Closed Bug 431253 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Create a single site for buildbot/talos/tinderbox documentation


(Release Engineering :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: justin, Assigned: lsblakk)



Per my discussion with John today, we are having trouble with the current array of buildbot/talos/tinderbox documentation pages when it comes to tier one support. We really need all of these sites combined into one with a single list of all machines we should do tier one support for and a clear, concise list of actions to take for each group of machines. Here is the list we currently look at: We should do the same for the password list, but not in this bug. Would like this sooner rather than later if possible given we had 2 issues with tier one support over the last week.
Assignee: nobody → joduinn
Priority: -- → P2
Assignee: joduinn → lukasblakk Now holds link to each of the documents that can be slotted into each buildslave in the IT database's "support URL" field. This will make it so each machine has a platform/class specific support document. Hopefully less fishing around will ensue. These are set-up but still have to be tested, there will be a phasing out period where the older docs will be re-routing and eventually removed
Leaving this open to remember to phase out the older docs in a month's time.
I guess there's also the need for the individual URLs to be pasted into the database for each machine's support doc - is there someone that can be handed off to or it is something that I could do just to get this completely finished?
(In reply to comment #0) > one with a single > list of all machines we should do tier one support for I don't see any list of machines and their tiers in the new page(s).
afaik the ui for IT database has the tier level as well as the machine name/support url - so it would be set in there, not needed on this page.
(In reply to comment #6) > afaik the ui for IT database has the tier level as well as the machine > name/support url - so it would be set in there, not needed on this page. The tiers need to be accessible to the public, too, as sheriffs need to be able to know what severity to set when filing a bug for a down tinderbox.
The intention is to have a once-a-day export of the relevant data in a publically accessible place. Don't think there's a bug on that yet but then there's a bunch of data entry to do still.
Now that bug#430525, bug#436595, bug#436404 are fixed, we can start doing the data entry into inventory app and corresponding wiki cleanup work. Bug#437533 filed to track setting up cron-export to public wiki. Once this bug is resolved, we can then safely delete out the public pages in comment#0.
Depends on: 436404
The VI robot is working now - can we close this bug?
Closing this bug now that the VM equalizer reports are running smoothly.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
How are we tracking actually writing the documentation ? In terms of Justin's original request for docs, they don't have what they need.
The inventory app is supposed to now have a link on each machine's page (is that now viewable by IT?) that is based on the links here: That was supposed to meet Justin's request - where the list of machines exists (inventory app) and that each machine has a custom link directly to the support docs for it based on whether it is build/talos/unittest and what OS it is running.
Product: → Release Engineering
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