Closed Bug 433408 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

please QA the Get Personal page on the new


( :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jslater, Assigned: stephend)




As part of Rolnitzky's partner program (bug 427649), we've created this new landing page that will be accessed from the revised First Run page. We're still waiting on content for a few of the links (will be supplied by the partners), but please go ahead and work your QA magic. Thanks, John
Slipped my radar, sorry; will get to it ASAP.
[1] All the "Install Now" links are failing because they point to "" (hyphen between add / on); while we do have a redirect in place for locale-prefixed URLs, such as, for some reason "" itself doesn't redirect (clouserw might know if that's a bug or just historical). In the meantime, please just remove the hyphen. [2] is a 404 [3] - 404 [4] - 404 (Just noting, I know they're alluded to above.) JavaScript disabled is fine and the page validates (just a note to self).
I've added the 'en-us' at the beginning of the URLs since that's the URL syntac we were told to use for Add-ons links (r14160).
(In reply to comment #3) > I've added the 'en-us' at the beginning of the URLs since that's the URL syntac > we were told to use for Add-ons links (r14160). Steven: not yet seeing that reflected on
(In reply to comment #4) > Steven: not yet seeing that reflected on... That's probably because I forgot to commit it. It's in there now (r14204) - sorry about that.
When I clicked on the "Install Now" links, I get "Missing argument: file_id".
(In reply to comment #6) > When I clicked on the "Install Now" links, I get "Missing argument: file_id". I see the problem now - we copied the Install links from the Add-ons site. However, some of these links are platform specific (I presume the Add-ons site does platform-sniffing) and they are also version specific. Is there any way we can have external install links that will end-up pointing to the most recent version for your OS? Who should we put that question to?
(In reply to comment #7) <snip> > Is there any way we can have external install links that will end-up pointing > to the most recent version for your OS? Who should we put that question to? (I don't think so, but Fred or Chris might be able to help; I've cc:ed them.)
(In reply to comment #8) > > Is there any way we can have external install links that will end-up pointing > > to the most recent version for your OS? Who should we put that question to? > > (I don't think so, but Fred or Chris might be able to help; I've cc:ed them.) Unfortunately that doesn't exist (yet): It's bug 389037, I think. However, what you could do is link to the version history page maybe? There's Javascript version sniffing code on there to show you your latest compatible version at the very top. (see This, however, may not be the most user friendly page to be taken to as your first entry to AMO?
Can we just get rid of "install now" and leave "learn more"? I'd rather the people go to the site and get the OS detection, etc. and also see user reviews, ratings, other add-ons by the author, etc.
(In reply to comment #10) > Can we just get rid of "install now" and leave "learn more"? That's fine with me. David, will that be ok? Let me know and I'll make the change.
Definitely not ideal -- everytime you ask a user to make another click, you are going to see a dropoff in adoption. With that being said, if there is no realistic workaround to get the download directly by clicking on the link (and make it be the right platform), then we should remove "install now" for the time being. To make it more active, please make "Learn More" --> "Get it Now" So the 2 links on that page would be "Get it Now" [linking to the specific addon AMO page] and "View the Tutorial"
CCing fligtar for info on installing add-ons from We've done it before but I'm not sure the difficulty.
Depends on: 389037
We have an installation service on AMO that allows for whitelist redirection so that add-ons can be installed from, although it currently doesn't talk to the AMO database and would have to be updated for every new release of one of these extensions. I've targeted bug 389037 for the next version of AMO which will allow us to use the install service and have it keep pointing to the latest version/file for an add-on. I'll file another bug about implementing this. or Wil will.
Blocks: 437158
Thanks Fligtar. Can we use the whitelist redirection for a short-period of time for this particular page? That would be by far the best user experience and ensure we'd minimize drop-off from adding an additional click before download.
No longer blocks: 437158
Depends on: 437158
Is this something that can be done in time for the launch of the new site? If not, I'll switch to the single "Get it Now" link for the time being.
The add-on links have been taken care of in bug 437158 and the AMO portion of the fix will be pushed live tonight.
Assignee: nobody → stephen.donner
(In reply to comment #17) > The add-on links have been taken care of in bug 437158 and the AMO portion of > the fix will be pushed live tonight. AMO 3.4.3 won't re-land until this Thursday, 6/12, so I won't be able to end-to-end test until then.
Got a chance to test this post-AMO 3.4.3/3.4.4 landing, and it looks good, with just a few caveats (most of which can't be fixed by us): [1] Bug 411820 - FoxyTunes not yet available for Firefox 3 [2] isn't yet up
@ [1] - A Firefox 3 compatible version of FoxyTunes will be uploaded late on June 16 @ [2] - eBay tutorial will be live prior to launch
What's the backup plan here, Rolo, if your [1] and [2] don't come true? Marking as blocker as the QA results are hinging on things that are out of our control, and we need to be able to back down gracefully.
Flags: blocking-firefox3+
I could easily hide/remove the offending extensions at the last minute if necessary.
FoxyTunes has assured me they will be ready to go tomorrow evening (6/16). If by some emergency they are not, then hiding them is a good solution. In terms of eBay's tutorial link -- we can revert back to the placeholder link,
(In reply to comment #23) > FoxyTunes has assured me they will be ready to go tomorrow evening (6/16). If > by some emergency they are not, then hiding them is a good solution. Looks like FoxyTunes has been updated as promised. > In terms of eBay's tutorial link -- we can revert back to the placeholder link, > The link isn't live yet, but we're back to this placeholder anyhow.
So, dost that maketh this FIXED? :)
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED; see comment 19.
Component: →
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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