Closed Bug 454559 Opened 16 years ago Closed 14 years ago

latest messages must be always visible


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ezh, Unassigned)


1. Set TB's message pane that newest messages are not on top, but at the bottom of the pane. 2. Now click on the Inbox folder = TB shows the top of the folder, but since the newer messages are at the bottom, we see only old messages. 3. When the Inbox folder is not chosen and new message arrives, we click on the folder, then TB shows the bottom with new message. Bit on IMAP it takes some time, so the process looks like: - click on folder - top of the folder eith older messages shown (downloading messages) - TB changes to the folders bottom with new messages. Suumary: always show not the top of the folder, but latest messages.
Actually, when no new messages are downloaded you alway see the olderst messages. So you have to press the "end" key to view the latest messages.
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3?
When you do "show only with attaches" it also displays the top (oldest messages).
Eugene, you still see this in version 3.1? I'm thinking this is a duplicate
Component: Mail Window Front End → Folder and Message Lists
QA Contact: front-end → folders-message-lists
Whiteboard: [dupeme?]
Yes. I'm seeing this as of Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b13pre) Gecko/20110307 Thunderbird/3.3a3pre. Nothing changed. Selecting folder without new messages sometimes it goes to the bottom where the newest messages are, sometimes not. Sometimes I have to wait IMAP synchronize to bottom of the folder shown. I may do a screen cast if necessary.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Whiteboard: [dupeme?]
Flags: wanted-thunderbird3?
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