line with when I mailed them so they probably just forgot to reply to say they fixed it.
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: waiting on Google
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