Closed Bug 430316 Opened 16 years ago Closed 1 month ago

Visually indicate regional groupings in the fonts prefs (and make "Western" be the default selection)


(Camino Graveyard :: Preferences, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alqahira, Unassigned)



In bug 426964 we went ahead and re-ordered font langGroups geographically, but there are two unsatisfying bits that need more work:

1) We should make the list display the broad geographic regions (using disabled menu items) so that the method behind the madness of the ordering is more clear.

2) We should make sure that "Western" shows up as the initial/default selection even though it may not be the top of the list (there should be a region above it, but Canadian Syllabics should also be first in the list).  We may also want to persist the user's last-chosen langGroup here (or we may not; see below).

2a) We might want to let the default selected langGroup be "localizable", so that our non-"Western" localizations (Russian, Japanese; Chinese, Thai and Lithuanian, if those ever come back, or Turkish, if it ever gets done) can make the menu (and thus the font prefs) default to their langGroup.  If we do this, we may not need to persist the user selection (not persisting might be good if we have users who wander in there to change prefs for one langGroup and later want to change fonts for their 'default' langGroup and become confused as to where that one went).
(In reply to comment #0)
> 2a) We might want to let the default selected langGroup be "localizable", so
> that our non-"Western" localizations (Russian, Japanese; Chinese, Thai and
> Lithuanian, if those ever come back, or Turkish, if it ever gets done) can make
> the menu (and thus the font prefs) default to their langGroup.

Firefox does this by way of a Gecko pref that's localizable.  Ordinarily I'd say that we should do this based on our bundle locale detection code, but in this case that would mean having to maintain another set of mappings (which bundle locales map to what Gecko langGroups, which we don't want to do.

I'm not sure how we want to do it, but I do think it's a nice bit of polish if we do.  Is there any way we could make the code for setting the initially selected langGroup read that from some sort of localizable string, so that the localizers could set it appropriately for their localization?
Closed: 1 month ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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