Closed Bug 424242 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Tracking bug for Build and Release of FF3.0beta5 (Gecko 1.9b5)


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: joduinn, Assigned: joduinn)




(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

This takes care of everything *except* the exact timestamp to use. We'll do a followon patch later just for that, when we get the formal "go".
Attachment #311042 - Flags: review?(rhelmer)
Comment on attachment 311042 [details] [diff] [review] bootstrap.cfg changes for FF3.0b5rc1 need this also, if you want to use new fast patcher mode: patcherToolsRev = UPDATE_PACKAGING_R3
Attachment #311042 - Flags: review?(rhelmer) → review-
agreed, we want the new UPDATE_PACKAGING_R3 so we get to use newly landed patcher. Nice catch. also fixed a tab/whitespace with anonCvsroot.
Attachment #311042 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #311046 - Flags: review?(rhelmer)
Comment on attachment 311046 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] bootstrap.cfg changes for FF3.0b5rc1 (v2) Checking in fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/release/configs/fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg,v <-- fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20 done
Attachment #311046 - Attachment description: bootstrap.cfg changes for FF3.0b5rc1 (v2) → [checked in] bootstrap.cfg changes for FF3.0b5rc1 (v2)
Attachment #311046 - Flags: review?(rhelmer) → review+
Depends on: 424489
Per bug 423635 comment 16, the pull date for /l10n should be 4am PST, March 20th.
Note: mismatch between and on whether l10n it should use PST or PDT. Proceeding assuming PDT is correct for now, while we wait for confirmation from Pike.
Assignee: nobody → joduinn
Attachment #311754 - Flags: review?
Attachment #311754 - Flags: review? → review?(nrthomas)
Comment on attachment 311754 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] followup patch to land timestamps for bootstrap.cfg Checking in fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/release/configs/fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg,v <-- fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg new revision: 1.22; previous revision: 1.21 done
Attachment #311754 - Attachment description: followup patch to land timestamps for bootstrap.cfg → [checked in] followup patch to land timestamps for bootstrap.cfg
Attachment #311754 - Flags: review?(nrthomas) → review+
Comment on attachment 311755 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] update buildbot master.cfg to use latest automation tag r+ Checking in master.cfg; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/buildbot-configs/automation/production-1.9/master.cfg,v <-- master.cfg new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20 done
Attachment #311755 - Attachment description: update buildbot master.cfg to use latest automation tag → [checked in] update buildbot master.cfg to use latest automation tag
Attachment #311755 - Flags: review?(nrthomas) → review+
I'm aware that tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/linux/ (on test_perf) isn't used anymore since that box is gone, but I didn't see any hurt in bumping it anyway.
Attachment #311828 - Flags: review?(nrthomas)
Comment on attachment 311828 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] Bump nightly version to Firefox 3.0pre/Gecko 1.9pre This looks fine, r+. Please co-ordinate with joduinn.
Attachment #311828 - Flags: review?(nrthomas)
Attachment #311828 - Flags: review+
Attachment #311828 - Flags: approval1.9?
Comment on attachment 311828 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] Bump nightly version to Firefox 3.0pre/Gecko 1.9pre a=beltzner
Attachment #311828 - Flags: approval1.9b5+
Attachment #311828 - Flags: approval1.9?
Attachment #311828 - Flags: approval1.9+
Comment on attachment 311828 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] Bump nightly version to Firefox 3.0pre/Gecko 1.9pre Checking in browser/app/module.ver; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/app/module.ver,v <-- module.ver new revision: 1.27; previous revision: 1.26 done Checking in browser/config/version.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/browser/config/version.txt,v <-- version.txt new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18 done Checking in config/milestone.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/config/milestone.txt,v <-- milestone.txt new revision: 3.42; previous revision: 3.41 done Checking in tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/linux/; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/linux/,v <-- new revision:; previous revision: done Checking in tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32/; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32/,v <-- new revision:; previous revision: done Checking in tools/tinderbox-configs/monitoring/Firefox_trunk.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/monitoring/Firefox_trunk.txt,v <-- Firefox_trunk.txt new revision: 1.18; previous revision: 1.17 done Checking in tools/tinderbox-configs/monitoring/XULRunner_trunk.txt; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/monitoring/XULRunner_trunk.txt,v <-- XULRunner_trunk.txt new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18 done
Attachment #311828 - Attachment description: Bump nightly version to Firefox 3.0pre/Gecko 1.9pre → [checked in] Bump nightly version to Firefox 3.0pre/Gecko 1.9pre
Comment on attachment 311933 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] change bootstrap.cfg for rc2 Checking in fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/release/configs/fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg,v <-- fx-moz19-bootstrap.cfg new revision: 1.23; previous revision: 1.22 done
Attachment #311933 - Attachment description: change bootstrap.cfg for rc2 → [checked in] change bootstrap.cfg for rc2
Attachment #311933 - Flags: review?(rhelmer) → review+
Priority: -- → P1
Disable the rcN version in displayed version, and use bouncer for the files.
Attachment #313006 - Flags: review?(rhelmer)
Attachment #313006 - Flags: review?(rhelmer) → review+
Comment on attachment 313006 [details] [diff] [review] [checked in] Like attachment 302044 [details] [diff] [review], only the same Checking in moz19-branch-patcher2.cfg; /cvsroot/mozilla/tools/patcher-configs/moz19-branch-patcher2.cfg,v <-- moz19-branch-patcher2.cfg new revision: 1.23; previous revision: 1.22 done
Attachment #313006 - Attachment description: Like attachment 302044, only the same → [checked in] Like attachment 302044, only the same
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Release Engineering: Talos → Release Engineering
Product: → Release Engineering
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