Bug 42318
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
Offline: menu item in browser
(Core :: Networking, defect, P3)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: bugzilla)
(Keywords: verifyme)
(6 files)
1016 bytes,
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3.09 KB,
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3.09 KB,
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3.09 KB,
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2.30 KB,
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884 bytes,
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Similar to 42255, but for the browser.
The items in the File | Offline > submen don't work (aren't visible). I have a
fix for this.
Assignee | ||
Comment 1•25 years ago
german, I was looking at the spec at and noticed that
Offline > is supposed to come before all the print commands on the File
menu...this isn't the way it is now. Have things changed, or should I update
it to match the spec? (personally, I like the Offline > submenu below the print
commands, but nav4 did have it above the print commands.)
Target Milestone: --- → M17
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•25 years ago
Comment 3•25 years ago
chatted w/tever, who sez he'll take Offline bugs (for qa); will reassign to
Networking component, but keep the developer unchanged. (thanks, tever!)
Component: XP Apps → Networking
QA Contact: sairuh → tever
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•25 years ago
Lisa just told me that there's no plans for the nav4 Synchronize feature in
MailNews. However, I see that there's currently a (turned off)
disabled "Synchronize..." feature in the browser Offline submenu, which is why
it's a submenu in the first place (rather than just File | "Work Online"
or "Work Offline"). If we were to have the Synchronize feature, I'd expect
that it'd be global (in both MailNews and the browser). Does this mean we
don't plan on supporting synchronize? This must be the case, because afaik
there's no backend for it. Please let me know and I can make the MailNews and
browser menu items consistent, rather than the browser having a submenu and
MailNews just having one menu item (bug 42255).
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•25 years ago
OK, I've been told there's likely no plans for the synchronize feature
(whatever it was). Removing it (and will post new diffs)...
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•25 years ago
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Comment 7•25 years ago
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Comment 8•25 years ago
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Comment 9•25 years ago
OK - I've attached 3 screenshots which are our options here. Let me know which
one you like best, and which one you thing is best from a usability
standpoint. (Note: these screenshots are missing the access key for the menu
Also: per comments in bug 42255, it sounds like this menu item is going to be
changed from "Work" to "Go". Still, you can decide from the screenshots which
location is best.
Comment 10•25 years ago
I recommend option #3. Where not constrained by semantic similarity (putting
similar items together) and logical order (e.g. creation-related items come
before processing-related items come before destruction-related items), menu
items should generally be arranged with the most common first and the least
common last.
`Work Offline' will probably be the third-least commonly used item in the `File'
menu -- behind `Close' (because you always use the keyboard shortcut or the
window gadget, instead of the menu item) and `Page Setup ...' (because you
usually only use one paper size).
So `Work Offline' would be the third from bottom in the `File' menu, above `Page
Setup' and `Close', until we apply the semantic and logical ordering constraints:
* the position of `Page Setup ...' is constrained by its relationship with
`Print ...', so it goes above `Work Offline';
* German has decreed that `Close' should be near the top of the `File' menu,
instead of at the bottom, a decision I think he'll live to regret (see bug
22222), so it goes above `Work Offline' too;
* convention dictates that `Quit' is always the last item in the `File' menu, so
it goes below `Work Offline'.
So we end up with `Work Offline' being the second from bottom in the `File' menu,
above `Quit'. As in option #3.
When the synchronization feature is introduced, I'd prefer that `Go Offline'
became a `...' item (asking if you want to synchronize before you go off-line, or
if you want to Go Online just for the purposes of synchronizing) than that it
became a submenu, for simplicity's sake.
As for the mnemonic: Aphrodite uses `L', because (a) it's present whether the
menu item refers to `On_line' or `Off_line', (b) it's immune to changes in
whether you use `Work Off_line' or `Go Off_line', and (c) it's immune to changes
in whether there is a single `Go Off_line' menu item (as I suggested above) or an
`Off_line' submenu (with two submenu items). But then, Aphrodite doesn't have an
`Open _Location ...' menu item for `L' to clash with. For Seamonkey, it looks
like your mnemonic is going to have to be either `W' or `G', so it's going to
have trouble with both (b) and (c).
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•25 years ago
Matthew - thanks for the ui comments, all sounded pretty good to me. Although,
you mentioned "when the synchronize feature is introduced" -- afaik, there will
be no synchronize feature in seamonkey.
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•25 years ago
nominating for nsbeta2:
* have [easy] fix
* silly to have a nonfunctional menu
* better for accessibility (can't access icon in status bar with keyboard, many
might not know what it does)
Assignee | ||
Comment 13•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 14•25 years ago
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Updated•25 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 15•25 years ago
ben reviewed and said patch was fine. just waiting on approval.
Keywords: review
Assignee | ||
Comment 16•25 years ago
Comment 17•24 years ago
qa to me.
cleared keywords...
+verifyme until I hit the other platforms.
Mozilla 0.9 Win32+Win98.
changed summary for searchability
observe location of items in File Menu.
Use Offline and online feature, confirming the graphical icon at the bottom is
hooked up and the networking is disabled while offline.
Offline surfing does not return errors, but that is bug 45421.
Comment 18•22 years ago
VERIFIED: Mac OS X, Mozilla 1.1
The item is all the way at the bottom in Mac OS X (becaus quit is in the Mozilla
menu). Location of menu item bugs are not "networking", so any UI element issues
need to go to a new bug.
Whiteboard: checklinux
Comment 19•22 years ago
VERIFIED: Mozilla 1.4b/Linux
Whiteboard: checklinux
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