Closed Bug 436261 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

[CSSLoader] CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically added and then changed from persistent to preferred


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: hiramegl, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008051206 Firefox/3.0 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008051206 Firefox/3.0 Is possible to load a css document using this code: var el = document.createElement("link"); el.type = "text/css"; el.rel = "stylesheet"; el.href = uri; var h = document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0]; h.appendChild(el); but if that document (the one in "uri") contains a line (the first line) like: @import url( "anotherfile.css" ); then "anotherfile.css" will not be imported. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. create a css and include an import 2. create an html with the javascript code mentioned above 3. load the html Actual Results: the imported file will not be loaded Expected Results: the imported file would be loaded
Component: General → Style System (CSS)
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: general → style-system
Summary: Not possible to import CSS files through JS code → CSS @import fails if the stylesheet is added to the document using JS
Sounds like we're either having trouble resolving relative URLs or resolving them relative to something other than what's expected. Do you have a testcase you could attach to the bug or a URL for one?
Hi David, Trying to create a small testcase I couldn't reproduce the problem. It might be a problem with my css rules. I will continue checking where the problem in my code is. Thanks for your answer!
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Hi again, I manage to reproduce the problem. It happens when setting the "title" property of the element. index.html: **************************************** <html> <head> <title>import css</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var el = document.createElement("link"); el.type = "text/css"; el.rel = "stylesheet"; el.href = "test1.css"; var h = document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0]; h.appendChild(el); el.title = "theme"; // comment this line to make the test work! </script> <p>test</p> </body> </html> test1.css **************************************** @import url( "test2.css" ); body { background-color: gray; } test2.css ***************************************** p { background-color: red; }
Resolution: INVALID → ---
Setting the title attribute makes it a preferred or alternate style sheet. Only one style sheet title can be selected at once; that's how alternate style sheets work. (The rel="alternate stylesheet" vs rel="stylesheet" is only a hint as to which title should be initially selected, but doesn't allow you to break the rule that only one title can be selected at once.) Marking as duplicate of an invalid bug.
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
(That said, if it happens in the really simple example above with no other style sheets, it would be a bug, but I'm guessing that you simplified the HTML and there's another style sheet with a title. If it's the former, then feel free to reopen and attach the testcase using "Create an attachment".)
Sorry, I do see the bug with the HTML you pasted; sorry for assuming that you'd cut it down further beyond what demonstrated the bug.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Summary: CSS @import fails if the stylesheet is added to the document using JS → CSS @import fails in preferred stylesheet that is added dynamically
Summary: CSS @import fails in preferred stylesheet that is added dynamically → CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically changed from persistent to preferred
So I've further found that: * if I set the title before adding the link element to the document, the bug doesn't happen * if I just set the title on a link element that's already in the document, the bug doesn't happen
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically changed from persistent to preferred → CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically added and then changed from persistent to preferred
Steps to reproduce: load attachment 323090 [details] Expected results: background of body is gray, background of p is red Actual results: background of body is gray, but background of p is NOT red
And I'm seeing this in a mozilla-central debug build on Linux.
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Attached file CSSLoader log
This testcase doesn't trigger the bug on branch because we block the parser for CSS loads.
The basic problem is that when the bug appears we're cloning a not-yet-fully-parsed stylesheet. The thing is, cloning will clone the child sheets (which aren't there yet in this case), and clone the @import rule... but when the import rule finishes loading the child sheet it's only inserted into the parent sheet of the rule. In this case, the first sheet. In reporter's testcase, that first sheet has been dropped altogether; in the other two testcases I posted it just has media="print" so it's not applied. This is basically a manifestation of bug 183348. It's also basically a duplicate of bug 290018, but this bug has a much clearer testcase and such, so I'd prefer to keep it separate.
Depends on: 183348
Summary: CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically added and then changed from persistent to preferred → [CSSLoader] CSS @import fails in style sheet dynamically added and then changed from persistent to preferred
Blocks: 445415
Blocks: 444723
Fixed by checkin for bug 183348.
Assignee: nobody → bzbarsky
Closed: 17 years ago17 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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