Closed Bug 434095 Opened 16 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Possible window leak (for page lifetime?) when using Fiddler


(Core :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: bzbarsky, Unassigned)



(1 file)

See bug 197919 comment 90 through bug 197919 comment 105.

The response sent by the server in this case is:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<?Adf-Rich-Response-Type ?>
<content action="/aquila/faces/authorized_home?_adf.ctrl-state=1037421319_7"> <fragment><![CDATA[<span id="homepageForm::postscript"><input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" value="!-4f0a1440"></input></span>]]></fragment>
<script>var hWin ="/aquila/faces/adf.task-flow?adf.tfDoc=%2FWEB-INF%2Ftask-flow-follow-ups.xml&amp;adf.tfId=task-flow-follow-ups","null","status=yes,toolbar=no,copyhistory=no,width=500,height=200");

I'm not sure what the client side does with it.  Maybe someone who has Windows on hand can follow the directions in bug 197919 comment 105 to test?
I can reproduce this with the directions from bug 197919 comment 105.
However, if I wait for a little while before opening a new popup, then the popup blocker doesn't come up.
Attached file testcase
I can also reproduce this issue while manually closing the popup windows this testcase creates every 2 seconds.
I still have the dom.popup_maximum pref set to 3.

Interesting phenomenon:
Let the 3 popups appear, then close them all 3, you'll notice that the popup blocker is still counting blocked popup windows. However, after having blocked appr. 8 extra popup windows (15-16 seconds), suddenly the 3 popup window start appearing again.
It seems like bug 260264 is also about this issue (or at least there is quite some talk about it).
The canned session is not quite the same as when connected to the server since when live it re-pops the same window if it hasn't been closed instead of opening another window.  When I try it, once I get blocked I can't open any more popups,  I've waited for several minutes and it's still blocks with no popups open.  I have to restart the browser to clear.
(In reply to comment #4)
> The canned session is not quite the same as when connected to the server since
> when live it re-pops the same window if it hasn't been closed instead of
> opening another window.  When I try it, once I get blocked I can't open any
> more popups,  I've waited for several minutes and it's still blocks with no
> popups open.  I have to restart the browser to clear.

I'm not sure what you mean. How can I reproduce this problem? You're testing with a Firefox 3 build, right?
We're developing against the but when I had this problem I tested it on 3.0 and it appeared to have the same issue.  I just went back and tried it on 3.0 and do see that if I wait several seconds after being blocked it does appear to clear up and I can again open the popup.  On 2.0 I am blocked forever.  Maybe it's not a big an issue as I thought since our product is a way's away from being released and 3.0 may be out by then but Oracle hasn't certified their ADF/OC4J app server on 3.0 yet.  Is this thread only for 3.0 issues?
Yes, no development is being done on 2.0, only fixing of security issues or topcrashes. (actually development of 3.0 is also halted now, because it will be relased very soon)
I wouldn't be surprised if on 2.0 there is really just a leak here...

The 10 second thing is likely bug 434096.
This can be closed since this bug appears to be fixed in 3.0, (except for the piece in bug 434096) Thanks for your responsiveness.  
Don, thank you for testing this!  That's great news.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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