Closed Bug 43614 Opened 25 years ago Closed 18 years ago

tracking bug for enhancements to editgroups.cgi


(Bugzilla :: Administration, task, P3)






(Reporter: justdave, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

See "show dependency tree" above.
Blocks: 43612
Depends on: 25010
Depends on: 43618
Depends on: 43619
Depends on: 43637
Keywords: meta
Severity: normal → enhancement
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.16
Moving to new Bugzilla product ...
Component: Bugzilla → Administration
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: other → 2.13
We are currently trying to wrap up Bugzilla 2.16. We are now close enough to release time that anything that wasn't already ranked at P1 isn't going to make the cut. Thus this is being retargetted at 2.18. If you strongly disagree with this retargetting, please comment, however, be aware that we only have about 2 weeks left to review and test anything at this point, and we intend to devote this time to the remaining bugs that were designated as release blockers.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.16 → Bugzilla 2.18
Enhancements which don't currently have patches on them which are targetted at 2.18 are being retargetted to 2.20 because we're about to freeze for 2.18. Consideration will be taken for moving items back to 2.18 on a case-by-case basis (but is unlikely for enhancements)
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.18 → Bugzilla 2.20
Bugzilla 2.20 feature set is now frozen as of 15 Sept 2004. Anything flagged enhancement that hasn't already landed is being pushed out. If this bug is otherwise ready to land, we'll handle it on a case-by-case basis, please set the blocking2.20 flag to '?' if you think it qualifies.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.20 → Bugzilla 2.22
Reassigning bugs that I'm not actively working on to the default component owner in order to try to make some sanity out of my personal buglist. This doesn't mean the bug isn't being dealt with, just that I'm not the one doing it. If you are dealing with this bug, please assign it to yourself.
Assignee: justdave → administration
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.22 → ---
Old meta-bug which got no attention at all. Doesn't make sense to keep it open except polluting our queries. Marking WFM.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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